Less revenue = less free shit for bottom feeders. You sure you want the Khashoggi thing dealt with?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Be careful with what you wish for.
The Saudis spend lots of money with the U.S. and you have to get your free shit...right?
The only reason liberalfilth are making an issue of this is because they care more about their precious muslim cousin-inbreeding savages than anyone else on earth. I'm HAPPY when journalist vermin die (plenty more vermin to take their place) and I'm HAPPY when muslim cousin-fucking animals die (again, plenty more vermin to take their place).
The only reason liberalfilth are making an issue of this is because they care more about their precious muslim cousin-inbreeding savages than anyone else on earth. I'm HAPPY when journalist vermin die (plenty more vermin to take their place) and I'm HAPPY when muslim cousin-fucking animals die (again, plenty more vermin to take their place).

I agree, that’s a very good point.
Biff_Poindexter whats your thoughts?
Be careful with what you wish for.
The Saudis spend lots of money with the U.S. and you have to get your free shit...right?

Well now that's like saying abortion should be legal because people pay for abortions. Not to mention the average person having an abortion must be in a pretty sub standard place in life.

Your opinion on the value of a human life is cold,

Let me not criticize too much though. I'm the guy who said the death penalty should apply to attempted murder charges also, no rewards for being a bad shot. Oh, and a random 1% of drunk drivers should be executed. We can use a "wheel of misfortune" to decide.
You really want to sell out our values for a measly 14 billion?
You really want to sell out our values for a measly 14 billion?

People all over the globe are murdered daily by people in power...most of the time it’s none of our fucking business. This is the United States Of America and not the United States Of Earth...fuck the world, it’s time to get shit right here. Further, as long as your filthy fucking friends keep begging thirdworlders to invade our country, rape and kill our people your opinions on the matter mean nothing to anybody sane.

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