Let's talk about Black Privilege.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
much attention is given to white privilege but none to black privilege.

I mean black privilege like being able to say some of the most racist things imaginable and never being called to answer for it. Or being able to wear your pants down so low, your underwear is showing and you can't hardly walk but no one is allowed to call you the idiot you appear to be. Or getting a job over more qualified candidates simply because of your color.

Blacks are gravely discriminated against. I woulnt hire one, or even asociate with one. Would you?

The only privleged group in the West is women. Let's discuss that for a VAST change.
Respectfully, I'd rather just stop dividing people by the color of their skin.

There's a group of people distorting the American Left doing that more than enough already.
You HATE blacks. Just have the courage to admit it.
much attention is given to white privilege but none to black privilege.

I mean black privilege like being able to say some of the most racist things imaginable and never being called to answer for it. Or being able to wear your pants down so low, your underwear is showing and you can't hardly walk but no one is allowed to call you the idiot you appear to be. Or getting a job over more qualified candidates simply because of your color.


what racist things are black people saying they aren't being called to account for?

Wow, so your argument is that kids wearing things that annoy older people is like unique to blacks?

As far as "more qualified" whites not getting jobs, not really.

They did a study back in 2005 where resumes were sent to employers with identical qualifications. Half of the resumes had names like "John" and "Mary", while the other half had names like "Jamal" and "Monique"

Guess which ones got 50% more call backs?
Respectfully, I'd rather just stop dividing people by the color of their skin.

There's a group of people distorting the American Left doing that more than enough already.

That would be great. I'd love that too, but the reality today is that like it or not we are being divided more than ever.
much attention is given to white privilege but none to black privilege.

I mean black privilege like being able to say some of the most racist things imaginable and never being called to answer for it. Or being able to wear your pants down so low, your underwear is showing and you can't hardly walk but no one is allowed to call you the idiot you appear to be. Or getting a job over more qualified candidates simply because of your color.


what racist things are black people saying they aren't being called to account for?

Wow, so your argument is that kids wearing things that annoy older people is like unique to blacks?

As far as "more qualified" whites not getting jobs, not really.

They did a study back in 2005 where resumes were sent to employers with identical qualifications. Half of the resumes had names like "John" and "Mary", while the other half had names like "Jamal" and "Monique"

Guess which ones got 50% more call backs?

Let's talk about black privilege, like being able to do or say anything, and being protected and defended by people like you.
Groups like BLM started based on lies, who can riot, disrupt, and harass with little to no consequences to them.

One of the "key people" of the Black Bowel Movement, Shaun King, isn't even black, he pretends he is....that's the entire farce in a nutshell
Groups like BLM started based on lies, who can riot, disrupt, and harass with little to no consequences to them.

One of the "key people" of the Black Bowel Movement, Shaun King, isn't even black, he pretends he is....that's the entire farce in a nutshell

I don't care what color of skin, ethnic background or religion people have. Most people are honest but I always hold my head high. It is all how your carry yourself.
Groups like BLM started based on lies, who can riot, disrupt, and harass with little to no consequences to them.

One of the "key people" of the Black Bowel Movement, Shaun King, isn't even black, he pretends he is....that's the entire farce in a nutshell

I don't care what color of skin, ethnic background or religion people have. Most people are honest but I always hold my head high. It is all how your carry yourself.

Yep, it's not the color it's the character
Groups like BLM started based on lies, who can riot, disrupt, and harass with little to no consequences to them.

One of the "key people" of the Black Bowel Movement, Shaun King, isn't even black, he pretends he is....that's the entire farce in a nutshell

I don't care what color of skin, ethnic background or religion people have. Most people are honest but I always hold my head high. It is all how your carry yourself.

Yep, it's not the color it's the character

"Content of their Character"
In real life there isn't a whole lot of racism anymore. Before 0bama and the democrats took over, it was going away. Most of this that we hear about is generated by the democrats and the media that they control. This lunacy about white privilege is a prime example.
Let's talk about black privilege, like being able to do or say anything, and being protected and defended by people like you.

Please specify what a black person has said that was so offensive that I defended... thanks.

Give examples.

Groups like BLM started based on lies, who can riot, disrupt, and harass with little to no consequences to them.

What specific lie was BLM started on?
Let's talk about black privilege, like being able to do or say anything, and being protected and defended by people like you.

Please specify what a black person has said that was so offensive that I defended... thanks.

Give examples.

Groups like BLM started based on lies, who can riot, disrupt, and harass with little to no consequences to them.

What specific lie was BLM started on?

The lie that Officer Darren Wilson murdered Brown.
Let's talk about black privilege:
Regarding the sagging pants, here's an interesting and comical fyi ...

The act of wearing pants that hung low comes from prison. Inmates wishing to solicit sex used this as a signal that they were okay with being gay for the stay, or they were just gay.

It wasn't race-specific. It also was misinterpreted over time. Totally straight Idiots thought it was a cool expression of being a convict. And over more time it got twisted further into an expression of just being cool fashion.

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