Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship

You confuse normal liberals with left wing whack jobs. It would be like comparing you to Sunshine or Katzdog. Do you want me comparing you to a lunatic bigot? I don't think so.
But that's not what's going on here.

Progressives in this thread are denying that their fellow progressives said what they actually said.

No, we are saying that we are taking over, as planned. Please try to keep up.

I'm sorry; I can't hear you over the sound of how irrelevant you are.
But back to the show. This thread is about, "Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship". The left has not been definitively defined nor have names been posted as to who represents the left, and we are six pages in to the story.

Unless the left is composed of five members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the only legitimate source of power sufficient to 'legally' cancel an election that I can think of, or the U.S. Military which is unlikely to support such a coup even if ordered by the CIC, I must conclude the author of this post is either challenged by reality or too poorly equipped - mentally, and the standard is not high - to be a troll.
So, a couple of your fellow progressives say something absolutely stupid...and it's CONSERVATVES' fault.

But back to the show. This thread is about, "Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship". The left has not been definitively defined nor have names been posted as to who represents the left, and we are six pages in to the story.

Unless the left is composed of five members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the only legitimate source of power sufficient to 'legally' cancel an election that I can think of, or the U.S. Military which is unlikely to support such a coup even if ordered by the CIC, I must conclude the author of this post is either challenged by reality or too poorly equipped - mentally, and the standard is not high - to be a troll.
So, a couple of your fellow progressives say something absolutely stupid...and it's CONSERVATVES' fault.


Again, you out dave yourself. Amazing. Read my post S L O W L Y, it asks two questions:

1. Define the Left?

2. Name those on the left who support the OP's premise?

I have another, for you: How many times have you been dropped on your head?
I have this pricking in my thumbs that something wicked this way comes when the White House stages a heckler who is not only known to the WH but a complete activist shouting "executive order" demanding the President take over.

And that heckler is a proven WH operative.

Sort of makes me go......
But back to the show. This thread is about, "Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship". The left has not been definitively defined nor have names been posted as to who represents the left, and we are six pages in to the story.

Unless the left is composed of five members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the only legitimate source of power sufficient to 'legally' cancel an election that I can think of, or the U.S. Military which is unlikely to support such a coup even if ordered by the CIC, I must conclude the author of this post is either challenged by reality or too poorly equipped - mentally, and the standard is not high - to be a troll.
So, a couple of your fellow progressives say something absolutely stupid...and it's CONSERVATVES' fault.


Again, you out dave yourself. Amazing. Read my post S L O W L Y, it asks two questions:

1. Define the Left?

2. Name those on the left who support the OP's premise?

I have another, for you: How many times have you been dropped on your head?
Good strategy: Hit bottom, dig.

Now throw another little tantrum. It may make you feel superior (Gaea along knows how), but it does not alter the fact that some of your fellow progressives are calling for a third Obama term.

Can you grasp that? Or are the shreds of your delicate ego obscuring your vision?
Might as well have a proper coronation while we're at it. Human sacrifices or fried fetii would probably be a tasty treat for the caviar eating, face stuffing first lady or whatever the disgusting primate goes by. The rest of us will just have cake.
Here we go again. Our totally fruitlooped quartet singing this stupidity again. And when the once again peaceful transistion from the Obama Presidency to the next elected President occures on 20Jan17 as scheduled, with this bunch of retards say 'we were wrong'? No, what they will state is "We scared the fascist-commies with our pop guns, and they didn't try it this time".

These poor assholes are so mentally deficient that they must have some wild ass conspiracy theory to be up in arms about or their lives have no meaning. Best humor them until they toddle off the the nursing home at the age of 45.
Rangel calls for Obama to rule by decree
Charlie Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for ?Everything? | Politicker

Professor calls for unlimited terms for Obama...i.e. President for life.
End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws or to use regs to implement laws Congress never passed and the libtards love it. They eat it all up.

People, this country will not tolerate a President for Life like Chavez and if this course is continued we will have a shooting war, and I guarantee the libtards will have their asses handed to their survivors in a dump truck.

Well Rangle's idea is simply nuts. However, Obama hasn't issued as many EO's as GWB or Reagan* but that doesn't excuse him for being simply overzealous. And to be real, it depends on how the EO is used.
* Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
A/O October 4th, Obama has 163, GWB had 290 and Reagan had 380.
Also, I think the thread's title is an over-statement. I'm darn sure, based on Obama's performance, that many Dems don't want a Obama dictartorship. They just want 2016 to come quickly so Hillary can replace "O".
OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

That's complete bullshit.

In addition Reagan CAUSED financial catastrophes that REQUIRED tax payer bailouts.

Guess you forgot that.
Here we go again. Our totally fruitlooped quartet singing this stupidity again. And when the once again peaceful transistion from the Obama Presidency to the next elected President occures on 20Jan17 as scheduled, with this bunch of retards say 'we were wrong'? No, what they will state is "We scared the fascist-commies with our pop guns, and they didn't try it this time".

These poor assholes are so mentally deficient that they must have some wild ass conspiracy theory to be up in arms about or their lives have no meaning. Best humor them until they toddle off the the nursing home at the age of 45.

Old Rocks, did you notice you mention not one counter-fact, not one line of rebuttal or reason.

You are turning into another typical libtard bullshit liar, and that is a shame.

You used to be reasonable.
Well Rangle's idea is simply nuts. However, Obama hasn't issued as many EO's as GWB or Reagan* but that doesn't excuse him for being simply overzealous. And to be real, it depends on how the EO is used.
* Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
A/O October 4th, Obama has 163, GWB had 290 and Reagan had 380.
Also, I think the thread's title is an over-statement. I'm darn sure, based on Obama's performance, that many Dems don't want a Obama dictartorship. They just want 2016 to come quickly so Hillary can replace "O".
OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

That's complete bullshit.

In addition Reagan CAUSED financial catastrophes that REQUIRED tax payer bailouts.

Guess you forgot that.

Obama VIOLATED bankruptcy law/principles, and used executive power to emplace new regs that protected the unions first instead of the primary lenders/creditors the way it once worked before.

With Obamacare he has ordered insurers to re-instate policies that are in violation of his own ACA law, without due legislative action, he simply did it by decree, and he orders around private industry simply by decree. Obama is acting like a dictator when it suits him.

So, once again, you lie, sling bullshit and attempt to deflect demonstrating again what a fucking waste of time you are.
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"...but it does not alter the fact that some of your fellow progressives are calling for a third Obama term."

link, please....
Umm...you're kidding, right? :eusa_eh:

Read the OP.

Dave libtards don't read data from opposed sources. It might cause them to doubt their closed minded blind faith in a 19th century ideology called Marxism.
Here we go again. Our totally fruitlooped quartet singing this stupidity again. And when the once again peaceful transistion from the Obama Presidency to the next elected President occures on 20Jan17 as scheduled, with this bunch of retards say 'we were wrong'?
Yup, its is like the standard badge of stupidity on message boards and it comes from both sides of the political aisle.

Tin hatters from the left feared Bush was going to declare martial law to remain in power, then tin hatters from the right feared Obama was going to declare martial law to remain in power, and here we go again with more messageboard dumbfucks fearing another dictatorship.
Rangel calls for Obama to rule by decree
Charlie Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for ?Everything? | Politicker

Professor calls for unlimited terms for Obama...i.e. President for life.
End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws or to use regs to implement laws Congress never passed and the libtards love it. They eat it all up.

People, this country will not tolerate a President for Life like Chavez and if this course is continued we will have a shooting war, and I guarantee the libtards will have their asses handed to their survivors in a dump truck.

More hate and fear? Posting one Prof's opinion and one Congressman's suggestion as evidence of anything greater than the opinion of two people is ridiculous. If you wanted your thread to be substantive, you might have expanded the scope to include signing statements; and "I'm the Decider" comments made by President G.W. Bush, such arrogance has never been part of President Obama's rhetoric.

You might have included a number of examples of President Obama's use of executive power not used by the aforementioned George W. and other occupants of the Oval Office.

As it stands, you're (IMO) a bitter, angry, highly partisan and ignorant gun lover who doesn't give a damn for anyone but themselves. A callous conservative who wouldn't give up one round of ammunition even if he knew doing so would end the carnage of gun violence in America.


interesting tag line you have there Mr. Liarberal.., so why did you respond ? :lmao:
Here we go again. Our totally fruitlooped quartet singing this stupidity again. And when the once again peaceful transistion from the Obama Presidency to the next elected President occures on 20Jan17 as scheduled, with this bunch of retards say 'we were wrong'?
Yup, its is like the standard badge of stupidity on message boards and it comes from both sides of the political aisle.

Tin hatters from the left feared Bush was going to declare martial law to remain in power, then tin hatters from the right feared Obama was going to declare martial law to remain in power, and here we go again with more messageboard dumbfucks fearing another dictatorship.

Lol, you still don't get it. Obama is the first POTUS to give himself war time powers in non-emergency peace time situations. The prior EOs only gave the President rule by decree in times of a declared war or in areas declared an emergency disaster area and the governors had to request it.

Obama has these powers now ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE at ANY TIME he wants, declared war or not, emergency or not.

Stop letting your ideological partisanship blind you to what is happening, but you are right it is BOTH parties that have been laying the groundwork for this, not just the Dims.
Well Rangle's idea is simply nuts. However, Obama hasn't issued as many EO's as GWB or Reagan* but that doesn't excuse him for being simply overzealous. And to be real, it depends on how the EO is used.
* Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
A/O October 4th, Obama has 163, GWB had 290 and Reagan had 380.
Also, I think the thread's title is an over-statement. I'm darn sure, based on Obama's performance, that many Dems don't want a Obama dictartorship. They just want 2016 to come quickly so Hillary can replace "O".
OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

That's complete bullshit.

In addition Reagan CAUSED financial catastrophes that REQUIRED tax payer bailouts.

Guess you forgot that.

In addition Reagan CAUSED financial catastrophes that REQUIRED tax payer bailouts

got a link to verify ??

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