Lest We All Forget...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

9 / 11 / 01
Never gonna forget, nor will I forget when I saw it happen.

I was in the shower when the first plane hit, and I only saw the aftermath. I was wondering who screwed up (the pilot or the air traffic controller), and how many were going to die from this.

Then, the second plane hit while I was watching, and I thought that something was attacking. I quickly put on my uniform and went into MEPS to find out what was happening.

Then, later, another plane hit the Pentagon, and I knew it was an attack.

I was in our ready room, an off day when I did not have to fly, catching up on logs and paperwork, when the live reporting began on the TV we always kept on to watch the news.

Everyone gathered around and watched in silence and disbelief.

Equally memorable to watching the events unfold, now, is the memory of the immediate days after, how the country rallied together, how we were unified...yet look at how we have been divided now.

May WE all remember WE are not our own enemies, that our true enemies are the ones dividing us for their own gain right now.
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I was in our ready room, an off day when I did not have to fly, catching on logs and paperwork, when the live reporting began on the TV we always kept on to watch the news.

Everyone gathered around and watched in silence and disbelief.

Equally memorable to watching the events unfold, now, is the memory of the immediate days after, how the country rallied together, how we were unified...yet look at how we have been divided now.

May WE all remember WE are not our own enemies, that our true enemies are the ones dividing us for their own gai.ght now.

Exactly. We shouldn't be fighting each other, as we are supposed to be the UNITED States of America. Even if I didn't like the person serving next to me in the military, they were still part of my team, and watching their back was part of my job, as well as theirs was to watch mine, even if we didn't like each other, we were still teammates. We need to quit fighting each other, and start uniting to get this country going in the right direction. Does that mean liberal or conservative? Dunno, just want to move in the direction that benefits the majority of this country.
I've got a Shadow Box prominently displayed in my home containing a photo of the Twin Towers and an American flag flown over Afghanistan during combat. I have taught my children and will teach my grandchildren about what happened that day - it will never be forgotten. God bless those who lost loved ones that day as well as those who lived through that hell!
One of the things that really bugged me about that day was the attack on the Pentagon. About a year and a half prior, I did the paperwork and screening for a friend of mine to go work at the Pentagon. She passed her screenings, and was super excited to be going there to work.

When 9/11 happened, she was one of the Pentagon casualties and was killed by the plane that smacked into the building.
One of the things that really bugged me about that day was the attack on the Pentagon. About a year and a half prior, I did the paperwork and screening for a friend of mine to go work at the Pentagon. She passed her screenings, and was super excited to be going there to work.

When 9/11 happened, she was one of the Pentagon casualties and was killed by the plane that smacked into the building.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Her death was not your fault...thank you for sharing.
One of the things that really bugged me about that day was the attack on the Pentagon. About a year and a half prior, I did the paperwork and screening for a friend of mine to go work at the Pentagon. She passed her screenings, and was super excited to be going there to work.

When 9/11 happened, she was one of the Pentagon casualties and was killed by the plane that smacked into the building.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Her death was not your fault...thank you for sharing.

You know, I'm aware that her death wasn't my fault. However, it didn't stop me from going through a bit of survivor's guilt for a little while afterwards.
I was on a boat deep in the Gulf. Never forget. Absolutely horrific day and then some.

People suck.
One of the things that really bugged me about that day was the attack on the Pentagon. About a year and a half prior, I did the paperwork and screening for a friend of mine to go work at the Pentagon. She passed her screenings, and was super excited to be going there to work.

When 9/11 happened, she was one of the Pentagon casualties and was killed by the plane that smacked into the building.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Her death was not your fault...thank you for sharing.

You know, I'm aware that her death wasn't my fault. However, it didn't stop me from going through a bit of survivor's guilt for a little while afterwards.
Been there - during the Gulf War I was grounded for a mission and a young officer had to replace me for a short deployment. He never made it home....the feeling 'that should have been me' has never completely left. Prayers for you! Stay strong!

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