Liberals Loved Birthright Citizenship... Till Whites Started Doing It.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
It was great when they were Mexicans. It was a great gift of diversity when the Chinese birth tourism was enriching our nation.
But then... White Russian women got in on the act. And now we have a problem? You don’t say...!

It was great when they were Mexicans. It was a great gift of diversity when the Chinese birth tourism was enriching our nation.
But then... White Russian women got in on the act. And now we have a problem? You don’t say...!

I don't have a problem with these Russian women doing it. But where's the outrage from the right about these women? They're always talking shit about brown and black women doing it, but are silent when Eastern European women do it.

The media has been reporting on it to show the hypocrisy of the right.
I don't agree with anything illegal. I agree that the DACA people should remain as Obama made them come out of the dark and now they work , go to college and contribute to our society. They were brought here young.

Those Russians had to fly here, they didn't cross the boarder and they were let in due to they are wealthy and white most likely. I read they are staying at trump hotels.
It was great when they were Mexicans. It was a great gift of diversity when the Chinese birth tourism was enriching our nation.
But then... White Russian women got in on the act. And now we have a problem? You don’t say...!

I don't have a problem with these Russian women doing it. But where's the outrage from the right about these women? They're always talking shit about brown and black women doing it, but are silent when Eastern European women do it.

The media has been reporting on it to show the hypocrisy of the right.

I find your lack of outrage in regards to white women doing this insincere at best. But hey! Keeping up appearances is important, when ones hypocrisy is being exposed. As for the “hypocrisy” of the right on this issue... I’m not aware of any groups on the right supporting, and promoting this practice. The likely reason one doesn’t see the right railing against this specific group is likely a numbers issue.
For one, these women are wealthy. They have paid their own way, and more importantly they entered the country legally.
Another reason would be that these wealthy women seldom, if ever, have any intention of staying here in the US. The overwhelming majority go back home.They aren’t taking advantage of our dysfunctional system, in order to gain citizenship, or residency for themselves.
Finally; (and I could go on) theyre simply a drop in the bucket as far as numbers go. They simply aren’t coming in great enough numbers to change the demographic, or political landscape of this nation. Because like has been discussed; they almost always go home. Unlike the hoards of third world trash that crash the gates, to get into our country, with no intention of ever leaving. And with every intention of bringing as many of their fellow parasites with them as possible.
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The OP really believes that American liberals, the majority of whom are white, hate white people.

What level of stupid does one need to be convinced of something so ridiculous.
The OP really believes that American liberals, the majority of whom are white, hate white people.

What level of stupid does one need to be convinced of something so ridiculous.
Where do you get any of that in the OP? Ohhh! I see... You didn’t actually have anything to contribute to the topic. You’d rather talk about me...
I’m flattered. Start a thread about Vastator. Let’s talk about it.
It was great when they were Mexicans. It was a great gift of diversity when the Chinese birth tourism was enriching our nation.
But then... White Russian women got in on the act. And now we have a problem? You don’t say...!

I don't have a problem with these Russian women doing it. But where's the outrage from the right about these women? They're always talking shit about brown and black women doing it, but are silent when Eastern European women do it.

The media has been reporting on it to show the hypocrisy of the right.

Such bullshit. The problem is with illegals and overstays. That includes people from anyplace who violates our immigration laws. I'd send those bitches packing just as quick as kicking a beaner back over the wall.

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