LEOs, something you might want to consider when you buy a gun...


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Overheard some cops talking Saturday. They discussed a Peace Officer discount that was being offered to LEOs when they buy guns.

Seems one of them found out that the country had been tracking who owns what guns by keeping a list of who got the discounts that the county apparently re-imbursed the gun stores when they honored the LEO discount.

If you dont know what the PD does with this info when yo buy under some kind of discount you might want to find out. Are they storing that data somewhere? Why if so?

I wouldnt like it and would not use their discount.
There has always been a conflict between the NRA and the ATF over keeping a file on American citizens who purchase weapons. It's unclear if the ATF keeps track of gun ownership but I suspect it. An interesting sideline is the basis for the ATF search warrant for the Branch Dividian compound in Waco Texas. Apparently the ATF got wind of civilians in the Branch Dividian compound purchasing (legal) surplus junk WW2 weapons. The ever vigilant ATF found out that people giving the address of the Branch Dividian compound also purchased (legal) pamphlets showing how to rebuild the weapons. Somehow the federal cops (surprise) convinced a federal judge to issue a search warrant based on something that was perfectly legal. After the debacle the liberal media circled the wagons around the Clinton administration and nobody ever questioned the federal judge who issued the warrant and no WW2 weapons were found in the burned out rubble and nobody ever questioned the motivation of the ATF to obtain the initial warrant..
There has always been a conflict between the NRA and the ATF over keeping a file on American citizens who purchase weapons. It's unclear if the ATF keeps track of gun ownership but I suspect it. An interesting sideline is the basis for the ATF search warrant for the Branch Dividian compound in Waco Texas. Apparently the ATF got wind of civilians in the Branch Dividian compound purchasing (legal) surplus junk WW2 weapons. The ever vigilant ATF found out that people giving the address of the Branch Dividian compound also purchased (legal) pamphlets showing how to rebuild the weapons. Somehow the federal cops (surprise) convinced a federal judge to issue a search warrant based on something that was perfectly legal. After the debacle the liberal media circled the wagons around the Clinton administration and nobody ever questioned the federal judge who issued the warrant and no WW2 weapons were found in the burned out rubble and nobody ever questioned the motivation of the ATF to obtain the initial warrant..

Yes, the bureaucrats will break the law but only for the cause of GOOD, lol.

We have a government made up of fallable people, like any government. Sometimes they think the law is an ass, and it often is, so they work around it to do what they think tneeds to be done for the pbulic good.

But these people prep the means for those who intend to do wrong to do it more effectively and efficiently.

The gun grabbers in the ATFE think the US would be better off without guns being available. The people who respect gun rights in the ATF are sort of working against them when and where it is important in their view. The 'Fast and Furious' debacle I bet is an example of this sort of internal conflict. Who is President can set one faction over the other so that that faction gets its way. Obama has been pro gun grabber, and Romney I believe also is.

But under Obama some really outrageous things are hapening against gun rights and I think he will get re-elected, so its going to get worse and more overt since he cant get a third term.

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