Left Using an Activist Judiciary to Abolish Religious Liberty


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Left Using an Activist Judiciary to Abolish Religious Liberty

Today is Religious Freedom Day 2019 (Wed. 1/16). But the left won’t let your faith interfere with its social agenda.
The First Amendment was adopted because the Founding Fathers thought we could learn from the religious wars that had plagued Europe since the Reformation. Also, and most importantly, to protect freedom of conscience – not to separate “Church and State.” That secularist dogma came much later.
It was never intended to force people of faith to pay for abortions or contraception or (if a business) participate in same-sex ceremonies.
Just this week, another Obama judge ruled in favor of compelling a group of nuns to provide contraception in their health plan. Cultural Marxists say: “You can believe whatever you want. We’ll tell you what to do.” The judiciary is their enforcement arm.
There are many more similar quotes from our Founding Fathers, but it should be clear that they knew that in order for America to be free and to thrive that it needed to base its laws on biblical teachings to establish the necessary virtue and morality needed to survive. This is why liberals are working so hard to destroy America’s Christian foundations.

There has been decades of Progressive Marxist Socialist efforts to censor, erase and deny the underlying ideas of liberty upon which the U. S. Constitution was framed have had consequences. Today their minions infiltrated into our political system and judiciary are proving the Op-Ed true. Now even Senators have the audacity to question proposed appointees about their religious beliefs and affiliations.
Don Federer uses some great quotes from the founders of America in the body of the article, so I recommend reading the entire piece. How the left avoids dealing with this fact boggles the mind.

See also:
Our Ageless Constitution
Justice Story's words pay tribute to the United States Constitution and its Framers. Shortly before the 100th year of the Constitution, in his History of the United States of America written in 1886, historian George Bancroft said:
Feinstein's Anti-Catholic Questions Are an Outrage
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Yes, disguised as laws for all, the Democrats and some Republicans have offended the spirit of the First Amendment and expropriated tax resources to pay for the expenses incurred by decisions made by the Supreme Court, particularly making people with strong antipathy toward funding and therefore increasing the sin of abortion and sexual misconduct wreak havoc on overtaxed American citizens who are sickened by the things the Congress has legislated at our expense.

Those who read the Bible that our founders saw fit to have witnesses swear to tell the truth on, having read and studied scriptures know that killing unborn citizens is not a good idea.
Most of us are not in a position to fight every time the Congress votes as if atheism were the state's right to force taxpayers to pay untoward taxes for the blasphemy killing a future citizen of the USA is. So far the count is over forty million and could be twice that since some physicians will not put their patients names out there.

We're totally at the mercy of Congress's interpretation of where killing a human being starts--at conception or at birth.

Life starts long before birth. And prophets since ancient times have known it..Why doesn't Congress know it?

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