Let's just Assume bin Laden was the Mastermind and not KSM...

Honestly, I could care less who had more to do with 9/11. One could have had more involvement than the other..I dont care. ..KSM or OBL..the point is, we went in there and shot him in the face and killed him.
Bin Laden is dead and that is something to cheer over like so many people did all over this country and beyond.

Tell me again how this is a bad thing? Oh and mal, dumb ass troll...show me where I said I gave a fuck who was the mastermind. SHOW ME. I dare you to try.

Fucking troll.
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These damned idiots are really getting tiresome. Hussien was not responsible for 3000 Americans murdered on American soil.

So build your fucking shrine to Bin Laden, Mal. Show how you really feel toward your fellow citizens in the United States of America.

Neither did Bin Laden. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11 To lie to the American people is the greatest danger of all.

(CBS) Osama bin Laden may still be at large, but the man captured in Pakistan last Saturday was even more important than bin Laden in the planning and execution of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was apprehended in his pajamas just before dawn in a suburban home near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. American authorities will have many questions for him because as, Bob Simon first reported last fall on 60 Minutes II, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was not only the mastermind of 9/11, but America's most lethal enemy for more than a decade.

Read more: The Mastermind - 60 Minutes - CBS News
And Eichmann was the mastermind of the Holocaust. That doesn't mean that Hitler was innocent.

Are you people seriously this stupid? I am at a loss to understand if you are this stupid or you actually admire bin laden and regret his death.
Honestly, I could care less who had more to do with 9/11. One could have had more involvement than the other..I dont care. ..KSM or OBL..the point is, we went in there and shot him in the face and killed him.
Bin Laden is dead and that is something to cheer over like so many people did all over this country and beyond.

Tell me again how this is a bad thing? Oh and mal, dumb ass troll...show me where I said I gave a fuck who was the mastermind. SHOW ME. I dare you to try.

Fucking troll.

Would you have a problem with this, if Iran sent a hit team over here to kill and American citiizen who they deemed a criminal? Rev Jones comes to mind.
These damned idiots are really getting tiresome. Hussien was not responsible for 3000 Americans murdered on American soil.

So build your fucking shrine to Bin Laden, Mal. Show how you really feel toward your fellow citizens in the United States of America.

Neither did Bin Laden. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11 To lie to the American people is the greatest danger of all.

(CBS) Osama bin Laden may still be at large, but the man captured in Pakistan last Saturday was even more important than bin Laden in the planning and execution of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was apprehended in his pajamas just before dawn in a suburban home near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. American authorities will have many questions for him because as, Bob Simon first reported last fall on 60 Minutes II, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was not only the mastermind of 9/11, but America's most lethal enemy for more than a decade.

Read more: The Mastermind - 60 Minutes - CBS News
And Eichmann was the mastermind of the Holocaust. That doesn't mean that Hitler was innocent.

Are you people seriously this stupid? I am at a loss to understand if you are this stupid or you actually admire bin laden and regret his death.

No Ravi it's a known fact Hitler gave the orders. The U.S. Government has already said they had no evidence that proved Bin Laden was conacted with the 9/11 attacks.
These damned idiots are really getting tiresome. Hussien was not responsible for 3000 Americans murdered on American soil.

So build your fucking shrine to Bin Laden, Mal. Show how you really feel toward your fellow citizens in the United States of America.

Neither did Bin Laden. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11 To lie to the American people is the greatest danger of all.

(CBS) Osama bin Laden may still be at large, but the man captured in Pakistan last Saturday was even more important than bin Laden in the planning and execution of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was apprehended in his pajamas just before dawn in a suburban home near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. American authorities will have many questions for him because as, Bob Simon first reported last fall on 60 Minutes II, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was not only the mastermind of 9/11, but America's most lethal enemy for more than a decade.

Read more: The Mastermind - 60 Minutes - CBS News
And Eichmann was the mastermind of the Holocaust. That doesn't mean that Hitler was innocent.

Are you people seriously this stupid? I am at a loss to understand if you are this stupid or you actually admire bin laden and regret his death.


either that, or they're completely unhinged by ODS.
Neither did Bin Laden. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11 To lie to the American people is the greatest danger of all.

(CBS) Osama bin Laden may still be at large, but the man captured in Pakistan last Saturday was even more important than bin Laden in the planning and execution of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was apprehended in his pajamas just before dawn in a suburban home near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. American authorities will have many questions for him because as, Bob Simon first reported last fall on 60 Minutes II, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was not only the mastermind of 9/11, but America's most lethal enemy for more than a decade.

Read more: The Mastermind - 60 Minutes - CBS News
And Eichmann was the mastermind of the Holocaust. That doesn't mean that Hitler was innocent.

Are you people seriously this stupid? I am at a loss to understand if you are this stupid or you actually admire bin laden and regret his death.


either that, or they're completely unhinged by ODS.

Del what makes you so sure Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11 when the evidence shows he wasn't?


You're smart Del I am sure you can give a better answer than :rolleyes: The evidence presented at least what I presented is not based on opinion but facts. So, what makes you so sure Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11?
And Eichmann was the mastermind of the Holocaust. That doesn't mean that Hitler was innocent.

Are you people seriously this stupid? I am at a loss to understand if you are this stupid or you actually admire bin laden and regret his death.


either that, or they're completely unhinged by ODS.

You're smart Del I am sure you can give a better answer than :rolleyes: The evidence presented at least what I presented is not based on opinion but facts. So, what makes you so sure Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11?

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

Robert A. Heinlein

either that, or they're completely unhinged by ODS.

You're smart Del I am sure you can give a better answer than :rolleyes: The evidence presented at least what I presented is not based on opinion but facts. So, what makes you so sure Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11?

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

Robert A. Heinlein

Maybe I gave you to much credit for being smart.:eusa_whistle:

How pathetic of you to worship an empty suit who had no choice but to say yes to the Bin Ladin mission. He looked like a little boy past his bedtime huddled behind the adults in the "situation room". Your little clip is a joke, he would break those spindly little ankles if he tried to kick a balsa door, a real door might kill his dainty ass.
How the CIA Broke the 9/11 Attacks Mastermind - The Blotter

Zoner, you dillweed sock, that's the FIRST News Source when Googling his name...

It's Endless.

Educate yourself on History.

You were like 10 on 9/11, weren't you.



Then I repeat dumb ass, everyone who celebrated when we killed bin laden was wrong and should thank you for that link.

You cant stand the fact that so many people rejoiced under this administration.

Nice neg rep asshole. Thats all you got?

When do you plan on Countering the Information Presented, Zoner?...

And stop Crying about Rep, you Fucking Dingleberry. :thup:


Let's just Assume bin Laden was the Mastermind and not KSM...

How many Deaths would bin Laden be Responsible for as Compared to say...


And again, this is Assuming that bin Laden, not KSM, who was Assisted in his First Attempt at taking down the Towers in 1993 by an Iraq Agent by the name of Ramzi Yousef, was Responsible for 9/11.

I Think it goes without Debate... Saddam used WMDs to Kill at least Tens of Thousands...

He was a Brutal Dictator and Murdered Scores of his own People...

So, Ultimately... My Question is this.

Take yourself as an American out of the Equation and look at it from the Worldview...

Who was Worse, bin Laden or Saddam?



Bin Laden was worse. When left to his devices, SH only killed Iraqis. When prodded by Reagan, he killed Iranians. When given clearance by Bush I's ambassador, he killed Kuwaitis, but his mischief was limited to his back yard. OBL on the other hand has killed people in all around the world.
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These damned idiots are really getting tiresome. Hussien was not responsible for 3000 Americans murdered on American soil.

So build your fucking shrine to Bin Laden, Mal. Show how you really feel toward your fellow citizens in the United States of America.

Neither did Bin Laden. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11 To lie to the American people is the greatest danger of all.

(CBS) Osama bin Laden may still be at large, but the man captured in Pakistan last Saturday was even more important than bin Laden in the planning and execution of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was apprehended in his pajamas just before dawn in a suburban home near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. American authorities will have many questions for him because as, Bob Simon first reported last fall on 60 Minutes II, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was not only the mastermind of 9/11, but America's most lethal enemy for more than a decade.

Read more: The Mastermind - 60 Minutes - CBS News
And Eichmann was the mastermind of the Holocaust. That doesn't mean that Hitler was innocent.

Are you people seriously this stupid? I am at a loss to understand if you are this stupid or you actually admire bin laden and regret his death.

Damn that CBS, AP, NPR, etc., etc...

"Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was not only the mastermind of 9/11, but America's most lethal enemy for more than a decade." - CBS News

And toots, bin Laden Denied being Involved in 9/11 until it was clear we weren't going to stop saying he did it and that he was in Afghanistan in September of 2011...

Terrorists don't Deny their Work, Sweety.

Could you Present your Case that bin Laden was MORE Responsible for 9/11 than KSM?...

And then explain why we are Housing KSM, yet we Assassinate bin Laden.

I'll be here... NOT Holding my Breath. :thup:


Let's just Assume bin Laden was the Mastermind and not KSM...

How many Deaths would bin Laden be Responsible for as Compared to say...


And again, this is Assuming that bin Laden, not KSM, who was Assisted in his First Attempt at taking down the Towers in 1993 by an Iraq Agent by the name of Ramzi Yousef, was Responsible for 9/11.

I Think it goes without Debate... Saddam used WMDs to Kill at least Tens of Thousands...

He was a Brutal Dictator and Murdered Scores of his own People...

So, Ultimately... My Question is this.

Take yourself as an American out of the Equation and look at it from the Worldview...

Who was Worse, bin Laden or Saddam?



Bin Laden was worse. When left to his devices, SH only killed Iraqis. When prodded by Reagan, he killed Iranians. When given clearance by Bush I's ambassador, he killed Kuwaitis, but his mischief was limited to his back yard. OBL on the other hand has killed people in all around the world.

You couldn't Prove his Location for a Decade, much less any Resposibility in 9/11.



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