Liberal demonstrators scream "racist" and "fascist" and rip Santorum signs


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Gateway pundit has the article and video. I hope all our candidates start beefing up security. Don't you just love how the left believes in free speech?

About 20 liberal demonstrators tried to shout down Rick Santorum while he delivered his stump speech on the steps of the state capitol building here Sunday, yelling “racist” and “fascist” at the Republican presidential candidate.

The anti-Santorum faction began chanting “Get your hate out of our state” when the candidate started his address. Standing before a microphone at the top of the steps, Santorum ignored them and continued speaking. The demonstration lasted about 15 minutes.

Santorum supporters standing near the front of the crowd tried to come to his aid by holding signs in front of the demonstrators and shouting, “We pick Rick! We pick Rick!” Some of the anti-Santorum demonstrators ripped the signs out of supporters’ hands.
Gateway pundit has the article and video. I hope all our candidates start beefing up security. Don't you just love how the left believes in free speech?

About 20 liberal demonstrators tried to shout down Rick Santorum while he delivered his stump speech on the steps of the state capitol building here Sunday, yelling “racist” and “fascist” at the Republican presidential candidate.

The anti-Santorum faction began chanting “Get your hate out of our state” when the candidate started his address. Standing before a microphone at the top of the steps, Santorum ignored them and continued speaking. The demonstration lasted about 15 minutes.

Santorum supporters standing near the front of the crowd tried to come to his aid by holding signs in front of the demonstrators and shouting, “We pick Rick! We pick Rick!” Some of the anti-Santorum demonstrators ripped the signs out of supporters’ hands.

More of that violence and intimidation, you can really feel the love, can't you?
So the detractor wanted to get hate out of their state? What does he expect Santorum to do? Exile him? If he wants hate to leave the state, he can choose to leave it himself. No one is keeping him in the state.
Isn't it terrible when candidates and politicians have to occasionally be confronted with the people they openly despise and insult? Get used to it, there are going to be demonstrations everywhere these people go to call Americans sinful commie socialist sluts.
Isn't it terrible when candidates and politicians have to occasionally be confronted with the people they openly despise and insult? Get used to it, there are going to be demonstrations everywhere these people go to call Americans sinful commie socialist sluts.

Some smelly, unwashed motherfucker comes and gets in MY face he'll get ventilated.
Isn't it terrible when candidates and politicians have to occasionally be confronted with the people they openly despise and insult? Get used to it, there are going to be demonstrations everywhere these people go to call Americans sinful commie socialist sluts.

Some smelly, unwashed motherfucker comes and gets in MY face he'll get ventilated.

More of that violence and intimidation, you can really feel the love, can't you?
I'm watching history begin to repeat itself. Wait till OWS goes bonkers on Chicago during the G8 Summit. eta: I think NATO as well.

Days of Rage II.

I really think serious security details should be set up for the candidates. A mob tried to beat up the French President and there was that incident with the Prime Minister of Australia earlier this year.

Everything is getting more violent. Ahhh the 99%. Peace love and doves.
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Isn't it terrible when candidates and politicians have to occasionally be confronted with the people they openly despise and insult? Get used to it, there are going to be demonstrations everywhere these people go to call Americans sinful commie socialist sluts.

Stop being sinful, commie, socialist, sluts then
Isn't it terrible when candidates and politicians have to occasionally be confronted with the people they openly despise and insult? Get used to it, there are going to be demonstrations everywhere these people go to call Americans sinful commie socialist sluts.

Some smelly, unwashed motherfucker comes and gets in MY face he'll get ventilated.

More of that violence and intimidation, you can really feel the love, can't you?

I won't start it, but I'll damned sure finish it! Goddamn freaks acting like spoiled-assed children, I'm surprised there's not been retaliation yet. I know there'd have been bodies on the ground had those fuckers showed up at my front door the way they did that bank execs house! And just why the fuck would they get upset at being called sinful, commie, socialist sluts if that is EXACTLY what they are? Truth hurt or something?
Gateway pundit has the article and video. I hope all our candidates start beefing up security. Don't you just love how the left believes in free speech?

About 20 liberal demonstrators tried to shout down Rick Santorum while he delivered his stump speech on the steps of the state capitol building here Sunday, yelling “racist” and “fascist” at the Republican presidential candidate.

The anti-Santorum faction began chanting “Get your hate out of our state” when the candidate started his address. Standing before a microphone at the top of the steps, Santorum ignored them and continued speaking. The demonstration lasted about 15 minutes.

Santorum supporters standing near the front of the crowd tried to come to his aid by holding signs in front of the demonstrators and shouting, “We pick Rick! We pick Rick!” Some of the anti-Santorum demonstrators ripped the signs out of supporters’ hands.

That's just wrong. The correct terms are "homophobe and "misogynist".
Gateway pundit has the article and video. I hope all our candidates start beefing up security. Don't you just love how the left believes in free speech?

About 20 liberal demonstrators tried to shout down Rick Santorum while he delivered his stump speech on the steps of the state capitol building here Sunday, yelling “racist” and “fascist” at the Republican presidential candidate.

The anti-Santorum faction began chanting “Get your hate out of our state” when the candidate started his address. Standing before a microphone at the top of the steps, Santorum ignored them and continued speaking. The demonstration lasted about 15 minutes.

Santorum supporters standing near the front of the crowd tried to come to his aid by holding signs in front of the demonstrators and shouting, “We pick Rick! We pick Rick!” Some of the anti-Santorum demonstrators ripped the signs out of supporters’ hands.

Liberals only believe in their free speech. They are Bigots and prone to violent and outrageous outbreaks. Anyone Identified in the Video should be charged with Assault and Obstruction. I don't know why they think, only themselves entitled to Civil Rights. It seems the more things heat up, the less the Law matters to them. They seem to know no shame.
I'm watching history begin to repeat itself. Wait till OWS goes bonkers on Chicago during the G8 and G20 Summits.

Days of Rage II.

I really think serious security details should be set up for the candidates. A mob tried to beat up the French President and there was that incident with the Prime Minister of Australia earlier this year.

Everything is getting more violent. Ahhh the 99%. Peace love and doves.

Have you made the mistake of equating these people with the peace and love hippies of the 60s? Different group here. OWS and the associated populist movements are more similar in temperament to the socialist/populist/labor movements of the 20s-30s. In reality they are not like anything we have ever seen with their tech savvy social networking skills. I can't say where it all will go but someone has to do something about the boomers trying to take it all with them when they die.
I'm watching history begin to repeat itself. Wait till OWS goes bonkers on Chicago during the G8 and G20 Summits.

Days of Rage II.

I really think serious security details should be set up for the candidates. A mob tried to beat up the French President and there was that incident with the Prime Minister of Australia earlier this year.

Everything is getting more violent. Ahhh the 99%. Peace love and doves.

Have you made the mistake of equating these people with the peace and love hippies of the 60s? Different group here. OWS and the associated populist movements are more similar in temperament to the socialist/populist/labor movements of the 20s-30s. In reality they are not like anything we have ever seen with their tech savvy social networking skills. I can't say where it all will go but someone has to do something about the boomers trying to take it all with them when they die.

You mean it's the same radicals, they just arent pretending to be for peace and love this time around. They are demonstrating it more like the Weather Underground and their parents did in the 30s.

It's been the same group every few decades. The Robbers among us.
[ame=]Demonstrators interrupt Rick Santorum speech in Oklahoma City 3/4/12 - YouTube[/ame]
Gateway pundit has the article and video. I hope all our candidates start beefing up security. Don't you just love how the left believes in free speech?

About 20 liberal demonstrators tried to shout down Rick Santorum while he delivered his stump speech on the steps of the state capitol building here Sunday, yelling “racist” and “fascist” at the Republican presidential candidate.

The anti-Santorum faction began chanting “Get your hate out of our state” when the candidate started his address. Standing before a microphone at the top of the steps, Santorum ignored them and continued speaking. The demonstration lasted about 15 minutes.

Santorum supporters standing near the front of the crowd tried to come to his aid by holding signs in front of the demonstrators and shouting, “We pick Rick! We pick Rick!” Some of the anti-Santorum demonstrators ripped the signs out of supporters’ hands.

Liberals only believe in their free speech. They are Bigots and prone to violent and outrageous outbreaks. Anyone Identified in the Video should be charged with Assault and Obstruction. I don't know why they think, only themselves entitled to Civil Rights. It seems the more things heat up, the less the Law matters to them. They seem to know no shame.

"Assault"? "Obstruction"?

They didn't "assault" anyone, and there's no such crime as "obstruction".
I don't understand why you guys can't understand that "free speech" is a two-way street, though.

Every day, I see Conservatives posting threads on how "liberals" "hate" "free speech", using things like this as an example.

But this isn't "hating free speech" - this is people using their right to free speech.

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