Liberals Outraged, Too!!!

Please do not bother explaining things to TM..
The little doggie in the avatar is smarter than the one typing.

I know it's wrong to gossip....but, I'm laughing so hard I have to tell this:
Yesterday, Ms. Truthie was complaining that I'm Asian and have a blonde a poster named Norwegan wrote to her "So, you're a dog?"

I can't stop was classic!

yes because your just that stupid

you actually think there are people who think dogs type

you actually think there are no female Asian superheros?

why did you choose a blonde one?

"you actually think there are people who think dogs type"

Ms. Truthie....

I just found this on Drudge:

"Study: Dogs Relieve Themselves In-Line With Earth’s Magnetic Field"
Study: Dogs Relieve Themselves In-Line With Earth?s Magnetic Field « CBS DC

I was wondering if you could verify same, or if you have any comment on the study?
PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

HAHAHAA PC lives in NYC?

Not the bastion of liberalism? I thought repubs were leaving in droves? Did PC miss her carpool?

Hmmm I thought PC lived in California which is even worse. That whole State stands to fall off into the ocean after being sold to China to pay off debts. Same with Hawaii that the Chinese military are already using for exercises.

Perhaps PC is my karmic opposite twin.
I'm in Texas and am a progressive liberal Democrat.

Where PC and I agree is we both seem to champion Constitutional principles.

I believe in both Rule of Law AND Inclusion, by respecting consent of the taxpayers and public, and mediating all conflicts by consensus (and/or separating policies and keeping them private where people/parties will NOT change their political beliefs/religious views)

Maybe PC and I are both fish out of water in our own states.

However, if I were in NY, I would be just as much a fish out of water
making Constitutional arguments from a liberal prochoice viewpoint.

I still believe if everyone stands together on Constitutional principles, we can check and correct the abuses in ALL parties, left and right. Better to work in teams, and promote POSITIVE solutions/corrections we happen to agree on. Instead of negative protesting, which all sides can do AD INFINITUM and never get anything fixed that way.

More power to you PC!
Hope you have a better year, since 2013 seems to have sucked...
PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

HAHAHAA PC lives in NYC?

Not the bastion of liberalism? I thought repubs were leaving in droves? Did PC miss her carpool?

Hmmm I thought PC lived in California which is even worse. That whole State stands to fall off into the ocean after being sold to China to pay off debts. Same with Hawaii that the Chinese military are already using for exercises.

Perhaps PC is my karmic opposite twin.
I'm in Texas and am a progressive liberal Democrat.

Where PC and I agree is we both seem to champion Constitutional principles.

I believe in both Rule of Law AND Inclusion, by respecting consent of the taxpayers and public, and mediating all conflicts by consensus (and/or separating policies and keeping them private where people/parties will NOT change their political beliefs/religious views)

Maybe PC and I are both fish out of water in our own states.

However, if I were in NY, I would be just as much a fish out of water
making Constitutional arguments from a liberal prochoice viewpoint.

I still believe if everyone stands together on Constitutional principles, we can check and correct the abuses in ALL parties, left and right. Better to work in teams, and promote POSITIVE solutions/corrections we happen to agree on. Instead of negative protesting, which all sides can do AD INFINITUM and never get anything fixed that way.

More power to you PC!
Hope you have a better year, since 2013 seems to have sucked...

"Perhaps PC is my karmic opposite twin.
I'm in Texas and am a progressive liberal Democrat.
Where PC and I agree is we both seem to champion Constitutional principles."

Strange.....progressives are far from "champions of Constitutional principles."

Woodrow Wilson was our first Progressive President...and he advised tossing the Constitution.

"Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws." … Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

But...Happy New Year to you, too!
Last edited:
De Blasio is a terrible thing for the Democraps just like Obama.

He will run NYC into the ground and people across the US will see it since NYC is sold as "America's city." Maybe the Today show will move to avid the filth.

When Wall Street loses some heavy hitters because De Blasio taxes them to death, people will notice.

I agree.

Honestly though. NYC elected him and you know the old saying.

You reap what you sow. Just have to hope he doesn't kill the city before he's gone.

Good luck to all those New Yorkers who didn't vote for this asshole.
Gee, just a few months ago you lot were protesting Bloomberg as the worst kind of liberal because he wanted to restrict the size of sodas being sold. But Bloomberg was a Republican. Now that a Democrat has been elected, that's far worse.

When Obama was elected, it was going to be the destruction of the US economy (like there was much left to destroy after Bush), and yet the economy has rebounded nicely. If income inequity can be addressed, the economy should take off as if jet propelled, since lack of disposable income for the lower income working class is holding back demand.

If the US can bring home manufacturing of hard goods and stop relying on cheap imports from third world countries, you could substantially reduce unemployment, but I don't hold out a lot of hope for that.
Gee, just a few months ago you lot were protesting Bloomberg as the worst kind of liberal because he wanted to restrict the size of sodas being sold. But Bloomberg was a Republican. Now that a Democrat has been elected, that's far worse.

When Obama was elected, it was going to be the destruction of the US economy (like there was much left to destroy after Bush), and yet the economy has rebounded nicely. If income inequity can be addressed, the economy should take off as if jet propelled, since lack of disposable income for the lower income working class is holding back demand.

If the US can bring home manufacturing of hard goods and stop relying on cheap imports from third world countries, you could substantially reduce unemployment, but I don't hold out a lot of hope for that.

1. "Gee, just a few months ago you lot were protesting Bloomberg as the worst kind of liberal because he wanted to restrict the size of sodas being sold."

No, you moron.....I attacked his Liberal side....the overreach in telling New Yorkers what amounts of soda they can drink.

But, I have made several posts congratulating Mayor Miguellito on following Mayor Giuliani's conservative policies for the economy and policing and restricting welfare.

Is that too nuanced for you?

As the great first Republican President said:

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

2. "But Bloomberg was a Republican."
Strike two!

Bloomberg was always a Democrat...he ran as a Republican to avoid a primary battle with the 90 other Democrats running.
I forgive you for not knowing that because you're not a New Yorker....and not too bright.

3. "Now that a Democrat has been elected, that's far worse."
No....a communist has been elected.
Maybe you're right....same as a Democrat.

4. "When Obama was elected, it was going to be the destruction of the US economy (like there was much left to destroy after Bush),..."

Did I call you a moron? That was far too kind.

"...the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession | The Weekly Standard

5. "...yet the economy has rebounded nicely."

Words cannot limn the degree of how wrong you are.
I'll wait while you get a dictionary.

It is the worst post-recession recovery.
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Worst President? - Forbes

6. "If income inequity can be addressed,..."
By government? are a double moron.

"The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state."
David Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge," chapter 32. today your first day out of the 'nervous hospital'?
PC, quoting extreme right wing neocon blogs on the recovery doesn't make me a moron, but it does call into question where you get your information from. The Weekly Standard is one of the least creditable sources you can find.

Unless and until the US turns back Reagans restructuring of the US economy, the real median income for middle class Americans will continue to erode in favour of the wealthiest Americans. This has been true in every economy where Milton's freemarket reforms were put into effect, including the US.

But continue to believe that the US economy would be better off on the policies which Bush doubled down on. That way, you can continue to justify greed, selfishness and abject rejection of social programs.
PC, quoting extreme right wing neocon blogs on the recovery doesn't make me a moron, but it does call into question where you get your information from. The Weekly Standard is one of the least creditable sources you can find.

Unless and until the US turns back Reagans restructuring of the US economy, the real median income for middle class Americans will continue to erode in favour of the wealthiest Americans. This has been true in every economy where Milton's freemarket reforms were put into effect, including the US.

But continue to believe that the US economy would be better off on the policies which Bush doubled down on. That way, you can continue to justify greed, selfishness and abject rejection of social programs.

1. You didn't have to go out of your way to prove you are a moron....I've stipulated same.....

Only morons complain about the source when the facts are undeniable.

"The Weekly Standard is one of the least creditable (sic) sources you can find."

Actually, it is you that is the least credible sources.
On the other hand, you are one of most certifiable.

2. Your NYTimes link includes one of those words designed to food stupid people..."relatively."
And it did.

3. "Unless and until the US turns back Reagans restructuring of the US economy,..."

a. 1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan -

Reaganomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this: “As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” US Department of the Treasury
1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
a. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
b. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
c. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
d. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
e. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) FDsys - Browse ERP
f. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

I’m proud of you! Not only are you a fool, but you have the energy to let everyone know it!

4. "This has been true in every economy where Milton's freemarket reforms were put into effect, including the US."

You could not be more wrong. You could try, but you would not be successful.

"Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

5. "But continue to believe that the US economy would be better off on the policies which Bush doubled down on. That way, you can continue to justify greed, selfishness and abject rejection of social programs."

One thing at a time: if the Democrat/Liberals had not decided on a policy of corrupting the free market, housing....there would not have been a mortgage crisis.

Greed? Selfishness? That's called ambition.
America has never been without social programs: January 6, 1657...formation of the Scots’ Charitable Society.

"Last year Americans gave $300 billion to charity. To put this into perspective, that is almost twice what we spent on consumer electronics equipment—equipment including cell phones, iPods and DVD players. Americans gave three times as much to charity last year as we spent on gambling and ten times as much as we spent on professional sports. America is by far the most charitable country in the world. There is no other country that comes close." summary....let's tally up what you know.

It comes
Gee, just a few months ago you lot were protesting Bloomberg as the worst kind of liberal because he wanted to restrict the size of sodas being sold. But Bloomberg was a Republican. Now that a Democrat has been elected, that's far worse.

When Obama was elected, it was going to be the destruction of the US economy (like there was much left to destroy after Bush), and yet the economy has rebounded nicely. If income inequity can be addressed, the economy should take off as if jet propelled, since lack of disposable income for the lower income working class is holding back demand.

If the US can bring home manufacturing of hard goods and stop relying on cheap imports from third world countries, you could substantially reduce unemployment, but I don't hold out a lot of hope for that.

When will you lib/socialists get it through your thick skulls that Republican and Democrat are political parties.
PC, quoting extreme right wing neocon blogs on the recovery doesn't make me a moron, but it does call into question where you get your information from. The Weekly Standard is one of the least creditable sources you can find.

Unless and until the US turns back Reagans restructuring of the US economy, the real median income for middle class Americans will continue to erode in favour of the wealthiest Americans. This has been true in every economy where Milton's freemarket reforms were put into effect, including the US.

But continue to believe that the US economy would be better off on the policies which Bush doubled down on. That way, you can continue to justify greed, selfishness and abject rejection of social programs.

In what way did the Reagan administration 'restructure the American economy"?
Please show examples where the middle class has 'eroded'.
Like it or not, we are ALL capitalists.
Reaganomics - the idea that cutting taxes would increase revenues. It did, but only because the government went on a wild military spending spree at the same time, pumping millions into upgrading the army with smart weapons, and the failed "Star Wars" initiative. At the same time, Reagan tried to cut social spending, vilifying and blaming the poor, whose numbers increased under his programs.

Reagan's policies lead to the stagnation of wages for the working classes, which continues to this day. They also lead to increased volitility in the stock market, and to the greatest transfer of wealth to the top 1% of individuals and corporations in the history of the world. Again, this continues to this day, although now conservatives are blaming Obama for things not improving for the middle class.

I was taught that a strong social safety net was a necessary component of a healthy capitalistic society. It is the price capitalism must pay for the opportunities it gives. American conservatives want capitalism, without paying that price. And they continue to believe in the fantasy that you can cut taxes AND raise revenues. I can only think that they must believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy as well.

You want to cut education spending, cut social security and Medicaid, and keep your military spending intact, all without raising taxes. Your Congress is deadlocked, unable to pass much of anything, and conservatives seem determined to destroy the country, rather than let the results of the last two elections stand.

When I read this message board, and posts of people such as yourself, it's easy to understand why your country is in the mess it's in, and why you would elect someone like Bush - twice. The rest of the world just shakes it's head at the greed and selfishness, and yes, racism, we see on display in US politics. Right wingers won't work with the left, on any score. You refuse to accept the results of the elections because you don't respect the idea that taxes are the price you pay for living in a modern, clean, and safe democracy. You are willing to fund the largest army in the world, but not the education and medical care for your own people.

To the rest of the world, it makes no sense whatsoever.
Reaganomics - the idea that cutting taxes would increase revenues. It did, but only because the government went on a wild military spending spree at the same time, pumping millions into upgrading the army with smart weapons, and the failed "Star Wars" initiative. At the same time, Reagan tried to cut social spending, vilifying and blaming the poor, whose numbers increased under his programs.

Reagan's policies lead to the stagnation of wages for the working classes, which continues to this day. They also lead to increased volitility in the stock market, and to the greatest transfer of wealth to the top 1% of individuals and corporations in the history of the world. Again, this continues to this day, although now conservatives are blaming Obama for things not improving for the middle class.

I was taught that a strong social safety net was a necessary component of a healthy capitalistic society. It is the price capitalism must pay for the opportunities it gives. American conservatives want capitalism, without paying that price. And they continue to believe in the fantasy that you can cut taxes AND raise revenues. I can only think that they must believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy as well.

I was taught that a strong social safety net was a necessary component of a healthy capitalistic society., and keep your military spending intact, all without raising taxes. Your Congress is deadlocked, unable to pass much of anything, and conservatives seem determined to destroy the country, rather than let the results of the last two elections stand.

When I read this message board, and posts of people such as yourself, it's easy to understand why your country is in the mess it's in, and why you would elect someone like Bush - twice. The rest of the world just shakes it's head at the greed and selfishness, and yes, racism, we see on display in US politics. Right wingers won't work with the left, on any score. You refuse to accept the results of the elections because you don't respect the idea that taxes are the price you pay for living in a modern, clean, and safe democracy. You are willing to fund the largest army in the world, but not the education and medical care for your own people.

To the rest of the world, it makes no sense whatsoever.

Ok...I guess I will have for specifics again.
Explain HOW Reagan's policies allegedly led to the stagnation of wages.
Before the next request. There has never been a cut in the baseline budget of social spending under any president. Only reductions in increases.
Now, show the numbers that back up your claim of a "cut" in social spending during Reagan's 8 yrs.
BTW, what is so horrible about cutting programs where waste and fraud make up a large portion of the spending?
"Reagan's policies lead to the stagnation of wages for the working classes, which continues to this day. They also lead to increased volitility in the stock market, and to the greatest transfer of wealth to the top 1% of individuals and corporations in the history of the world. Again, this continues to this day, although now conservatives are blaming Obama for things not improving for the middle class."
So now you libs have finally figured out you can no longer blame Bush without getting called on it, so you now target Reagan?....Yer kidding right?
You people just refuse to accept the fact that you voted for a guy( twice) who is in way over his head. And a guy who's ego is too large to allow him to seek the advice of those who know more. Obama knows nothing of business, finance, economy or job creation. He doesn't have to know. He does not care. Obama is a dyed in the wool socialist. He believes that creation of wealth and economic expansion are the primary reasons why there are poor people in the cities. He sees suburban and exurban expansion as not people moving up by realizing the American Dream. No he sees people who have fled the cities because of racial hatred. He believes these people must be punished for this.
Umm..Dearest...Volatility in the financial markets is an illusion.
First, there is about 1,000 times more daily trading volume today than there was 30 years ago. Yes, in the 70's and 80's the average number of shares traded on the NYSE was measured in the millions. Now a day's trading amounts in the tens of billions.
Back then, actual stock certificates were traded back and forth. This was replaced by electronic trading. Where trades took an entire day, now take seconds.
"I was taught that a strong social safety net was a necessary component of a healthy capitalistic society."
Who taught you that a social safety net should grow and exist unchecked. That said safety net should have no checks to make sure no one is gaming the system?
Ok...I just realized that in reading further, you are not even an American...
On that note. MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING interloping socialist wench.
Here's a newsflash....You are not entitled to an opinion....
Canada...Thanks for being America's Hat...

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