Liberal Professors forcing their opinions on students

It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

Any professor that is not teaching their students to think, speak, and write critically and analytically is a failure. More significantly, these professors who measure a student's ability on regurgitating professor's views is leading to the dumbing down of US.
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

How do you think this country came to be in the shitload of trouble it's in today? It started with the brainwash of school children. Those commie bastards do know how to gain control of the people. And Joe McCarthy told us it was happening in the early 1950s. IT HAPPENED.

You are the kind of porker that goes into bologna. Pathetic.

Must of hit a nerve, eh Jakey? Truth really hurts, eh?

The truth that you are a Far Right porker headed to oblivion.

You are what you are, and that sux to be you.
GEE just the opposite of yourself...a far left commie who wants to live the good commie life. Waiting in line for your weekly roll of toilet paper and cup of rice.
Interesting, the guy who dont want to debate substance goes after grammer, what a moron

Seeing as how you haven't said anything to debate, I was just trying to educate you. I can tell it won't work. But I tend to be an optimist.

But I got to tell you. If you go into the job market (to try and find work) correct spelling and grammar usage will mean a lot to your job prospects. True story.

"But I got to tell you."

Any professor that is not teaching their students to think, speak, and write critically and analytically is a failure. More significantly, these professors who measure a student's ability on regurgitating professor's views is leading to the dumbing down of US.

Well duh...where you been. The full dumb-down has been installed.
I was once quoted the Federalist papers (43 through 47) over the right to bear arms, and I received a D for "taking it out of context."

The only refuge left for those who prophesy the downfall of the State governments is the visionary supposition that the federal government may previously accumulate a military force for the projects of ambition... Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it. Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors. Let us rather no longer insult them with the supposition that they can ever reduce themselves to the necessity of making the experiment, by a blind and tame submission to the long train of insidious measures which must precede and produce it.

No wonder you got a D.

Explain? The professor couldn't either, and the Dean forced him to give it an A-.

Yes, that is an ongoing problem. They use their power to punish those students who dare to counter their propaganda with the truth. Punishing them with unfair low grades is one of their methods of intimidation. The goal is to indoctrinate these students so that by the time they finish school they are liberals. According to David Horowitz, 90% of all professors at universities, colleges are liberal. Sad, isn't it? There are more Marxist professors / teachers teaching in American schools then any other place on earth I am told. I do not doubt it.
HA!...Libs have infested the public education system and institutions of higher learning to the point where the buildings would have to be nuked in order to cleanse them of the far left ideology.
To these peopel there IS NO other point of view.
I give the example of the U of Michigan professor who stated she HATED republicans and conservatives.
Of course she has received a well deserved rebuke from many students on campus and across the nation on social media, yet she gets to keep her job. She gets to keep her job because her employers insist she is entitled to her opinion and that the U of Michigan "supports the diversity of points of view"..
What a crock of shit. The fact is the University administration knows damned well they should not have a person with these so heavily biased views on their faculty. They just don't want to fire her ass because of the inevitable civil litigation.
Students SHOULD boycott her class.

"Teachers are givers in a world dominated by takers, and they're also sharers. This collaborative instinct makes our profession unlike any other."
Barbara Keshishian

America is the land of opportunity...conservatives are welcome to study hard, educate themselves and become part of academia.

So put up or shut the fuck up whiners...

In everybody's life if you picked five people who had the biggest influence on you, outside of your family, almost everyone would have a teacher or a coach on that list.
Tom Verducci
Yeah..Typical lib response. "Shut the fuck up. Do not express any point of view that clashes with ours and you'll be ok...
Open your mouth and we'll bury you."
Do you think people go to college to become part of academia?
Define "academia"..


Quit the sniveling...America is the land of opportunity...there is NOTHING stopping conservatives from choosing a career in teaching....except conservatives is rooted in the fact that conservatives are too self absorbed, selfish and ignorant. They are not 'givers' they are 'takers'

It's not quite that simple - liberal academia picks those most in line with their ideals. Thus, fewer conservatives ...

Business does the same thing ... thus, fewer liberals.

Dogma infested mind...academia picks those with the credentials and so does business. There is no shortage of liberals in business, and the ONLY thing stopping conservatives from a career in academia is desire.

Reality, reality, wherefore art thou?
The widespread rightwing claim that liberal professors force their opinions on students is a good example of the rightwing propaganda machine trying to force IT'S opinion on others.

Do you REALLY want a list of examples where left wing ideologues, masquerading as college professors, have forced their opinion on students? Do you REALLY want us to give you examples of liberals abusing their position?

Do you?

(PLEASE say yes!)
The widespread rightwing claim that liberal professors force their opinions on students is a good example of the rightwing propaganda machine trying to force IT'S opinion on others.

Do you REALLY want a list of examples where left wing ideologues, masquerading as college professors, have forced their opinion on students? Do you REALLY want us to give you examples of liberals abusing their position?

Do you?

(PLEASE say yes!)

I do. But, don't hand me any shit from Campus Reform.
The widespread rightwing claim that liberal professors force their opinions on students is a good example of the rightwing propaganda machine trying to force IT'S opinion on others.

Do you REALLY want a list of examples where left wing ideologues, masquerading as college professors, have forced their opinion on students? Do you REALLY want us to give you examples of liberals abusing their position?

Do you?

(PLEASE say yes!)

I do. But, don't hand me any shit from Campus Reform.
The Professors The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Conservative Parents Left-Wing Children National Review Online

Articles Do Left-Wing Professors Really Proselytize on Campus

I can go on and on ... but that's a start.

BTW - what the hell difference does the source make? Isn't it the content that is important? Please tell me you don't reject information merely because you don't like the source. Please tell me you actually review the information because it might, just might 1) be right, or 2) provide ammunition to bolster your position.

Please tell me ...
The widespread rightwing claim that liberal professors force their opinions on students is a good example of the rightwing propaganda machine trying to force IT'S opinion on others.

Do you REALLY want a list of examples where left wing ideologues, masquerading as college professors, have forced their opinion on students? Do you REALLY want us to give you examples of liberals abusing their position?

Do you?

(PLEASE say yes!)
Like most on the ignorant right you'll provide a 'list' that fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, a 'list' populated with isolated, anecdotal incidents that are in no way representative of 'liberals' or 'progressives' overall; a list that will in essence be a lie, demonstrating the canard of 'liberal college professors' to be in fact a myth contrived by conservatives.

And again, no one can 'force' his opinion on anyone – the notion is ignorant idiocy, that conservative dogma is so bereft of merit that its adherents must resort to such nonsense is telling indeed.
The widespread rightwing claim that liberal professors force their opinions on students is a good example of the rightwing propaganda machine trying to force IT'S opinion on others.

Do you REALLY want a list of examples where left wing ideologues, masquerading as college professors, have forced their opinion on students? Do you REALLY want us to give you examples of liberals abusing their position?

Do you?

(PLEASE say yes!)

I do. But, don't hand me any shit from Campus Reform.
The Professors The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Conservative Parents Left-Wing Children National Review Online

Articles Do Left-Wing Professors Really Proselytize on Campus

I can go on and on ... but that's a start.

BTW - what the hell difference does the source make? Isn't it the content that is important? Please tell me you don't reject information merely because you don't like the source. Please tell me you actually review the information because it might, just might 1) be right, or 2) provide ammunition to bolster your position.

Please tell me ...

David Horowitz wrote a book. The book is not considered an accurate source and is even discussed on your link.

Your second link doesn't show- it tells- and then refers to (YEP) Campus Reform. Campus Reform is a little indoctrination camp for The Leadership Institute.

The Leadership Institute's mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process.
To accomplish this, the Institute identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media.

Founded in 1979 by its president, Morton C. Blackwell, the Leadership Institute (LI) teaches conservatives the nuts and bolts of how to succeed in the public policy process.

The Institute strives to produce a new generation of public policy leaders unwavering in their commitment to free enterprise, limited government, strong national defense, and traditional values.

Institute graduates are equipped with practical skills and professional training to implement sound principles through effective public policy.

Institute programs prepare thousands of conservatives each year.
Conservatives learn how to:
· Form independent conservative student groups
· Manage grassroots-oriented campaigns
· Publish independent conservative school newspapers
· Succeed in the competitive field of broadcast media
· Run successfully for elected office
· Communicate a conservative message using the media
·Formulate policy as elected officials or key staff members

LI offers 40 types of training schools, workshops, and seminars and a top-notch intern program. The Institute also provides an Employment Placement Service to help place conservatives in public policy positions and in the broadcast media, at no cost to employers or job seekers.

The Leadership Institute is the center of conservative activist training. No other organization provides more training to conservative activists each year.
Leadership Institute Mission

The National Review link is an opinion piece.

The last link is also opining.
BUT, it is interesting that in that opinion piece, Mr. Winchester, states that the following, "By the time kids go to university, they are 17 or 18 and already have formed belief systems that are barriers to communication." So indoctrination is not a fear for him.

You do need to consider the source. It's the difference between fact and fiction and subjective and objective. What is your highest level of educational attainment?

None of what you have shown me is considered proof.
Last edited:
One of the greatest dilemmas facing American students today is the perennial threat of leftist indoctrination on college campuses. In recent years, institutions of higher learning – which have historically been places for enlightened thought and dissenting opinions – have increasingly become breeding grounds for radical liberalism. College courses, which are often taught by biased professors who espouse leftist ideology, fail to adequately challenge undergraduate students and often leave many of them woefully unprepared for the real world.

In his most recent work, Please Enroll Responsibly: Avoiding Indoctrination at College, attorney turned political activist Lee Doren examines pragmatic ways students can excel on college campuses without compromising their beliefs. He explains through his own personal experiences how students – including many conservatives – invariably hide their political views out of fear that their professors will penalize them. His book, which serves as an authoritative text on ways undergraduates can disagree with their liberal professors and maintain high grades, is a must-read for any conscientious citizen pursuing a postsecondary degree.

And yet, like many students today, Doren recounts in unvarnished detail how his political philosophy was shaped by leftwing professors in college.

“Being a liberal was easy,” he writes. “My professors rewarded me for agreeing with their political views, and I felt morally superior on the Political Left. Since I rarely listened to anyone who differed with me politically, I assumed all intelligent people were liberals too.”

Alas, according to a George Washington University survey published in The Washington Post, 72 percent of professors teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal. Conservatives, by contrast, comprise only 15 percent. Hence, the pervasiveness of liberalism in higher education, in Doren’s view, is not merely a product of rightwing hysteria – but is, by all estimations, an empirical fact.

Avoiding Leftist Indoctrination at American Colleges and Universities - Daniel Doherty - Page full
You're trying to equate being a liberal professor is equal to presenting only a left view. You cannot prove that is what is being done.

What is your highest level of educational attainment?
"Teachers are givers in a world dominated by takers, and they're also sharers. This collaborative instinct makes our profession unlike any other."
Barbara Keshishian

America is the land of opportunity...conservatives are welcome to study hard, educate themselves and become part of academia.

So put up or shut the fuck up whiners...

In everybody's life if you picked five people who had the biggest influence on you, outside of your family, almost everyone would have a teacher or a coach on that list.
Tom Verducci
Yeah..Typical lib response. "Shut the fuck up. Do not express any point of view that clashes with ours and you'll be ok...
Open your mouth and we'll bury you."
Do you think people go to college to become part of academia?
Define "academia"..


Quit the sniveling...America is the land of opportunity...there is NOTHING stopping conservatives from choosing a career in teaching....except conservatives is rooted in the fact that conservatives are too self absorbed, selfish and ignorant. They are not 'givers' they are 'takers'

It's not quite that simple - liberal academia picks those most in line with their ideals. Thus, fewer conservatives ...

Business does the same thing ... thus, fewer liberals.

Dogma infested mind...academia picks those with the credentials and so does business. There is no shortage of liberals in business, and the ONLY thing stopping conservatives from a career in academia is desire.

Reality, reality, wherefore art thou?
Let me google that for you
The widespread rightwing claim that liberal professors force their opinions on students is a good example of the rightwing propaganda machine trying to force IT'S opinion on others.

Do you REALLY want a list of examples where left wing ideologues, masquerading as college professors, have forced their opinion on students? Do you REALLY want us to give you examples of liberals abusing their position?

Do you?

(PLEASE say yes!)

I do. But, don't hand me any shit from Campus Reform.
The Professors The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Conservative Parents Left-Wing Children National Review Online

Articles Do Left-Wing Professors Really Proselytize on Campus

I can go on and on ... but that's a start.

BTW - what the hell difference does the source make? Isn't it the content that is important? Please tell me you don't reject information merely because you don't like the source. Please tell me you actually review the information because it might, just might 1) be right, or 2) provide ammunition to bolster your position.

Please tell me ...


REPORT: Koch Fueling Far Right Academic Centers At Universities Across The Country

ThinkProgress highlighted reports from the St. Petersburg Times and the Tallahassee Democrat regarding a Koch-funded economics department at Florida State University (FSU). FSU had accepted a $1.5 million grant from a foundation controlled by petrochemical billionaire Charles Koch on the condition that Koch’s operatives would have a free hand in selecting professors and approving publications. The simmering controversy sheds light on the vast influence of the Koch political machine, which spans from the top conservative think tanks, Republican politicians, a small army of contracted lobbyists, and Tea Party front groups in nearly every state. As reporter Kris Hundley notes, Koch virtually owns much of George Mason University, another public university, through grants and direct control over think tanks within the school. For instance, Koch controls the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, an institute that set much of the Bush administration’s environmental deregulation policy. And similar conditional agreements have been made with schools like Clemson and West Virginia University.

ThinkProgress has analyzed data from the Charles Koch Foundation, and found that this trend is actually much larger than previous known. Many of the Koch university grants finance far right, pro-polluter professors, and dictate that students read Charles Koch’s book as part of their academic study:

REPORT Koch Fueling Far Right Academic Centers At Universities Across The Country ThinkProgress

Koch Brothers Influence Peddling , Is Your Alma Mater on the List?

The American University team, which includes professional journalists, spent 2 years tracking down how the Koch Brothers $134 million dollars has been used to influence policies and politics via a tangled web of non-profit institutes, foundations, and college/universities.

This is a must read to truly understand the underpinnings of the Libertarian movement, the Tea Party, and the GOP.

Why Republicans Deny Science: The Quest for a Scientific Explanation
Why Republicans Deny Science The Quest for a Scientific Explanation Chris Mooney

Want to Understand Republicans? First Understand Evolution
Want to Understand Republicans First Understand Evolution Chris Mooney

The Science of Truthiness: Why Conservatives Deny Global Warming
The Science of Truthiness Why Conservatives Deny Global Warming Chris Mooney
One of the greatest dilemmas facing American students today is the perennial threat of leftist indoctrination on college campuses. In recent years, institutions of higher learning – which have historically been places for enlightened thought and dissenting opinions – have increasingly become breeding grounds for radical liberalism. College courses, which are often taught by biased professors who espouse leftist ideology, fail to adequately challenge undergraduate students and often leave many of them woefully unprepared for the real world.

In his most recent work, Please Enroll Responsibly: Avoiding Indoctrination at College, attorney turned political activist Lee Doren examines pragmatic ways students can excel on college campuses without compromising their beliefs. He explains through his own personal experiences how students – including many conservatives – invariably hide their political views out of fear that their professors will penalize them. His book, which serves as an authoritative text on ways undergraduates can disagree with their liberal professors and maintain high grades, is a must-read for any conscientious citizen pursuing a postsecondary degree.

And yet, like many students today, Doren recounts in unvarnished detail how his political philosophy was shaped by leftwing professors in college.

“Being a liberal was easy,” he writes. “My professors rewarded me for agreeing with their political views, and I felt morally superior on the Political Left. Since I rarely listened to anyone who differed with me politically, I assumed all intelligent people were liberals too.”

Alas, according to a George Washington University survey published in The Washington Post, 72 percent of professors teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal. Conservatives, by contrast, comprise only 15 percent. Hence, the pervasiveness of liberalism in higher education, in Doren’s view, is not merely a product of rightwing hysteria – but is, by all estimations, an empirical fact.

Avoiding Leftist Indoctrination at American Colleges and Universities - Daniel Doherty - Page full

“The facts have a well-known liberal bias,”

“The facts have a well-known liberal bias,” declared Rob Corddry way back in 2004 — and experience keeps vindicating his joke. But why?

Not long ago Ezra Klein cited research showing that both liberals and conservatives are subject to strong tribal bias — presented with evidence, they see what they want to see. I then wrote that this poses a puzzle, because in practice liberals don’t engage in the kind of mass rejections of evidence that conservatives do. The inevitable response was a torrent of angry responses and claims that liberals do too reject facts — but none of the claims measured up.

Just to be clear: Yes, you can find examples where *some* liberals got off on a hobbyhorse of one kind or another, or where the liberal conventional wisdom turned out wrong. But you don’t see the kind of lockstep rejection of evidence that we see over and over again on the right. Where is the liberal equivalent of the near-uniform conservative rejection of climate science, or the refusal to admit that Obamacare is in fact reaching a lot of previously uninsured Americans?

"The most intelligent, educated, and informed people are almost never Republicans

Hal Montereyradio

Think that headline is a little too strong? Well consider this: Only 6% of scientists are registered republicans. Or this: Only 7% of journalists are registered republicans. We can agree, can’t we, that becoming a scientist requires a remarkable dedication to scholarship, education, and to the truth? We can agree, can’t we, that nobody knows more about the working of our “democracy” than journalists? So, why have well over 90% of those who have followed a scientific or journalistic path rejected the Republican party? Could the answer be more obvious? The Republican war on science fought on behalf of the wealthiest and most powerful and the utter contempt which Congressional Republicans hold for the democratic process have completely alienated our brightest, most informed, and most curious."
Yeah..Typical lib response. "Shut the fuck up. Do not express any point of view that clashes with ours and you'll be ok...
Open your mouth and we'll bury you."
Do you think people go to college to become part of academia?
Define "academia"..


Quit the sniveling...America is the land of opportunity...there is NOTHING stopping conservatives from choosing a career in teaching....except conservatives is rooted in the fact that conservatives are too self absorbed, selfish and ignorant. They are not 'givers' they are 'takers'

It's not quite that simple - liberal academia picks those most in line with their ideals. Thus, fewer conservatives ...

Business does the same thing ... thus, fewer liberals.

Dogma infested mind...academia picks those with the credentials and so does business. There is no shortage of liberals in business, and the ONLY thing stopping conservatives from a career in academia is desire.

Reality, reality, wherefore art thou?
Let me google that for you

I never meant to say that the conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.

John Stuart Mill, in a letter to the Conservative MP, John Pakington

We have a political party and *news* channel that caters to people who live in Black-n-White World. Even though nearly all societies have some socialist aspects to them, Faux News and Republicans like to spotlight individual things and label them and anyone who supports them as "socialist."

Most of Faux News viewers are non-1%er retirees, which means they are lapping up most of the socialism the US offers its citizens: social security and Medicare.

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