Obama's Meltdown


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

I like that you support your position with sources and logic.

Oh ... wait ...
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

I like that you support your position with sources and logic.

Oh ... wait ...

Have you ever heard of "Judicial review" because apparently it does not exist in Obama's new Little World
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

Carney told us that we couldn't possibly understand what he really meant....being that he's a constitutional scholar and all.
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

Watching that idiot on TV and listening to his speeches, I have felt the same way. It's as if he is saying "How DARE anyone doubt me?" "How DARE anyone, even the Supreme Court, challenge ME?"

If he is re-elected he WILL be dangerous. Electing him in the first place was the worst mistake the people of this country ever made.
The "there's no such thing as Judicial review" should really give everyone, even the Obama Fluffers, pause.

How do you not worry about POTUS that has decided to break so far from reality?
He is a loser that duped a bunch of losers in 2008.

His daddy was running around chasing overweight women's asses on his chubby mommy. He ended up living with his white grandparents since both his parents were too stupid to raise him, so he has issues growing up in his head.

He was a middle of the road student but soon figured out being the lone black guy in the college class pays off since that will push him to the front of the PC class. Who else can go from Junior College to Harvard with the same brain? A black guy that avoided being arrested and stayed in college for over a decade.

Upon graduation again he learned being the lone black guy in the competition paid off in the job sector rising to law professor at the U of Chicago without ever accomplishing anything of academic merit. Living in Chicago he realized the south side of Chicago being mostly minority and the white Democrat gangster/union goons supporting him would be an easy paycheck from state legislator to US Senator without every accomplishing shit.

Throw in the opportunity to run against an old white guy from Arizona and to lie with tons of promises, then he ends up in the White House like a 2 year old with a loaded shotgun in his lap.
The biggest problem is Obama doesn't know how to lead. He keeps running up the debt and adding handouts and entitlements to more and more people while blaming "the rich". If we do not roll back government spending and entitlement programs now, we will end up having to do it the way they are doing it in Italy, Spain and Greece, accompanied by riots in the streets.
... accompanied by riots in the streets.

LOL, have you read about some of the latest in crowd dissipation weaponry? Pretty cool stuff. Riots no longer trouble me. If riots turn destructive, they'll be dealt with as terrorists and carted away as such. A shortage of popcorn worries me more.

I think we can expect stoopid to riot regardless who is elected. No candidate can fix an entitlement mindset populous and not expect a lot of brats to have a hissy fit. And they will have a fit anyhow when the entitlements dry up.

Our only hope now is for secession from the dysfunctional union, like how you would divorce a deadbeat worthless irresponsible spouse.

Form your militias now. :badgrin: I think Obama is going to lose it soon, I can see the signs already. He is dangerous and deranged. But of course when he was elected everyone filled his head with Messiah talk. And now he can't even pull a rabbit out his ass. He's been defanged. Expect this dictator to say something to start a riot.
Lame. Disingenuous and lame. The dude was speaking in complete sentences.....and there were sentences before and after he said the word unprecedented. The lameness is fucking suffocating.
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

I like that you support your position with sources and logic.

Oh ... wait ...

Or he has looked at the man long enough to see him for what he is.

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