Liberalism: Destroying America Through "Education"

It's no longer education, it's indoctrination.

You mean like whitewashing our history to say that America has never done anything bad like Oklahoma is doing with AP History? Because that's totally not indoctrination. (end sarcasm).

Thinking critically is not indoctrination, you should try it sometime.
Education is reading, writing, and arithmetic. Indoctrination is whitewashing liberalism. Telling kids that if they work hard all their life and make something of themselves. That they didn't really do it themselves. That America is bad. Rich people are evil. Being gay is okay. Got it?

America has done some bad things, that doesn't make it "bad". It's that it has flaws. So we should just ignore slavery? Jim Crow?Yeah that's not important according to jknowgood.

Being yourself is okay and if you are gay, that's okay. But yes, let's teach that it's not okay. There would be no violence towards a gay person for being themselves like in a small Wyoming town.
Get the perverts and 'Global Warming' psychos out of the class room. Maybe then the Public Schools can begin to rebuild. But until that day comes, Parents should definitely seek education alternatives. You just don't know who the Public Schools are allowing around your children at this point. Is it worth the risk?

Can we throw this bunch out, too....?

It's sickening. I can't blame Parents for wanting to seek alternatives. I mean, you just can't trust the Public School System anymore. Look at the pervert degenerates and political loons they're allowing to be around the children.

Why would a Parent wanna risk dropping their child off with pervert/political loon strangers for 8hrs a day? Not worth the risk. I recommend Home Schooling as a great alternative. But there are others.
Love how 'liberal' scum love to use Orwellian INGSOC to describe themselves --

'Liberal' No, they are not. dimocrap scum are THE most oppressive people in the American Political landscape -- What with their PC Word-Rulse, Food Rules, Soda-Size-Rules and their wanting to regulate everything in sight.... They're anything but 'liberal'

They are oppressors. Get in line or pay the price.

As to their political ideology? They stuck in the past. They're trying to disinter THE worst political and socio-economic system ever devised.... socialism

Progressive? Hardly. More INGSOC, more duckspeak from scumbag dims.

This is what the difference in Olympic Gold looks like across 56 years of women’s vault.


On the left, Larisa Latinya wins gold for the USSR in 1956. On the right, McKayla Maroney wins gold for the US in 2012.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. Their entire system, their entire party, their political beliefs are so onerous that, if they didn't lie, they'd be exterminated like the vermin they are
Love how 'liberal' scum love to use Orwellian INGSOC to describe themselves --

'Liberal' No, they are not. dimocrap scum are THE most oppressive people in the American Political landscape -- What with their PC Word-Rulse, Food Rules, Soda-Size-Rules and their wanting to regulate everything in sight.... They're anything but 'liberal'

They are oppressors. Get in line or pay the price.

As to their political ideology? They stuck in the past. They're trying to disinter THE worst political and socio-economic system ever devised.... socialism

Progressive? Hardly. More INGSOC, more duckspeak from scumbag dims.

This is what the difference in Olympic Gold looks like across 56 years of women’s vault.


On the left, Larisa Latinya wins gold for the USSR in 1956. On the right, McKayla Maroney wins gold for the US in 2012.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. Their entire system, their entire party, their political beliefs are so onerous that, if they didn't lie, they'd be exterminated like the vermin they are

Interesting clips

I have no idea what they have to do with this thread, but they are neat
So we now have Chic's take on the golden age of education, 1870-1979 now to get the period that liberalism destroyed that golden age. After thirteen pages of posts we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction.
It's no longer education, it's indoctrination.

You mean like whitewashing our history to say that America has never done anything bad like Oklahoma is doing with AP History? Because that's totally not indoctrination. (end sarcasm).

Thinking critically is not indoctrination, you should try it sometime.
Education is reading, writing, and arithmetic. Indoctrination is whitewashing liberalism. Telling kids that if they work hard all their life and make something of themselves. That they didn't really do it themselves. That America is bad. Rich people are evil. Being gay is okay. Got it?

America has done some bad things, that doesn't make it "bad". It's that it has flaws. So we should just ignore slavery? Jim Crow?Yeah that's not important according to jknowgood.

Being yourself is okay and if you are gay, that's okay. But yes, let's teach that it's not okay. There would be no violence towards a gay person for being themselves like in a small Wyoming town.
I look into the future, I don't dwell in the past. Move forward, isn't that what Obama told you to do. Being queer is a mental disorder, so if you want to be queer you have the right, none of my business but don't demand little kids be subjected to your perversions.
So we now have Chic's take on the golden age of education, 1870-1979 now to get the period that liberalism destroyed that golden age. After thirteen pages of posts we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction.

":....we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction." must be as dim as a 10 watt bulb.

I identified the problem in the title of the thread.....very first word, in fact.
So we now have Chic's take on the golden age of education, 1870-1979 now to get the period that liberalism destroyed that golden age. After thirteen pages of posts we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction.

":....we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction." must be as dim as a 10 watt bulb.

I identified the problem in the title of the thread.....very first word, in fact.
OK we now know that education was great from 1870 to 1979, and we now know it is liberals that are doing the destroying. I thought surely FDR was involved, but seems like he wasn't. So now the biggie, how are liberals destroying American education?
So we now have Chic's take on the golden age of education, 1870-1979 now to get the period that liberalism destroyed that golden age. After thirteen pages of posts we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction.

":....we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction." must be as dim as a 10 watt bulb.

I identified the problem in the title of the thread.....very first word, in fact.
OK we now know that education was great from 1870 to 1979, and we now know it is liberals that are doing the destroying. I thought surely FDR was involved, but seems like he wasn't. So now the biggie, how are liberals destroying American education?

Why don't you have someone with a more astute grasp on the language than you have help you to understand posts #19, 37, and 49....

,,,any third grader will do.
So we now have Chic's take on the golden age of education, 1870-1979 now to get the period that liberalism destroyed that golden age. After thirteen pages of posts we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction.

":....we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction." must be as dim as a 10 watt bulb.

I identified the problem in the title of the thread.....very first word, in fact.
OK we now know that education was great from 1870 to 1979, and we now know it is liberals that are doing the destroying. I thought surely FDR was involved, but seems like he wasn't. So now the biggie, how are liberals destroying American education?

Why don't you have someone with a more astute grasp on the language than you have help you to understand posts #19, 37, and 49....

,,,any third grader will do.
Maybe it's just as well you can't answer it would just get more confusing. Speaking of third graders, read your post.
So we now have Chic's take on the golden age of education, 1870-1979 now to get the period that liberalism destroyed that golden age. After thirteen pages of posts we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction.

":....we really should try to arrive at some educated answers to this destruction." must be as dim as a 10 watt bulb.

I identified the problem in the title of the thread.....very first word, in fact.
OK we now know that education was great from 1870 to 1979, and we now know it is liberals that are doing the destroying. I thought surely FDR was involved, but seems like he wasn't. So now the biggie, how are liberals destroying American education?

Why don't you have someone with a more astute grasp on the language than you have help you to understand posts #19, 37, and 49....

,,,any third grader will do.
Maybe it's just as well you can't answer it would just get more confusing. Speaking of third graders, read your post.

Now, you know I've never been not able to answer.

It's simply that your pretense ignorance becomes tiresome.

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