LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.
The school has a policy that it’s the parents job to educate their kids about politics, religion and sex/orientation.
There is no reason for teachers to be discussing their sexual orientation etc with other peoples children.
Last edited:
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.

not genteel-----its' like public urination
The lesson here is that teachers should not be allowed to have pictures of their spouses in school or ever share a story about their spouse/children. The mere mention of such things can seemingly turn students into raging heteros or homos.
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.
Did you even read the title?

Lesbian elementary school teacher is put on leave after playing a slide show in class which included photos of her wife and 'discussing her sexual orientation with students'

Read more: Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15] and of copyright violations.[16]

Daily Mail - Wikipedia

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
I am not concerned with a schoolteacher's relationship with another consenting adult. I am concerned that a schoolteacher is considered to be a female-only position. No man in his right mind (straight or not) is going to risk prison to be a schoolteacher in this day and age.

"LGBTQ" is not a unified culture of any sort, whether you consider it deviant or not. I would not consider Lesbians and Gay men to be part of the same culture; when they have anything to do with each other at all, they tend to move to the B category. Furthermore, Lesbians and Gay men tend very strict and "traditional" in a certain way about their gender roles and they hate Transgender individuals, some of whom are straight and not part of LGB culture anyways.

A lot of people who hate Lesbians and Gay men have some more-or-less hidden homosexual desires themselves, which they are conflicted about and unwilling to admit even to themselves. Most straight people have no interest in Lesbians or Gays one way or another, least of all to go out of their way to hate on them.

I don't understand that bakery who refused service to the lesbian couple, either. A cake is a cake, take their money, bake the cake, and next customer please, moving right along. You do not need to participate in others' personal relationships any further than that.
Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.

Well I'd think it was covered when they discussed age appropriate, our children's school has the same policy, at certain grades things are not to be discussed such as our youngest's class, no discussions on transgender, homosexuality, religion, etc. Those rules are in place for a reason, they are too young to be exposed to it and it's the parent's who should explain it to them.

As the students grow older certain topics become discussion topics but elementary children are too young for that shit
I don't disagree with that general rule, Sassy. It does still depend on the age and what was actually said. If she is a young activist, maybe she said more than was appropriate, but you'd think someone who was Teacher of the Year would be professional enough to be aware of all that. So I wonder.
Well, we have ‘Women of the Year’ who are men, so .......
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.
so if a teacher showed off his nazi stuff to students, you'd be ok with that??
show anything you want to students??
there is a difference between one’s family and that. False equivalency.
I am not concerned with a schoolteacher's relationship with another consenting adult. I am concerned that a schoolteacher is considered to be a female-only position. No man in his right mind (straight or not) is going to risk prison to be a schoolteacher in this day and age.

"LGBTQ" is not a unified culture of any sort, whether you consider it deviant or not. I would not consider Lesbians and Gay men to be part of the same culture; when they have anything to do with each other at all, they tend to move to the B category. Furthermore, Lesbians and Gay men tend very strict and "traditional" in a certain way about their gender roles and they hate Transgender individuals, some of whom are straight and not part of LGB culture anyways.

A lot of people who hate Lesbians and Gay men have some more-or-less hidden homosexual desires themselves, which they are conflicted about and unwilling to admit even to themselves. Most straight people have no interest in Lesbians or Gays one way or another, least of all to go out of their way to hate on them.

I don't understand that bakery who refused service to the lesbian couple, either. A cake is a cake, take their money, bake the cake, and next customer please, moving right along. You do not need to participate in others' personal relationships any further than that.

I think that we do not have the WHOLE story all the time-----it seems to me that
bakers are being asked to DECORATE the cake highlighting the homo-sexual
relationship. I believe that they have a right to refuse THAT
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15] and of copyright violations.[16]

Daily Mail - Wikipedia

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.
so if a teacher showed off his nazi stuff to students, you'd be ok with that??
show anything you want to students??
there is a difference between one’s family and that. False equivalency.

true----not equivalent------BUT---it is my not-so-humble opinion that teachers
should TEACH------not discuss their families -----and CERTAINLY not what they
do with their asses after 3 PM
I am not concerned with a schoolteacher's relationship with another consenting adult. I am concerned that a schoolteacher is considered to be a female-only position. No man in his right mind (straight or not) is going to risk prison to be a schoolteacher in this day and age.

"LGBTQ" is not a unified culture of any sort, whether you consider it deviant or not. I would not consider Lesbians and Gay men to be part of the same culture; when they have anything to do with each other at all, they tend to move to the B category. Furthermore, Lesbians and Gay men tend very strict and "traditional" in a certain way about their gender roles and they hate Transgender individuals, some of whom are straight and not part of LGB culture anyways.

A lot of people who hate Lesbians and Gay men have some more-or-less hidden homosexual desires themselves, which they are conflicted about and unwilling to admit even to themselves. Most straight people have no interest in Lesbians or Gays one way or another, least of all to go out of their way to hate on them.

I don't understand that bakery who refused service to the lesbian couple, either. A cake is a cake, take their money, bake the cake, and next customer please, moving right along. You do not need to participate in others' personal relationships any further than that.

some of the most GENTEEL and traditionally polite people I have encountered have been homosexual men. Not all -------play act the role
The lesson here is that teachers should not be allowed to have pictures of their spouses in school or ever share a story about their spouse/children. The mere mention of such things can seemingly turn students into raging heteros or homos.
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.
Did you even read the title?

Lesbian elementary school teacher is put on leave after playing a slide show in class which included photos of her wife and 'discussing her sexual orientation with students'

Read more: Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
It is unclear what that “discussion” entailed

I doubt if it was about sexual acts performed by lesbians and was likely an admittance that her spouse was a woman

I would like to see the ACLU involved in this
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.
so if a teacher showed off his nazi stuff to students, you'd be ok with that??
show anything you want to students??
there is a difference between one’s family and that. False equivalency.

true----not equivalent------BUT---it is my not-so-humble opinion that teachers
should TEACH------not discuss their families -----and CERTAINLY not what they
do with their asses after 3 PM

Perhaps....schools are so different now then fifty years ago. I don’t remember any teacher ever revealing any aspect of their personal lives. We knew who was married because we called them Miss and Mrs.

But I bet know one would have been outraged if a teacher had had a picture of her husband on her desk.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15] and of copyright violations.[16]

Daily Mail - Wikipedia

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.

Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.
Read the article. Parents complained.
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
I do think one problem with schools today, which feeds into this issue a bit, is the change from teachers as authority figures to “pals”. It blurs appropriate lines.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15] and of copyright violations.[16]

Daily Mail - Wikipedia

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
from the OP DM link...Dallas M News in BIG, BOLD letters
MISD released a statement on Tuesday, breaking protocol to cite the parent's complaint which was received on August 23 as the cause for Bailey's suspension, according to the Dallas Morning News.

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