Left Are All Upset Some Recent Abortion Restrictions Were Passed


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
But they're getting upset over nothing, really. The legislation was only passed by statute in Georgia. And Iowa. And Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio, and some other states. Like South Carolina, and North Dakota.

Look, we're not coming after your abortion. All we want is some common sense abortion control. Like a one-year waiting period. And an exhaustive background check with mental health evaluation. Also, the purchase of a $200 tax stamp should be required. That's only fair. And doctors who do abortions should be licensed by the federal government, also with exhaustive background and mental health checks, and in addition they should have to pay a whopping big annual license fee. And the names of all abortionists and their patients should go into a national registry.

But that's nothing anybody has to worry about. Rest assured, we would not presume to deny anyone the constitutional right to abortion. If you want your abortions, you can keep your abortions.
The constitution doesn’t say anything about abortion needing to be well regulated
The constitution does not say anything about abortion, PERIOD. So according to the 10th amendment, it should be governed by state law. Roe vs. Wade was a bad decision by the SCOTUS.
The constitution doesn’t say anything about abortion needing to be well regulated
The constitution does not say anything about abortion, PERIOD. So according to the 10th amendment, it should be governed by state law. Roe vs. Wade was a bad decision by the SCOTUS.
The decision cited the 9th and 14th Amendments. If you want the big fed gubmint to force women to remain pregnant against their wills, you might have to pass a new Amendment.
The constitution doesn’t say anything about abortion needing to be well regulated
The constitution does not say anything about abortion, PERIOD. So according to the 10th amendment, it should be governed by state law. Roe vs. Wade was a bad decision by the SCOTUS.
The decision cited the 9th and 14th Amendments. If you want the big fed gubmint to force women to remain pregnant against their wills, you might have to pass a new Amendment.
Yes, it may take an amendment to correct the bad decision by SCOTUS. note: The 9th and 14th amendments do not mention abortion.
The constitution doesn’t say anything about abortion needing to be well regulated
The constitution does not say anything about abortion, PERIOD. So according to the 10th amendment, it should be governed by state law. Roe vs. Wade was a bad decision by the SCOTUS.
The decision cited the 9th and 14th Amendments. If you want the big fed gubmint to force women to remain pregnant against their wills, you might have to pass a new Amendment.
Yes, it may take an amendment to correct the bad decision by SCOTUS. note: The 9th and 14th amendments do not mention abortion.

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