Liar In Chief Talks About Dry-cleaning Bills With Women...And Other Important Issues


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama spent a few minutes this morning kissing up to women.

He wants to appear like he's sympathetic to them by promising them the world......and reminding them that the GOP hates their fucken guts.

I've seen this level of patronizing before.....but never in this country.

Last night Obama accused the GOP of trying to poison our kids.

Vote For Me....or your kids will die.

Pretty damned pathetic if you ask me.


Obama To Women: We've Made Progress On Economic Issues, But Not Yet On Dry Cleaning | RealClearPolitics

Obama: GOP vision results in 'poisoning our kids' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Obama's 'policy speech' is now an attack video | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
There are women who want to think obama is going to pay their dry cleaning bills and make Augusta admit them as members, there are more women going to recognize this crap for the patronizing BS that it is.
This was not a women's conference, it was a campaign event illegally paid for by taxpayers.
Obama is becoming increasingly DESPERATE

Is there any group or people he hasn't pandered to yet?
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Who is advising him these days? This will go down in history as the most desperate campaign ever.
another take on it..:lol:

Pander-monium: Obama’s got a fever and the only prescription is more “war on women” crapola

posted at 5:01 pm on April 6, 2012 by Allahpundit

It takes real nerve to insist that “women are not some monolithic group, women are not an interest group” at an event entitled “The White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” so good for you, champ. There are voters in every demographic group who enjoy being reduced to an “identity” and then patronized for it; you earned ‘em today in the demographic you’re targeting with this unctuous display. Special congrats on the ol’ crowdpleaser about how Congress would get more done if only it had more women and less of those darned men. I’ll bet Hillary, especially, enjoyed that rhetorical consolation prize after falling short in 2008.

Even ABC, in a straight-up news report on the event, couldn’t refrain from wincing:

In a much-publicized event at the White House, Obama, who has already called the liberal Georgetown student harangued by Rush Limbaugh, joined the fray again. As women from around the country crowded into an auditorium to hear Obama speak, the president told them that they don’t amount to some political “interest group” and that “you shouldn’t be treated that way.”

He then pandered to them by reminding them that he signed into law a bill that works to help women get paid as much as men do for the same jobs, and that he appointed two women to the Supreme Court…

There was little nonpolitical about the ordeal. Even Holder, who conceded in a workgroup with a couple dozen women that he’s not supposed to veer into politics as attorney general, said that “at the end of this electoral process,” women would be better served by having Obama and Vice President Biden in charge to work on issues important to them.

the rest here with comments..
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[ame=]Acri SNL cowbell - YouTube[/ame]
another take on it..:lol:

Pander-monium: Obama’s got a fever and the only prescription is more “war on women” crapola

posted at 5:01 pm on April 6, 2012 by Allahpundit

It takes real nerve to insist that “women are not some monolithic group, women are not an interest group” at an event entitled “The White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” so good for you, champ. There are voters in every demographic group who enjoy being reduced to an “identity” and then patronized for it; you earned ‘em today in the demographic you’re targeting with this unctuous display. Special congrats on the ol’ crowdpleaser about how Congress would get more done if only it had more women and less of those darned men. I’ll bet Hillary, especially, enjoyed that rhetorical consolation prize after falling short in 2008.

Even ABC, in a straight-up news report on the event, couldn’t refrain from wincing:

In a much-publicized event at the White House, Obama, who has already called the liberal Georgetown student harangued by Rush Limbaugh, joined the fray again. As women from around the country crowded into an auditorium to hear Obama speak, the president told them that they don’t amount to some political “interest group” and that “you shouldn’t be treated that way.”

He then pandered to them by reminding them that he signed into law a bill that works to help women get paid as much as men do for the same jobs, and that he appointed two women to the Supreme Court…

There was little nonpolitical about the ordeal. Even Holder, who conceded in a workgroup with a couple dozen women that he’s not supposed to veer into politics as attorney general, said that “at the end of this electoral process,” women would be better served by having Obama and Vice President Biden in charge to work on issues important to them.

the rest here with comments..

They Don't Speak for Us

[ame=]They Don't Speak for Us - YouTube[/ame]

Conservative women to White House: You don’t speak for us

posted at 10:31 am on April 6, 2012 by Tina Korbe

For the third year in a row, the White House will host a conference to highlight women’s issues — and to tout all that this administration has supposedly done to advance the welfare of women in society:

The White House Council on Women and Girls is hosting the White House Forum on Women and the Economy where business leaders, education leaders, and Cabinet secretaries will discuss a gamut of issues from healthcare to workplace flexibility to help for small businesses run by women. President Obama will address the diverse group of participants when he gives the keynote remarks in the morning session.

There will also be breakout sessions where there will be further discussions on ways to help women’s lives better through economic and social policy. Several Cabinet secretaries, like Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will lead panel discussions.

The White House will also be releasing a 55-page report on all the ways various departments and agencies have implemented policies to benefit women. Some examples of those initiatives are focusing on equal pay for women, affordable college education, tax cuts that benefit women, and healthcare policies, like the recent controversial coverage of contraceptives.

Conservative women see through the ruse. For weeks, the administration has reduced issues of concern to women to just one — the question of whether insurers will be made to cover the costs of women’s contraception. What the White House is, perhaps, belatedly realizing is that women care about more than just birth control. As the nation’s fastest-growing segment of small-business owners, they care about the business climate created by tax and regulatory policy. As moms who fill the gas tank to drive their kids to school, they care about energy prices and education policy. As single young women saving for their futures, they care about the coming implosion of entitlement programs. Women’s political “issues,” in other words, are really not very different from men’s “issues” — even though women themselves are different than men. At the same time that the president insists that women should be members at Augusta, he plays identity politics in a way that marginalizes the women he reduces to gender alone.

the rest with comments.
Conservative women to White House: You don’t speak for us « Hot Air

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