Let's go to the Electoral College Map

Hillary is sitting at 260 and that does not include any toss ups. Trump has to run the table of toss ups

After next week, Hillary will be way over 270 and the only question will be....how big a rout will it be?
If the wall street Hillary speech was the best Assage can muster, the Presidential race is over. Hillary is pulling away in Florida and Pennsylvania is a lock.
If the wall street Hillary speech was the best Assage can muster, the Presidential race is over. Hillary is pulling away in Florida and Pennsylvania is a lock.
Collective yawn from the public

Let's prosecute from Republicans
This will obviously look worse for Trump after the next round of polling mid-week. Minimally I would think AZ and GA will probabaly turn blue.

This will obviously look worse for Trump after the next round of polling mid-week. Minimally I would think AZ and GA will probabaly turn blue.

Hillary leads in all the swing states. Now let's see if she starts taking low hanging red states
Trump's ground game is anemic. He thinks his racist, crowd pleasing rallies will pull him over the finish line. He is very, very mistaken.
Trump's ground game is anemic. He thinks his racist, crowd pleasing rallies will pull him over the finish line. He is very, very mistaken.
The lack of a presidential ground game will hurt down ticket Republicans

Obamas effective ground game in 2008 and 2012 led to major gains down ticket
Finally a shift towards Trump

Clinton 256
Trump 165

After a week in the Leans Hillary column, NH moves to Toss up
Small victory for Trump (4 EVs) but any positive shift is good news
I did think that Hillary had this in the bag. Now I am not so sure. The election is so volatile I'm not even comfortable guessing anymore.
As we enter the last three weeks of the campaign, polls will become more frequent and more accurate

Current trends to watch:

TEXAS: Yes the same Texas that Romney won by 16 percent. Latest two polls show Trump ahead by only 3% and 4%
If Texas goes blue it would mean the end of the Republicans chance to win the White House

Arizona: Another Red State currently in the Clinton column +5% and +2%

Utah: a bastion of Republicanism throwing its support to unknown McMullin
As we enter the last three weeks of the campaign, polls will become more frequent and more accurate

Current trends to watch:

TEXAS: Yes the same Texas that Romney won by 16 percent. Latest two polls show Trump ahead by only 3% and 4%
If Texas goes blue it would mean the end of the Republicans chance to win the White House

Arizona: Another Red State currently in the Clinton column +5% and +2%

Utah: a bastion of Republicanism throwing its support to unknown McMullin

It must be a very painful period for all the Trump supporters out there...some who are friends and family. Sorry, but they should have seen this coming.
Can you imagine the embarrassment if Texas goes for Clinton?

How inept a politician do you have to be to lose a 16 point lead in TEXAS

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