Centrist Dems urge Pelosi to break shutdown stalemate


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
the pressure on Pelosi and Schumer is getting stronger & stronger every day

a lot of the Dems that helped carry the House are moderates from red districts, and ALL pols want to stay in office

I think we will see a compromise soon, because the longer they hold out, the more the optics turn against them. Especially since the Prsident has offered a compromise i a very public way

Centrist Dems urge Pelosi to break shutdown stalemate

A group of centrist House Democrats, eager to end the shutdown and sick of political posturing, is pressing Speaker Nancy Pelosi to counter President Donald Trump’s immigration proposal with her own potential compromise.

The group, led by Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia, is asking the California Democrat to offer Trump a vote on his border wall sometime in February if he signs a bill reopening the federal government, according to a draft copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO.
Yup, the pressure on the corporatists of "both" stripes will come to bear when the substantial people become affected.
The group, led by Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia, is asking the California Democrat to offer Trump a vote on his border wall sometime in February if he signs a bill reopening the federal government, according to a draft copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO.
That will not be good enough.

No wall. No government.

Keep it shut down forever if we must.

Fuck FedZilla.
These moderate Dem's got elected by telling voters they would support Trump on building the wall and securing the border. Now we'll see if they stand fast or fold like a cheap lawn chair.
Well, when you get caught trying to flee the country in the middle of your shutdown - at tax payer expense - you tend to begin catching hell by those who expect you to be in your office doing your job to try to end the shutdown. Funny how that works.... :p
Well, when you get caught trying to flee the country in the middle of your shutdown - at tax payer expense - you tend to begin catching hell by those who expect you to be in your office doing your job to try to end the shutdown. Funny how that works.... :p

I was wondering why Pelousy headed out of the country with the Govt. shutdown.

Not to smart and people are watching.
Well, when you get caught trying to flee the country in the middle of your shutdown - at tax payer expense - you tend to begin catching hell by those who expect you to be in your office doing your job to try to end the shutdown. Funny how that works.... :p
Pelosi is a political scumbag that ranks right up there with filth like Adam Shitsniffer, and Upchuck Schummer.

Her telling The President not to do The SOTU address, and then trying to sneak out of town during The Shutdown so no one could negotiate with her is the LOWEST OF LOWS.
My god I don't believe what some of you post. I not sure if you are even old enough to go to school yet or are most likely a drop out. Did you not know enough that it is Nancy's responsibility to insure things are as they are said overseas and especially in combat zones.
Why don't you try and grow up and stop the idiotic post about we don't need a government. That my friends show just how short sighted and without understanding of human nature that you are. Please give examples of any country that does not have a strong government that is not rife with violence and poverty. Get real and stop making yourself look so dumb.. You know that trump lies more than he tells the truth.
My god I don't believe what some of you post. I not sure if you are even old enough to go to school yet or are most likely a drop out. Did you not know enough that it is Nancy's responsibility to insure things are as they are said overseas and especially in combat zones.
Why don't you try and grow up and stop the idiotic post about we don't need a government. That my friends show just how short sighted and without understanding of human nature that you are. Please give examples of any country that does not have a strong government that is not rife with violence and poverty. Get real and stop making yourself look so dumb.. You know that trump lies more than he tells the truth.
Stop with the "hate" agendas and we will start to talk. There is no trust in you and we are heading for a society where man people will start carrying weapons and a hair trigger mentality.
Congress has no jurisdiction or responsibilities in the area of Foreign Policy. That is exclusively the jurisdiction of The Executive Branch.
My god I don't believe what some of you post. I not sure if you are even old enough to go to school yet or are most likely a drop out. Did you not know enough that it is Nancy's responsibility to insure things are as they are said overseas and especially in combat zones.
Why don't you try and grow up and stop the idiotic post about we don't need a government. That my friends show just how short sighted and without understanding of human nature that you are. Please give examples of any country that does not have a strong government that is not rife with violence and poverty. Get real and stop making yourself look so dumb.. You know that trump lies more than he tells the truth.
our government is far too bloated, this shut down seems to be opening a lot of eyes on that

sure, it sucks for the people that are missing out on expected paychecks, but there is a bunch of waste in government

we need to fight hard to take power away from the government

that is not to say that we can or should eliminate ALL government

and please expand on what you mean about "Nancy's responsibility"; not sure how I want to respond to that without clarification
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These moderate Dem's got elected by telling voters they would support Trump on building the wall and securing the border. Now we'll see if they stand fast or fold like a cheap lawn chair.
No Democrat got elected on supporting the wall. The mandate is to block it or make Trump surrender the farm for it.
The whole "re-open government, then we'll talk" scam is for the birds. No way in hell does the gov get reopened without wall funding FIRST!!!
Did you not know enough that it is Nancy's responsibility to insure things are as they are said overseas and especially in combat zones.


You are actually trying to defend Pelosi by claiming that -- in the middle of her U.S. Government shutdown that currently has American citizens out of work, a shutdown where she is holding those Americans hostage by openly declaring she will not negotiate, will not compromise, and has declared that the Senate and President must agree to her demands or she will continue to take no reasonable action in the Senate to end her shutdown -- it is a greater responsibility/ duty for her to leave the country on a US military aircraft with 79 others than to stay in DC and do her job...


In the middle of her shutdown the military / defense of this country is being funded. We already have a Commander and Chief over the military. We already have the Joint Chiefs of Staff already running the military. We already have Generals in charge of the military running military Ops.

Nancy Pelosi falls no where in that chain......she can not effect what they are doing or what is going on, can not help them in any way...until the government re-opens.

The only thing she could have accomplished by fleeing the US, skipping out in the middle of her shutdown, would have been to escape any further scrutiny / deserved media bashing for her easily debunked lie about the DHS and Secret Service, to escape any further scrutiny / deserved media bashing for her attempt to hijack the President's State of the Union Speech, and to flee the country so she would not be available to do her job t end the shutdown.

Pelosi and the Democrats have made it clear:
- They hate this President more than they love this country
- They are standing with the violent illegals, human traffickers, cop killers, etc... instead of Americans
- They are liars say they want border security / enforcement of US law while illegally operating Sanctuary Cities
- IF they agree to help secure our borders/protect Americans they do it because THEY are getting 'PAID' to do so
- Their #1 goal is to partisanly hurt Trump's 2020 re-election chances, NOT in ending the shutdown

So stop with the partisan BS.

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