Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church

Ok ladies i understand the law now anyway. thank you both. (Goldcat and Care).

I also understand this law needs some fixing. What ever happened to good old common sense?

Anyway, still, if they should come around here, well, someone raise my bail.

I will be the first in line to raise your bail Ollie! :clap2:
Ok ladies i understand the law now anyway. thank you both. (Goldcat and Care).

I also understand this law needs some fixing. What ever happened to good old common sense?

Anyway, still, if they should come around here, well, someone raise my bail.

Don't blame you for feeling that way. At all.

I'm a quaker. Rather a bad one, but that's more or less irrelevant here. :lol:

My meeting routinely goes to area funerals to counterprotest where WBC is expected to attend. I've been to three, two where they showed and one where they didn't. One was a friend of mine. They are just as bad in person as they're made out to be, if not worse. The way they hide behind their own little kids while hurling their filth is more stomach turning than anything else I've seen, really.

But it also shows there are other ways to fight back, without giving up pieces of our freedoms in the process. They just. aren't. worth it.

I feel awful for the families involved, but this particular suit is not the answer. And if that means somebody accuses me of supporting WBC, then they need to say it to my face. :lol: But so be it.
Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church..

So.... your telling me this is a good thing, huh..?

Quit playing stupid like you like to do and read what people on here are saying. Even Ollie knows it's not like that.

Even Ollie? Hmmmm, I'll have to think about that for a moment.

Well, I wouldn't consider you a "left winger" lol, and those on the right here are calling out the "left" as WB supporters....but not you! :cool:
Wrong view of the truth? C'mon care. Are 47 states filing an amicus brief on behalf of the Snyders because they hate free speech or simply like to side with "wrong"?

Being "right" on a message board is far less important to me than being on the right side of decency. In fact, being "right" by the standards here, are of no consequence to me whatsoever.

The MSM has become more about ideology than journalism and smart business.They are becoming irrelevant. No wonder Fox News is #1.

The fact that 47 states are filing briefs against free speech should scare the shit out of you.
Interesting twist ..

Liberals on the board ganging up with personal attacks on the messenger for a heart felt point of view.

Liberals on the board twisting obvious hate speech to an issue of freedom of speech.

In my opinion more than any freeloading freedom fighters (ones who never served) the military deserves the ultimate respect and admiration. They are the ones that show the ultimate sacrifices while the rest of us squabble and puke on the rights they have fought for.

You may feel better about yourself proclaiming that you disagree with this bastardized church but the bottom line is you end up supporting the hate speech..

Or maybe we just do not want to see stuff like this happen here.

Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin - Telegraph
Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church..

So.... your telling me this is a good thing, huh..?

Quit playing stupid like you like to do and read what people on here are saying. Even Ollie knows it's not like that.

Even Ollie? Hmmmm, I'll have to think about that for a moment.

Ah ..it's a sweet, juicy and plump apple Ollie .. how can you resist..?

With one hand offering freedom and protection for (some might say hate) speech and on the other taking freedom away.. ie. Obamacare.
Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church..

So.... your telling me this is a good thing, huh..?

Quit playing stupid like you like to do and read what people on here are saying. Even Ollie knows it's not like that.

I'll tell you what I going to do, cook dinner for the Gals, read the complete thread, do a little research and get back with you...
Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church..

So.... your telling me this is a good thing, huh..?

Quit playing stupid like you like to do and read what people on here are saying. Even Ollie knows it's not like that.

I'll tell you what I going to do, cook dinner for the Gals, read the complete thread, do a little research and get back with you...

That's a really good idea, Lump. I'm surprised nobody thought of it sooner. ;)
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Who does?
I'm pretty sure with the last couple of pages, this thread's topic and it's hyper partisan have been declared dead. Goldcatt, Care, and others are the suspected killers. :eusa_shhh:
I'm pretty sure with the last couple of pages, this thread's topic and it's hyper partisan have been declared dead. Goldcatt, Care, and others are the suspected killers. :eusa_shhh:

Victory! :woohoo:

It's great to have a thread on what actually turned out to be a good topic once the usual *cough HACK* suspects cleared out, whether we all agree on everything or not. :clap2:
Victory! :woohoo:

It's great to have a thread on what actually turned out to be a good topic once the usual *cough HACK* suspects cleared out, whether we all agree on everything or not. :clap2:

Common sense prevails.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAEDQwMtf4o&feature=related]YouTube - Sweet Victory Lyrics[/ame]
Victory! :woohoo:

It's great to have a thread on what actually turned out to be a good topic once the usual *cough HACK* suspects cleared out, whether we all agree on everything or not. :clap2:

Common sense prevails.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAEDQwMtf4o&feature=related]YouTube - Sweet Victory Lyrics[/ame]

not so fast... :lol:
Absolutely right, care.

Not only that, but depending on the breadth of the ruling it could easily be expanded to make the press liable for reporting ANY intentional event that causes harm to a person and that a family member could see and experience distress from. How would you like there to be a serial murderer, child snatcher or serial rapist in your area and the press can't report on it because they'll be sued? Wouldn't you want to know, and want them to be able to do their jobs?

It could conceivably go even broader than that...but I don't even want to think about it. :mad:

Everyone here who knows me knows how much I hate the Westboro Freaks, and those who support them.

BUT, what some of the cons on here don't understand is EXACTLY what goldcatt just laid out. What other freedoms (even if we hate those voices saying//doing it) will be taken away next?

Freedom from excessive taxation without proper representation.
Hate speech is, outside the law, any communication which disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristic such as race or sexual orientation.[1][2] In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. The law may identify a protected individual or a protected group by race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic.[3] In some countries, a victim of hate speech may seek redress under civil law, criminal law, or both.


If any group has earned the right to a dignified and fully honored burial it would be a soldier that has given their life in service to our nation. My feeling is that above all others they should be in a protected group and any protest should be considered hate speech and be dealt with as such.

There is the law and there is right and wrong. In the past it seemed to me that people knew the difference and common sense and dignity prevailed. Those days are gone and radical nut cases are running wild.

I wouldn't be so quick to assume that the sky is going to fall and we end up loosing our right of free speech over this. Also.. I've gotten to the point where I feel the professional media hucksters should be held accountable.. legally for what they report, like any other citizen.

It's fairly obvious I'm not a lawyer, just offering my point of view.
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.
For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

Absolutely, and this is why YOU need to read what is going on here with the media outlets that are speaking out against this ruling of our GOVERNMENT....

They are concerned with the Court's decision, (the government's decision), because it would or could stop the Press from being able to report on cases like the Snyder's.

Read the court case and the media's brief, early on in this thread, I gave a link to it....or read all of my posts and goldcatt's posts, which explains in detail, what the issue is....


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