Let’s define “war hero” and political “accomplishments”

In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People

Voters elect a man, not a party. Otherwise we would just vote for a party and let them assign someone to fill the seat

More hair splitting retard semantics...voters elect a man whose political ideals align with those of a Party. Wordplay is fun...your turn
damn the gop will eat their own so fast.....

View attachment 213215
Trump is in good company. Neither would want me at the funeral. Or you for that matter.

In reality, this is an indication of how deeply and bitterly the nation is divided. It's not Trump. It's the side he stands for. That's what they don't want. And they don't want that side dirtying up their world either.
Maybe it is because of the horrible things Trump said about McCain.
McCain is a scumbag. I knew that when he threw over the presidential election. I don't believe any of the story about his ship or his POW story.

Why not? My understanding is that his account has been verified by other sources.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair? Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
"So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair?"
Typical ! "winning" an argument that you constructed. If I were "fucking stupid" I would buy that story. For all you know he`s been flying left handed triangles over Hanoi (where he wasn`t supposed to be) and bailed out as soon as he realized in dismay that they locked and launched missiles on him.
.....and then continued to fly with his parachute into downtown Hanoi. Wow...does that look like he was trying to avoid capture in a "fucking stupid way" or was it something else?

You are fucking stupid. Where is your link to prove he was not supposed to be in Hanoi? I read his book many years ago and I don't recall anything of the sort. I also just reread his account of what happened and it does not say either.

You don't bail out of an aircraft that was hit by a surface-to-air missile. Also, did you think McCain was alone up there?

Yes, fucking stupid is about the best way to describe it.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

Or put it like this, graduates at the very bottom of his class at officer school, only got to go because his daddy was an admiral, is involved in one of the most horrible naval disasters since WW2( not his fault) equals maverick? Na, just another dead political toad. Fuck’em.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

Keeping in mind that I personally disliked John McCain and though he was something of an asshole . . .

His "war hero" status comes less from having been captured, and more from the fact that he refused the offer of release from captivity while others remained behind. That took a level of character and loyalty to his country and his oaths as a soldier that I sincerely doubt either you or I would be able to muster.

Think very carefully before you let your political partisanship tell you that it's no big deal to piss on this memory. I advise you to err on the side of being a decent human being instead of a political hack piece of shit.

Look...you’re clearly the type to immediately move one to sainthood at the time of death...that’s cool, you be that sucker....I say FUCK THAT!
He was a shit-stain before he died, his legacy is that of a shit-stain. He disobeyed command and fucked a mission all up and paid a price for it. The fact that he denied release is folklore. Trump was right, good soldiers / hero’s obey commands and execute missions.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

Keeping in mind that I personally disliked John McCain and though he was something of an asshole . . .

His "war hero" status comes less from having been captured, and more from the fact that he refused the offer of release from captivity while others remained behind. That took a level of character and loyalty to his country and his oaths as a soldier that I sincerely doubt either you or I would be able to muster.

Think very carefully before you let your political partisanship tell you that it's no big deal to piss on this memory. I advise you to err on the side of being a decent human being instead of a political hack piece of shit.

Look...you’re clearly the type to immediately move one to sainthood at the time of death...that’s cool, you be that sucker....I say FUCK THAT!
He was a shit-stain before he died, his legacy is that of a shit-stain. He disobeyed command and fucked a mission all up and paid a price for it. The fact that he denied release is folklore. Trump was right, good soldiers / hero’s obey commands and execute missions.

Look, you're clearly the type to hear only what you want to hear, regardless of what's actually said.

You're a crass, ill-bred boor who somehow thinks his partisan loyalties will elevate him above being a trash-talking hunk of flaming political garbage.

You, like John McCain, have every bit of respect from me that you deserve. Unlike John McCain, you deserve none. I have no further use for you or your jumped-up, unearned pretensions of superiority. As far as I'm concerned, your posts on this topic have proven that you are no one whose opinion I will ever want on any subject.

I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane
"I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane"
They forgot to mention that to me. I was taught that while flying VFR to always keep an eye open for suitable emergency landing sites and in IFR conditions how to avoid crashing in populated areas.
But in that case that particular plane was at the mercy of the pilot, not the other way around. He chose to fly it around over Hanoi where he wasn`t supposed to be. Maybe he was hoping they would not fire at him if he had jettisoned his armaments, was flashing his Nav-lights, dropped his landing gear and set his transponder to squawk 7700.
Assuming Soviet trained air defense in Hanoi would recognize his intentions.
And it`s not like he was hit at low altitude restricting his options where to land with a ~3 to 1 parachute glide ratio to downtown Hanoi !

You really believe all of that bullshit you just posted?

Please shut up! It makes it harder for you to embarrass yourself that way.

Parachute glide? Ever ejected from an aircraft and controlled your parachute with two broken arms?

"You really believe all of that bullshit you just posted?"
Do you really believe all the bullshit Time magazine published about his downing?

Why should I not? To assume someone lied without any evidence is insane.
damn the gop will eat their own so fast.....

View attachment 213215
Trump is in good company. Neither would want me at the funeral. Or you for that matter.

In reality, this is an indication of how deeply and bitterly the nation is divided. It's not Trump. It's the side he stands for. That's what they don't want. And they don't want that side dirtying up their world either.
Maybe it is because of the horrible things Trump said about McCain.
McCain is a scumbag. I knew that when he threw over the presidential election. I don't believe any of the story about his ship or his POW story.
Says the scumbag
damn the gop will eat their own so fast.....

View attachment 213215
Trump is in good company. Neither would want me at the funeral. Or you for that matter.

In reality, this is an indication of how deeply and bitterly the nation is divided. It's not Trump. It's the side he stands for. That's what they don't want. And they don't want that side dirtying up their world either.
Maybe it is because of the horrible things Trump said about McCain.
McCain is a scumbag. I knew that when he threw over the presidential election. I don't believe any of the story about his ship or his POW story.
Says the scumbag

Says the shitstain.
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People

Voters elect a man, not a party. Otherwise we would just vote for a party and let them assign someone to fill the seat

More hair splitting retard semantics...voters elect a man whose political ideals align with those of a Party. Wordplay is fun...your turn

It is the man who is accountable to the voters....not the party
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair? Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
"So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair?"
Typical ! "winning" an argument that you constructed. If I were "fucking stupid" I would buy that story. For all you know he`s been flying left handed triangles over Hanoi (where he wasn`t supposed to be) and bailed out as soon as he realized in dismay that they locked and launched missiles on him.
.....and then continued to fly with his parachute into downtown Hanoi. Wow...does that look like he was trying to avoid capture in a "fucking stupid way" or was it something else?

You are fucking stupid. Where is your link to prove he was not supposed to be in Hanoi? I read his book many years ago and I don't recall anything of the sort. I also just reread his account of what happened and it does not say either.

You don't bail out of an aircraft that was hit by a surface-to-air missile. Also, did you think McCain was alone up there?

Yes, fucking stupid is about the best way to describe it.
I wasn`t stupid enough to buy it and read how he accounts for it in his book. Relying on his version of events is about as "fucking-stupid" as reading H.Clinton`s "What happened"
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair? Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
"So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair?"
Typical ! "winning" an argument that you constructed. If I were "fucking stupid" I would buy that story. For all you know he`s been flying left handed triangles over Hanoi (where he wasn`t supposed to be) and bailed out as soon as he realized in dismay that they locked and launched missiles on him.
.....and then continued to fly with his parachute into downtown Hanoi. Wow...does that look like he was trying to avoid capture in a "fucking stupid way" or was it something else?

You are fucking stupid. Where is your link to prove he was not supposed to be in Hanoi? I read his book many years ago and I don't recall anything of the sort. I also just reread his account of what happened and it does not say either.

You don't bail out of an aircraft that was hit by a surface-to-air missile. Also, did you think McCain was alone up there?

Yes, fucking stupid is about the best way to describe it.
I wasn`t stupid enough to buy it and read how he accounts for it in his book. Relying on his version of events is about as "fucking-stupid" as reading H.Clinton`s "What happened"

OK, enough with the bullshit. What do you find unreliable about his accounts?

Be careful dumbass! I pay attention.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair? Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
"So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair?"
Typical ! "winning" an argument that you constructed. If I were "fucking stupid" I would buy that story. For all you know he`s been flying left handed triangles over Hanoi (where he wasn`t supposed to be) and bailed out as soon as he realized in dismay that they locked and launched missiles on him.
.....and then continued to fly with his parachute into downtown Hanoi. Wow...does that look like he was trying to avoid capture in a "fucking stupid way" or was it something else?

You are fucking stupid. Where is your link to prove he was not supposed to be in Hanoi? I read his book many years ago and I don't recall anything of the sort. I also just reread his account of what happened and it does not say either.

You don't bail out of an aircraft that was hit by a surface-to-air missile. Also, did you think McCain was alone up there?

Yes, fucking stupid is about the best way to describe it.
I wasn`t stupid enough to buy it and read how he accounts for it in his book. Relying on his version of events is about as "fucking-stupid" as reading H.Clinton`s "What happened"

How about relying on the testimony of other POWs who were in Hanoi with him, some of whom actually dislike McCain personally, but all of whom nevertheless corroborate his account?
You think draftees did not try to get Vietnam declared unconstitutional?

Yes, I know. In the very end, however, the government thought they figured out that they had pursued bad policy there. Of course, they thought that the War Powers Resolution in '73 would limit a sitting President's whim to take the country into another war without a constitutionally mandated declaration of war. That law, unforunately, ended up being used by the war party in Washington to take us into more wars without the constitutional mandate for Congress approval. It's crazy. The reality is that the electorate simply doesn't demand that elected politicians follow the Constitution. I don't know if it's a consequence of just not knowing the Constitution or just not caring. I think likely a mix of both.
It's kind of funny recalling what Bush had said after we invaded Iraq. He said, ''By God, we’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all.'' Lol. Bull pucky. We've learned nothing from Vietnam because we're still doing the same darned thing. Like Vietnam, Iraq, too, was brought on by government lies and propaganda and shoved down our throats by a compliant media that repeated the lies without hesitation 24/7.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
McCain's diseased, traitorous body is not the American flag.
And members of the military who are traitors are the foulest scumbags there are.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Did you think that “right wingers” love and respect every single soldier who’s ever worn a uniform? You didn’t know that a number of them have been total pieces of shits?
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
McCain's diseased, traitorous body is not the American flag.
And members of the military who are traitors are the foulest scumbags there are.
What an evil bitch you are
No wonder Jesus hates you
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

U.S. have totally lost it’s moral compass. You can’t even honour a man who gave his entire life to you. First as a soldier, then as a politician.

The fucking founders would have beheaded the goddamn lot of you and started fresh with some foreigners, natives or whatever with a working set of backbones.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Did you think that “right wingers” love and respect every single soldier who’s ever worn a uniform? You didn’t know that a number of them have been total pieces of shits?
It would appear to me that right wingers are totally full of shit.

You either respect those that defend this country or you don't.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

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