Let’s Put a Camera in Every Classroom


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Sounds like a great idea, gots to keep an eye on them progressive/liberal teachers/professors...


Bill Gates’ $5 Billion Plan: Let’s Put a Camera in Every Classroom

Takepart.com – Mon, Apr 22, 2013

The way public school teachers are evaluated is complicated—and highly controversial among educators.

In fact, two out of three teachers feel that the methods don't accurately capture what they do in their classrooms, according to a January report by the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tying teacher performance to test scores is the main factor that has teachers up in arms. It was one of the main reasons teachers went on strike last year in Chicago and why teachers in Seattle boycotted the MAP test earlier this year.

Instead of focusing so much attention on test scores, philanthropist Bill Gates has another idea.

How about spending $5 billion to put a video camera in every classroom in America?

Anya Kamenetz of Fast Company reports that in a TED Talks Education special airing on May 7 on PBS, we can expect to hear more about Gates' plan. The hope Kamenetz writes, is for teachers "to be filmed in action so they can be evaluated and, maybe, improve."

Gates has dedicated resources in the last few years to identifying and developing effective teaching. His foundation funded the $45 million MET project designed to determine how to best identify and promote great teaching. They enlisted the help of 3,000 teachers and many experts to determine the best way to do this.


Bill Gates? $5 Billion Plan: Let?s Put a Camera in Every Classroom

My junior year in high school we had a teacher who would have students stand up to answer questions. If they made a mistake he would scream "HERESY" and throw an eraser at them. I actually thought this was rather funny but I kept my distance from him. I think he was really kind of wacko. So I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea.

How many teachers would restrain themselves if they knew everything was being recorded?

My junior year in high school we had a teacher who would have students stand up to answer questions. If they made a mistake he would scream "HERESY" and throw an eraser at them. I actually thought this was rather funny but I kept my distance from him. I think he was really kind of wacko. So I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea.

How many teachers would restrain themselves if they knew everything was being recorded?


then the parents get to see what fuck -offs their kids are too!
Why is it that liberals generally oppose this idea while conservatives generally support it?
Let’s Put a Camera in Every Classroom

And every board room, every police station, every town hall, every court room, bed room, and living room.

And a while we're at it, lets all go naked because, if you're innocent you have nothing to hide, right?
Why is it that liberals generally oppose this idea while conservatives generally support it?

It seems to me a dichotomy that conservatives would be for cameras in the classroom. Cameras recording everything everywhere, CCTV, it's getting closer and closer to Big Brother, something which the conservatives are vehemently against.

I think good teachers and good teaching come down to many things, but monitoring every move they make is not one of them. Perhaps higher standards for getting into and graduating teaching programs. But, then, you'd have to offer better salaries upon graduation. Respect for the teaching profession. In America, teachers get little to no respect. In countries with highly successful education programs, Asia for example, teachers are highly respected. There is a correlation there. Parents who are involved in their children's education, rather than just sending them off to school and expecting the school to just 'fix' everything--as if you were leaving something off at the dry cleaners. Other things, but doing Big Brother acts on them: not really going to improve teaching, and will definitely stifle those teachers who are true artists and devotees of the craft. Think of Dead Poet's Society. Those are the best kind of teachers and would be the first to go--parents and admin would think it ridiculous to make students stand on their desks to get a 'different perspective.' Yet it is an inspired idea.
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Let’s Put a Camera in Every Classroom

And every board room, every police station, every town hall, every court room, bed room, and living room.

And a while we're at it, lets all go naked because, if you're innocent you have nothing to hide, right?

Why don't you go and get a colonoscopy...:eusa_angel:

Totally, AJ.

And is it too much to ask to allow the cops to give us on-the-road-bone-marrow-testing to ensure that we're not high while driving?

AFTER ALL...we owe it to the fucking children,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH_YbBHVF4g]The Police - Every Breath You Take (With Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
I think cameras in the classroom are okay as long as parents are on camera disciplining and parenting the kids at home. Let's see who's dropping the ball!

all the parents would need to sign a release.

not gonna happen

I don't think so. A classroom is a public space. Not only should we put cameras in classrooms, we should make them available on the internet for anyone who wants to view them. Then parents can see how their children are being taught.

This should especially be done with college classrooms.
I think cameras in the classroom are okay as long as parents are on camera disciplining and parenting the kids at home. Let's see who's dropping the ball!


You just won the award for stupid post of the month.

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