Liberals continue to prove they are the worst sort of racists...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
The bar of stupid set to new lows.... Chelsea Handler praises Louis Farrakhan for his 'powerful' rhetoric on race

Or Highs I guess depending on what part of the planet you live on....

I have asserted that liberals have thrust the bar of stupid to such incredible lows that it actually punctured the earth and was in orbit above the Indian Ocean...

Leave it to a Hollywood "celebrity" to push it out into the fuckin asteroid belt...

Comedian Chelsea Handler raised eyebrows for praising remarks from Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan, who has faced controversy for decades over remarks widely seen as anti-Semitic. The 45-year-old washed up lunatic "comedian" who most of us never heard of before took to Instagram on Sunday and shared an old clip from "The Phil Donahue Show" where FarraKLAN was taking questions from the audience.

The next thing you know bed wetting liberals are going to be eulogizing Osama Bin Laden. Maybe even Hitler... depending on if they they believe it would be politically expedient to argue "Socialism can work" because "Uncle Adolph" saved the Palestinians and built the greatest infrastructure known to man until the capitalist imperial western powers turned on him.

He accused the audience of viewing black Americans as "second-class or inferior citizens" and enforcing "black inferiority" by stripping their African culture dating back to slavery and pushed white culture onto them, citing "white names," the English language, and "white Jesus" as examples.

This was DONOHUE'S AUDIENCE... Quite possibly the dumbest bunch of liberal fuckheads to exist until their grandchildren were not aborted properly and now populate the ranks of Queen Antifa's militia. FaraKLAN is without a doubt a "Black Hitler", the only difference is that most democrooks support him, while only the old school Kennedy voters still support "Uncle Adolph".

Looks like the residual effects of the Kennedy's remain tangible in the DNC....

Kennedy rejected the belief of Winston Churchill that any compromise with Nazi Germany was impossible. Instead, he supported Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement. Throughout 1938, while the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Germany intensified, Kennedy attempted to arrange a meeting with Adolf Hitler.[41] Shortly before the Nazi bombing of British cities began in September 1940, Kennedy once again sought a personal meeting with Hitler without the approval of the U. S. Department of State, in order to "bring about a better understanding between the United States and Germany".[42]

After all... Uncle Adolph made the trains run on time.

The problem for Joe was that the soviets had done a much better job of infiltrating the FDR administration and the Democrook party in general.


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They do run around with Che shirts. That should tell you all about their level of stupid.
Who is Chelsea Handler, and why should anyone care?

I don't say all conservatives are butthurt racist psychopaths just because I see so many butthurt racist psychopaths here. Take a lesson. Nobody gives a crap what some nobody says.

So, any other fascist tactics you'd like to use? Hitler made up stories about how awful the Jews were to justify violence against Jews. The more violent Trumptards here fake stories about how awful liberals are to justify violence against liberals. What, you thought your Nazi tactics weren't obvious? You need to up your game, little brownshirts.
I don't know anything about Farrakhan, but what he said in the quote box is true. And why anyone gives a shit what Chelsea somebody thinks is beyond me. These entertainers and actors are the most self absorbed zany bunch I've ever seen.

I gotta agree with Mamooth on this one. Long OP to call libs Nazi's. Again.
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I don't know anything about Farrakhan, but what he said in the quote box is true. And why anyone gives a shit what Chelsea somebody thinks is beyond me. These entertainers and actors are the most self absorbed zany bunch I've ever seen.

I gotta agree with Mamooth on this one. Long OP to call libs Nazi's. Again.

At least you can acknowledge ignorance. I encourage you to read all you can about FaraKLAN.

It's no surprise mamouth is too stupid to educate itself. It's a posting bot.


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