Lets hear it for our Third Amendment!


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!

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On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!

This was actually a big problem back in their time with the British army commandeering peoples' homes to house British troops. That was the reason for the amendment, to keep the US from doing it. It's pretty much obsolete now, but I wouldn't necessarily throw it out.
On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!

That's the only amendment that the federal government doesn't violate on a routine basis.
On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!

That's the only amendment that the federal government doesn't violate on a routine basis.

Well if he gets re elected it may.
I can see it in the future.
We must help our solders for they have lost their homes . I make an executive order that everyone who can must help these families and open up their homes. It's a crisis. :)
Now if only you had that much appreciation for the 10th Amendment.

"Appreciating" it and actually respecting and abiding by it are two different things. The 10th is one in particular most Democrats would and do outright disagree with and even RINOs would only give meaningless lip service at best.

How can Democrats be trusted to protect my rights given the fact the left, who have taken control of that party, have a list of those they want to see me deprived of in the first place?
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On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!

That's the only amendment that the federal government doesn't violate on a routine basis.

Except to tell you how much water your toilet should hold, what type of light bulb you should own and to make sure you have health insurance
On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!


That is the one nobody has a problem with.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pk8IxqYF0E&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪Liberal and Conservative Agree on Bill of Rights...‬‏[/ame]
On this Memorial Day, lets pay tribute to the great Third Amendment to our Constitution. Our founding fathers thought it was so important that they listed it as our third most valuable freedom.

Now, we get hundreds of threads celebrating the Second Amendment and Threads about our First Amendment rights. But how about we give the Third Amendment its due?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

On this Memorial Day, think how important it is that you can't be forced to give up your house to quarter soldiers. Back in the day, homeowners were forced to sleep in the barn because British Soldiers had taken over their house.

So.....Third Amendment

I salute you!


you should salut all of them, that is what our soldiers fought and died to protect.

The poor Third Amendment is the Rodney Dangerfield of Amendments
Now if only you had that much appreciation for the 10th Amendment.

I fully appreciate our 10th amendment and our courts do an excellent job of defining it's scope

Oh really? name a court case that defines the scope of the 10th amendment.

The poor Third Amendment gets no respect

For once in the history of this board, someone starts a thread to celebrate our noble Third Amendment rights and assholes like Avatar try to hijack it to talk about their favorite Amendment

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