Left Wing Politico Describes the Democratic Party

You cannot alter your DNA dumbass.
Actually you can, but that changes nothing. If the locker room is marked XX or XY, things are going to get very interesting in a hurry. Look it up. Just Google - XY women.

Like so - xy women - Google Search
Keep your party spewing this nonsense. It will give us the 2018 election. Thanks in advance.
That's science. I know, that's all nonsense to your kind. Carry on.
If your a man that's it. Keep it up!
Learn the difference between "your coat" and "you're an asshole". TY.

We call that - English, and the other thing - Science.
Actually you can, but that changes nothing. If the locker room is marked XX or XY, things are going to get very interesting in a hurry. Look it up. Just Google - XY women.

Like so - xy women - Google Search
Keep your party spewing this nonsense. It will give us the 2018 election. Thanks in advance.
That's science. I know, that's all nonsense to your kind. Carry on.
If your a man that's it. Keep it up!
Learn the difference between "your coat" and "you're an asshole". TY.

We call that - English, and the other thing - Science.
View attachment 133967
It's marked - All -Family.

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