Let's review.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
The 2020 “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done” Year End Summary Report
The 2020 “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done” Year End Summary Report

During the 2016 election, an issue arose surrounding Donald Trump and his brand of politics. While the candidate was obviously controversial and offensive to a large swath of the electorate, the sheer volume of controversies surrounding Trump’s candidacy, which broke nearly daily, made it easy for the average voter to lose track of them all and difficult for them sift through it all in any meaningful way. This made it easy for the electorate to become desensitized to Trump’s antics, and tune out his actions as so much white noise, even if what he was doing was highly consequential.

To rectify this, we endeavored to compile all the horrible actions of the Trump Administration into a single list itemize. This list, the Trump Omnibus, was intended to serve as a reference for opponents of the Trump administration in political debates, particularly in arguments which in some ways involved the phrase “c’mon, what has he done that’s that bad”. Likewise, it was hoped that the length of the omnibus would convey to observers a self-evident illustration of just what a disaster the Trump administration has been for the country.
Obviously, it's a monumental task trying to catalog all the things Trump has done to harm the country. But these guys do a very good job.
The 2020 “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done” Year End Summary Report
The 2020 “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done” Year End Summary Report

During the 2016 election, an issue arose surrounding Donald Trump and his brand of politics. While the candidate was obviously controversial and offensive to a large swath of the electorate, the sheer volume of controversies surrounding Trump’s candidacy, which broke nearly daily, made it easy for the average voter to lose track of them all and difficult for them sift through it all in any meaningful way. This made it easy for the electorate to become desensitized to Trump’s antics, and tune out his actions as so much white noise, even if what he was doing was highly consequential.

To rectify this, we endeavored to compile all the horrible actions of the Trump Administration into a single list itemize. This list, the Trump Omnibus, was intended to serve as a reference for opponents of the Trump administration in political debates, particularly in arguments which in some ways involved the phrase “c’mon, what has he done that’s that bad”. Likewise, it was hoped that the length of the omnibus would convey to observers a self-evident illustration of just what a disaster the Trump administration has been for the country.
Obviously, it's a monumental task trying to catalog all the things Trump has done to harm the country. But these guys do a very good job.
Gosh, there are so many. Almost 1,800 in all. Of course, the list is dwarfed by the number of lies he has told.

  1. The Justice Department will be defending the Trump Administration on conflict of interest cases at tax payer’s expense. It, along with the significant federal expenditures required to track Trump’s business interest, represent a dubious public expense that could have been avoided had Trump more clearly divested himself of his private holdings.
  2. Omitted all references to Jews, Judaism and antisemitism from statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day, stoking anxieties about antisemitism among Trump’s supporters and staff
  3. Removed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence from the National Security Council and added his top political adviser, Steve Bannon
  4. Ignored orders by Federal Courts to temporarily halt the deportation of people with valid visas as a consequence of the Muslim Ban. Customs and Border Patrol agents working under the Department of Homeland Security continued to attempt to deport people, possibly creating a constitutional crisis.
  5. Filed for reelection on the day of his inauguration. This action, which is highly unusual, allows Trump to immediately begin accepting campaign contributions, prompting further fears of conflicts of interest and corruption.
  6. Possibly purged, or prompted the resignation of, a large portion of senior State Department officials. Motives aside, the broad and abrupt nature of this has left the agency seriously lacking in human capital.
  7. Authorized a military strike in Yemen which killed at least 15 women and children, including the 8-year-old daughter of US citizen and terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. This incident, which at the very least displays a callous disregard for those killed as collateral damage, is particularly disturbing given Trump’s previous claim that he’d “take out” the families of terrorists.
  8. Signed an executive order demanding that, for every new regulation enacted, 2 must be revoked, and mandated that net spending on regulations must be zero for. The order has been called “arbitrary” and “impossible to implement” and will undermine effective government.
  9. Used congressional staffers to create the Muslim Ban Executive Order. Had staffers sign non-disclosure agreements so that their employers (congress) would not know about it, thus circumventing the division between the executive branch and the congressional branch.
My 401k is up by more than half a million dollars since he won the election. Boo.

He has nominated scores of judges who actually respect the Constitution. Boo.

He has tried more than anyone since Eisenhower to enforce our existing immigration laws. Boo.

He has destroyed thousands of pages of redundant, counterproductive Federal Regulations. Boo.

He has restored balance to most of our major international trade relationships (which had been biased against us). Boo.

He has exposed the current Democrat Party for the evil, anti-American bastards they are. Boo.

He has exposed the army of anti-American bureaucrats that thought they ran the country. Boo.

He has made America the greatest producer of CO2-generating fossil fuels in the world. Boo.

And he still has almost five years to finish what he has so greatly started!
Hey wait! I just started going through that LIST (in the link)! 18 of the first 20 were GOOD THINGS HE HAS DONE!

My 401k is up by more than half a million dollars since he won the election. Boo.

He has nominated scores of judges who actually respect the Constitution. Boo.

He has tried more than anyone since Eisenhower to enforce our existing immigration laws. Boo.

He has destroyed thousands of pages of redundant, counterproductive Federal Regulations. Boo.

He has restored balance to most of our major international trade relationships (which had been biased against us). Boo.

He has exposed the current Democrat Party for the evil, anti-American bastards they are. Boo.

He has exposed the army of anti-American bureaucrats that thought they ran the country. Boo.

He has made America the greatest producer of CO2-generating fossil fuels in the world. Boo.

And he still has almost five years to finish what he has so greatly started!

Do we realize that people like Berg think what you have posted is actually a BAD thing!

I have yet to come to a definitive conclusion, on whether people like Berg are more anti-American, or MORE pro illegal immigrant, or an equal combination of both!

The only question I have is---------------->how many of these duffuses are there? I am postulating about 25 to 30% of the country. If that is the case, after they get California and New York, if we all vote Trump ought to win in a landslide!
My 401k is up by more than half a million dollars since he won the election. Boo.

He has nominated scores of judges who actually respect the Constitution. Boo.

He has tried more than anyone since Eisenhower to enforce our existing immigration laws. Boo.

He has destroyed thousands of pages of redundant, counterproductive Federal Regulations. Boo.

He has restored balance to most of our major international trade relationships (which had been biased against us). Boo.

He has exposed the current Democrat Party for the evil, anti-American bastards they are. Boo.

He has exposed the army of anti-American bureaucrats that thought they ran the country. Boo.

He has made America the greatest producer of CO2-generating fossil fuels in the world. Boo.

And he still has almost five years to finish what he has so greatly started!
Market is artificially inflated on taxpayer monies. Congratulations, you're part of the problem.

Many if not most of the judges are unqualified and partisan.

He's violated many more laws than he's enforced.

He's removed protective regulations, setting us up
for everything from environmental disasters to market.crashes.

Trade wars are a disaster. This "stage one deal" doesn't even come remotely close to the trade we had before the war.

The only thing he has exposed is himself.

The rest of your post is just stupidity. Boo.

(I'm not surprised)
My 401k is up by more than half a million dollars since he won the election. Boo.

He has nominated scores of judges who actually respect the Constitution. Boo.

He has tried more than anyone since Eisenhower to enforce our existing immigration laws. Boo.

He has destroyed thousands of pages of redundant, counterproductive Federal Regulations. Boo.

He has restored balance to most of our major international trade relationships (which had been biased against us). Boo.

He has exposed the current Democrat Party for the evil, anti-American bastards they are. Boo.

He has exposed the army of anti-American bureaucrats that thought they ran the country. Boo.

He has made America the greatest producer of CO2-generating fossil fuels in the world. Boo.

And he still has almost five years to finish what he has so greatly started!

I'm happy for you and your 401K, but the rest of your list is utter bullshit.

Many of the judges he appointed were unqualified, and some had no trial experience whatsoever. I expect many of his appointments to be impeached or otherwise found to be unsuitable. This is a disaster in waiting.

Obama deported more people. Trump is just rounding up immigrants and holding 40,000 non-criminal aliens in custody, at a cost of $700 per day, per prisoner, as a gift to his "for-profit prison" donors. He could put these people up in 5 star hotels for less money than taxpayers are being charged to hold them in cold, filthy and unsafe detainment centres.


As for federal regulations, eliminated all regulations for coal, and coal jobs are still declining. What is also now declining is the air and water quality for Americans. Trump's own EPA has estimated that thousands of Americans will die each year because of the deterioration of air and water quality..

The EPA’s Climate Rollbacks Could Mean Thousands of Premature Deaths

Workers’ health, safety, and pay are among the casualties of Trump’s war on regulations: A deregulation year in review

As for trade - don't make me laugh. As a starter, US trade deals worldwide have made the USA the richest country in the world. If you were being "taken advantage of" at every turn, how did this happen? The World Trade Organization, which Trump decries as "unfair" to Americans, was established by the USA under American trading rules. but because every case isn't decided in favour of the USA, it's "unfair".

Trump's trade policies have resulted in a much larger American trade deficit, exports are declining and imports are rising, despite the tariffs. Canada trade surplus in manufactured goods with the USA rose from just under $11 billion in 2016, to nearly $22 billion for 2019, and that figure is just to the end of November. If December's deficit is even close to November's figures, Trump will have doubled the trade deficit with Canada in just 3 years.

Overall, the US trade deficit is up substantially from 2016's $735.3 billion. While this year's deficit will likely be a bit lower than the record 2018 deficit of $874.8 billion, the deficit sat at $779.3 billion as at November, 2019. The final number should be around $840 billion.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted

Trump's Backfiring Trade Policy

Your last three items are utter lies, but we're used to that from conservatives.

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