Leftists: Please explain to me how democracy is in jeopardy

What you are describing here (and lying about with regard to J6) is what Democrats have already done years ago.

Hillary Clinton was an election denier in 2016 and she peddled, with absolutely no evidence whatever, conspiracy theories that Trump was an illegitimate President due to Russian interference in our elections. As a result of her, and other prominent Democrats', unsubstantiated claims, Steve Scalise was shot at a practice for a congressional baseball game.

Apparently SHE inspired a crazy nut job by pushing baseless conspiracy theories into violently attacking a bunch of Republican elected officials, which ended up with Steve Scalise being shot.

Nobody is going to take your faux outrage about your J6 lies seriously until you actually show true outrage about events such as this one that have actually happened and are actually truthful.
I Hillary didn't deny the results of the election even though she won the popular vote by almost 3 million. She played by the rules. As I recollect, she conceded right away. Of course, she's a decent human being unlike that trump piece shit who would never give in even if it cost lives of others.
I Hillary didn't deny the results of the election even though she won the popular vote by almost 3 million. She played by the rules. As I recollect, she conceded right away. Of course, she's a decent human being unlike that trump piece shit who would never give in even if it cost lives of others.

She didn't concede until the next day after she sobered up. Then her minions had recounts in three different states. Even after she conceded the race, she had a dozen excuses why she lost instead of placing any blame on herself, insulting half the country, and unable to do public events because the woman is a drunk.
Do you condemn the rioters?

When did Democrats become such Puritanical scolds?

I was thinking about this on the way home. My fundamental beliefs in the importance of free speech and personal liberty have not changed since I was a teen. But then it made me liberal....now, I would not be one of these authoritarian boot lickers for the world.

Guess what, pal. I'm not going to "condemn" or not "condemn" anything on your say so. So sick of your SAY IT games.

If you can’t condemn violent rioters, that says a lot more about you than it does about me.

Puritanical Scold Number Who knows:

"Says a lot more about you than it does about me"

It’s not my concern if you’re ashamed of yourself for failing to condemn violent rioters.

I’m just making a point. And you’re proving it for me beautifully.

I don't care WHAT you're trying to make me "condemn". It's a forced confession. A religious rite.

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