Liberal College Professor: We should just burn the Constitution!

That dictator would have need several hundred thousands of troops and did not have it.

Middle eastern dictators have never had a problem before. Mubarak didn't have a problem, neither did Assad, neither did Gaddafi for that matter. Saddam Hussein was despised by the majority of Iraqis and had not a smidgen of difficulty controlling his population.

If the west did not support the Syrian Al Quaeda linked rebels Assad would have put down the rebellion in days and it would not be in the state of war that it is. It would again be peaceful. Had the United States not abandoned Mubarak, he would have put down that rebellion in days and Egypt would not be in the state of simmering civil war that it is in today.

What a silly statement by you. The USA is supporting the opposition, as is most of the free world. If the USA did not support it, you would condemn it.
The liberals hate the constitution because it limits the government's power over the people. That's all they want. More power. More government and they don't even try to hide it.
Many liberals indeed do want that. So do many neo-cons, social traditionalists, and reactionary moralists.
The liberals hate the constitution because it limits the government's power over the people. That's all they want. More power. More government and they don't even try to hide it.

By that logic, apparently conservatives hate reality, since this thread is based on a made-up story that nobody bothered to fact check. And they don't even try to hide it.

Nothing new though ... :eusa_whistle:
At least he is an honest liberal. Most of them won't admit they want the Constitution destroyed. - Jeri
It's an imaginary, made up annotated paper, the work of a deranged reactionary. Fail.
Yeah and that was just a typical no-name professor. Imagine what former terrorists like Barnadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers and Columbia University's new star and former racist cop-killer terrorist Kathy Boudin is teaching young skulls full of mush.
whitehall, folks like you are the ones who damaged Romney's presidential run.
The thing is, I doubt the Founders ever thought we'd still be using the same constitution 225 years later.

They put in a clause for constutional conventions, which they probably thought were going to happen fairly regularly with only 9 of 13 states required to call one.

If we are still having debates about whether the Second Amendment intended for Joker Holmes to be able to buy military grade weapons, then we have a constitution that is unclearly written.
Why burn something that has already been made meaningless by the governments that have sworn to uphold it?
whitehall, folks like you are the ones who damaged Romney's presidential run.

The only person who damaged Romney's presidential run was Romney.

And the stupid people who supported him because he was "electable".

You are lefty, so your comments on the GOP are laughable and meaningless, as is your life.

Guy, why don't you just man up and admit your screwup?

Romney was an awful candidate. Never had a chance. But you guys in the GOP establishment INSISTED on foisting him on the 75% of your own party that thought he was a bad idea.
Guy, why don't you just man up and admit your screwup?

Grow up and admit that Mormon girl hurt your heart and then her brothers beat the shit out of you.

You are a lefty atheist, no excuse for you at all in America. Move along.

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