Liberal College Professor: We should just burn the Constitution!

I don't know if the story is true or not, but I DO know that liberals see the Constitution as an obstacle or hindrance, so whether it's true or not, it's the way the left actually feels.
I'm not sure if this story is real, but the wind is blowing the right direction, so I'm going to keep it in this forum for now, instead of the Politics forum, until I know whether or not it's real.

Uh... you're "not sure the story is real"... (yeah, Nosebook, good source there)... so you're posting it here because everything in Politics is real and everything in Current Events is a crapshoot?

Yeah... OK then. :confused:
I'm not sure if this story is real, but the wind is blowing the right direction, so I'm going to keep it in this forum for now, instead of the Politics forum, until I know whether or not it's real.

Uh... you're "not sure the story is real"... (yeah, Nosebook, good source there)... so you're posting it here because everything in Politics is real and everything in Current Events is a crapshoot?

Yeah... OK then. :confused:

Because every story I've suspected being true blossoms into a real story within days, and I'm familiar with the underground sources that are circulating the story.

Did you say that story was fake about the Long Island father having his guns confiscated because his ten year old son had a water gun in school. THEN BAM, FULL STORY!
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I'm not sure if this story is real, but the wind is blowing the right direction, so I'm going to keep it in this forum for now, instead of the Politics forum, until I know whether or not it's real.

Uh... you're "not sure the story is real"... (yeah, Nosebook, good source there)... so you're posting it here because everything in Politics is real and everything in Current Events is a crapshoot?

Yeah... OK then. :confused:

Because every story I've suspected being true blossoms into a real story within days, and I'm familiar with the underground sources that are circulating the story.

Did you say that story was fake about the Long Island father having his guns confiscated because his ten year old son had a water gun in school. THEN BAM, FULL STORY!

No, I don't know that one.

See, what I do is a little different. If something's not real I what we call "ignore" it. A real story I verify before I put it up as real. I find it does wonders for the old credibility, but it all depends on what's important to you. Guess I'm just not a fan of fiction.

"Blossoms into a real story", huh?

Nosebook as news source. Sheeeeeeesh.
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The media is so heavily controlled by the government that unconventional sources are likely more reliable than government controlled sources.
A reactionary facebook posting with no attribution of a paper from "Stand with Tennessee Against Illegal Immigration."

Put this in the Flame Zone or something.
I don't know if the story is true or not, but I DO know that liberals see the Constitution as an obstacle or hindrance, so whether it's true or not, it's the way the left actually feels.

The republican heavy supreme court decided that corporations are people. I wonder how they read the constitution and came up with that conclusion. It was 5-4 decision but I'm sure one of the "lefties" would have voted for citizens united if one of the repubs couldn't make it to work that day.
I don't know if the story is true or not, but I DO know that liberals see the Constitution as an obstacle or hindrance, so whether it's true or not, it's the way the left actually feels.

The republican heavy supreme court decided that corporations are people. I wonder how they read the constitution and came up with that conclusion. It was 5-4 decision but I'm sure one of the "lefties" would have voted for citizens united if one of the repubs couldn't make it to work that day.

That decision is going to allow a liberally dominated SCOTUS to find both union and government as a people.

When that happens we are all in the soup.
Sounds like a good idea.

It's not like either party hasn't ignored it. Only Congress can declare war. Last time war was declared was in 1941. We've been pretty much at war ever since, invading one country after another like international terrorists, mostly for corporate profit.

I'm not a war advocate but the united states saved the world more than once

And if corporations are profiting why is our government constatntly bailing them out?

We had to do something after 9-11. However I think we don't use the full extent of our power and if we go to war we should.
We have lost the concept of victory. We don't go to war to win the war. We go to war hoping the other side will just change their minds.
We have lost the concept of victory. We don't go to war to win the war. We go to war hoping the other side will just change their minds.

I understand that criticism. If Rumsfeld had accepted Shinseki's professional advice that it would take several hundred thousand troops to pacify and preserve the change that victory made possible, world and American history would have been different than it turned out.
The middle east is one region in the world that is incapable of democracy. It isn't for everyone. The solution would not be to pacify the region. That's impossible. Alexander couldn't pacify the region. You just put in your own dictator that would pacify the region. Or, at least his little corner of the region.
That dictator would have need several hundred thousands of troops and did not have it.
That dictator would have need several hundred thousands of troops and did not have it.

Middle eastern dictators have never had a problem before. Mubarak didn't have a problem, neither did Assad, neither did Gaddafi for that matter. Saddam Hussein was despised by the majority of Iraqis and had not a smidgen of difficulty controlling his population.

If the west did not support the Syrian Al Quaeda linked rebels Assad would have put down the rebellion in days and it would not be in the state of war that it is. It would again be peaceful. Had the United States not abandoned Mubarak, he would have put down that rebellion in days and Egypt would not be in the state of simmering civil war that it is in today.
I don't know if the story is true or not, but I DO know that liberals see the Constitution as an obstacle or hindrance, so whether it's true or not, it's the way the left actually feels.

"I don't know if the story is true or not but I never saw a strawman I didn't like."

"...long as he's on my side of course. Soon as somebody posts a Nosebook Tweet that counters my agenda, I'm all over that sucker as 'unsubstantiated bullshit'".

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