Lebanese team refuses to share bus with the Israeli team to the opening ceremonies.

Seriously,these people should not attend:

Saudi judo competitor 'forfeits her first round match to avoid going up against an Israeli'
  • Joud Fahmy was supposed to take on Christianne Legentil from Mauritius
  • Winner would then have advanced to a match against Israel's Gili Cohen
  • But Fahmy, 22, did not show up and Saudi Arabia said she was injured
  • Media in Israel then claimed that she dropped out to avoid having to compete against an Israeli
Saudi 'forfeits judo match to avoid next round clash with Israeli'

This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

Can't please all the people takes on a whole new meaning in Lebanon's politics
Seriously,these people should not attend:

Saudi judo competitor 'forfeits her first round match to avoid going up against an Israeli'
  • Joud Fahmy was supposed to take on Christianne Legentil from Mauritius
  • Winner would then have advanced to a match against Israel's Gili Cohen
  • But Fahmy, 22, did not show up and Saudi Arabia said she was injured
  • Media in Israel then claimed that she dropped out to avoid having to compete against an Israeli
Saudi 'forfeits judo match to avoid next round clash with Israeli'

What is particularly Orwellian, here, is how these racists are championed by the Leftists of the world who try to fool people into thinking they are actually combating racism by doing so.
Oh, the Olympics failed years ago, they're all professionals, now ever professional boxers are in the ring. You have golfers getting annoyed that only the best golfers from a nation are allowed to compete, that companies aren't allowed to advertise etc etc.

The Olympic spirit? Vodka for the Russians who can't go because they were not caught doping, but American cheats caught TWICE are there.....

You're comparing a system of cheating to isolated occurrences. Pretty lame.

Being caught twice is not isolated.

Sport's top ten most notorious drug cheats

Top drug cheats.

Lance Armstrong - American
Floyd Landis - American
Marion Jones - American
Mark McGwire - American

Four out of the top ten here are American. There are others not included, Justine Gatlin, Tyson Gay etc etc.

Or is this just how things work, loads of Russians get caught it's a system of cheating, loads of Americans get caught it's just isolated incidents? You don't think there isn't a system of cheating going on in US sport that has led to so many athletes, especially in athletics, being caught, and caught more than once in many instances?

Who's there to say it isn't a system of cheating but Russia's is?

You want to talk circles around this; but there was one country that systematically cheated. There's a reason why the IOC came down hard on the Russians. You don't take that sh** lightly.
Seriously,these people should not attend:

Saudi judo competitor 'forfeits her first round match to avoid going up against an Israeli'
  • Joud Fahmy was supposed to take on Christianne Legentil from Mauritius
  • Winner would then have advanced to a match against Israel's Gili Cohen
  • But Fahmy, 22, did not show up and Saudi Arabia said she was injured
  • Media in Israel then claimed that she dropped out to avoid having to compete against an Israeli
Saudi 'forfeits judo match to avoid next round clash with Israeli'

Weird, I thought the Saudi's were friends with the Israeli's?

This whole thing is very, almost juvenile and it's certainly not the type of thing that belongs in sporting competitions. Some things don't belong in sports, religion is one and politics is the other.
Seriously,these people should not attend:

Saudi judo competitor 'forfeits her first round match to avoid going up against an Israeli'
  • Joud Fahmy was supposed to take on Christianne Legentil from Mauritius
  • Winner would then have advanced to a match against Israel's Gili Cohen
  • But Fahmy, 22, did not show up and Saudi Arabia said she was injured
  • Media in Israel then claimed that she dropped out to avoid having to compete against an Israeli
Saudi 'forfeits judo match to avoid next round clash with Israeli'

Weird, I thought the Saudi's were friends with the Israeli's?

This whole thing is very, almost juvenile and it's certainly not the type of thing that belongs in sporting competitions. Some things don't belong in sports, religion is one and politics is the other.
Couldn't agree more. Did you see German beat Egypt volleyball? Yay. I made a thread in sports.

This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

The Christian President that you refer to could be Fuad Chehab, he was a Maronite, Eastern Catholic, he was President from 1958-1973 or it could be Camille Chamoun, he also was a Maronite, he was President from 1952-1958.

This is Camille Chamoun, pictured during Easter Mass.


His Presidential photograph.


I think though it was Camille Chamoun, because there was a mega crisis about the 1957 Parliamentary election and several pro-Arab ministers were fired by Camille Chamoun, this started a violent Muslim revolt and then in mid-1958 it all was getting out of hand. To help put down the Muslim uprising he asked President Eisenhower for assistance and he sent US Marines to Beirut, so you were one of them of course.

Fuad Chehab, did play a key role because he was Commander of the Lebanon Armed Forces.

In late 1958 Camille Chamoun died of a heart attack and Fuad Chehab was appointed President.

This is Fuad Chehab.


Some members of my family spent a few years living in Beirut, this was between about 1954-1956, and they have moving films in wonderful 1950s colour of their time in Beirut and also around other regions of Lebanon and it all looks so elegant and glamorous, and so do they, my family are elegant and glamorous, um, where was I? Oh yes, how tragic Lebanon had to be ruined in such a way.

Here are some photographs of Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East in the 1950s.

Avenue des Français.


Place de L'Etoile.


Martyr's Square.


Martyr's Square.

Seriously,these people should not attend:

Saudi judo competitor 'forfeits her first round match to avoid going up against an Israeli'
  • Joud Fahmy was supposed to take on Christianne Legentil from Mauritius
  • Winner would then have advanced to a match against Israel's Gili Cohen
  • But Fahmy, 22, did not show up and Saudi Arabia said she was injured
  • Media in Israel then claimed that she dropped out to avoid having to compete against an Israeli
Saudi 'forfeits judo match to avoid next round clash with Israeli'

Weird, I thought the Saudi's were friends with the Israeli's?

This whole thing is very, almost juvenile and it's certainly not the type of thing that belongs in sporting competitions. Some things don't belong in sports, religion is one and politics is the other.
Couldn't agree more. Did you see German beat Egypt volleyball? Yay. I made a thread in sports.

No, this household is boycotting this Olympics due to the whole politicisation that went on during the Opening Ceremony, all the gibberish about the Climate Change Hoax, then the Multiculturalism Propaganda and then the absurdity of the Refugee Team.
President Camille Chamoun attends Easter Mass, Beirut, Lebanon
April 04, 1958 was the top photo

The President, a Maronite Christian.
The Speaker of the Parliament, a Shi'a Muslim.
The Prime Minister, a Sunni Muslim.

Lebanon has yet again failed to reach a quorum on a President for the 43rd time in more than 2 yrs. At least Aoun was not picked, yet.
Seriously,these people should not attend:

Saudi judo competitor 'forfeits her first round match to avoid going up against an Israeli'
  • Joud Fahmy was supposed to take on Christianne Legentil from Mauritius
  • Winner would then have advanced to a match against Israel's Gili Cohen
  • But Fahmy, 22, did not show up and Saudi Arabia said she was injured
  • Media in Israel then claimed that she dropped out to avoid having to compete against an Israeli
Saudi 'forfeits judo match to avoid next round clash with Israeli'

Weird, I thought the Saudi's were friends with the Israeli's?

This whole thing is very, almost juvenile and it's certainly not the type of thing that belongs in sporting competitions. Some things don't belong in sports, religion is one and politics is the other.
Couldn't agree more. Did you see German beat Egypt volleyball? Yay. I made a thread in sports.

No, this household is boycotting this Olympics due to the whole politicisation that went on during the Opening Ceremony, all the gibberish about the Climate Change Hoax, then the Multiculturalism Propaganda and then the absurdity of the Refugee Team.
Yes, it was all rather cringeworthy. Particularly the depiction of indigenous people as knuckle dragging morons, and then all the Globullllll warming!!!!
However, it's rather hard to avoid, but I'm not watching it either. Well, apart from some of the Tennis.

This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

The Christian President that you refer to could be Fuad Chehab, he was a Maronite, Eastern Catholic, he was President from 1958-1973 or it could be Camille Chamoun, he also was a Maronite, he was President from 1952-1958.

This is Camille Chamoun, pictured during Easter Mass.


His Presidential photograph.


I think though it was Camille Chamoun, because there was a mega crisis about the 1957 Parliamentary election and several pro-Arab ministers were fired by Camille Chamoun, this started a violent Muslim revolt and then in mid-1958 it all was getting out of hand. To help put down the Muslim uprising he asked President Eisenhower for assistance and he sent US Marines to Beirut, so you were one of them of course.

Fuad Chehab, did play a key role because he was Commander of the Lebanon Armed Forces.

In late 1958 Camille Chamoun died of a heart attack and Fuad Chehab was appointed President.

This is Fuad Chehab.


Some members of my family spent a few years living in Beirut, this was between about 1954-1956, and they have moving films in wonderful 1950s colour of their time in Beirut and also around other regions of Lebanon and it all looks so elegant and glamorous, and so do they, my family are elegant and glamorous, um, where was I? Oh yes, how tragic Lebanon had to be ruined in such a way.

Here are some photographs of Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East in the 1950s.

Avenue des Français.


Place de L'Etoile.


Martyr's Square.


Martyr's Square.

President Chamoun was in office when I arrived. He came to the airport which my unit was guarding on an inspection visit. He was a big handsome man. And yes Beirut was a beautiful city.

This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

The Christian President that you refer to could be Fuad Chehab, he was a Maronite, Eastern Catholic, he was President from 1958-1973 or it could be Camille Chamoun, he also was a Maronite, he was President from 1952-1958.

This is Camille Chamoun, pictured during Easter Mass.


His Presidential photograph.


I think though it was Camille Chamoun, because there was a mega crisis about the 1957 Parliamentary election and several pro-Arab ministers were fired by Camille Chamoun, this started a violent Muslim revolt and then in mid-1958 it all was getting out of hand. To help put down the Muslim uprising he asked President Eisenhower for assistance and he sent US Marines to Beirut, so you were one of them of course.

Fuad Chehab, did play a key role because he was Commander of the Lebanon Armed Forces.

In late 1958 Camille Chamoun died of a heart attack and Fuad Chehab was appointed President.

This is Fuad Chehab.


Some members of my family spent a few years living in Beirut, this was between about 1954-1956, and they have moving films in wonderful 1950s colour of their time in Beirut and also around other regions of Lebanon and it all looks so elegant and glamorous, and so do they, my family are elegant and glamorous, um, where was I? Oh yes, how tragic Lebanon had to be ruined in such a way.

Here are some photographs of Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East in the 1950s.

Avenue des Français.


Place de L'Etoile.


Martyr's Square.


Martyr's Square.

President Chamoun was in office when I arrived. He came to the airport which my unit was guarding on an inspection visit. He was a big handsome man. And yes Beirut was a beautiful city.

He was a big handsome man, yes, and very elegant, he could have invaded my Boudoir anytime :smile:

Shame on our Lebanese Olympic Head Delegation
Elias Bejjani/August 07/16
منع الفريق الرياضي اللبناني الفريق الإسرائيلي من مشاركته نفس الباص في البرازيل هو عمل ولادي وسخيف وليس فيه رائحة البطولة
Elias Bejjani: Shame on our Lebanese Olympic Head Delegation/منع الفريق الرياضي اللبناني الفريق الإسرائيلي من مشاركته نفس الباص في البرازيل هو عمل ولادي وسخيف وليس فيه رائحة البطولة
Sadly, the unacceptable, childish and unethical conduct of the head of our Lebanese Olympic delegation participating in The Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Mr. Salim al-Haj Nakoula has been by all Olympic standards a mere shame and disgrace.
Apparently he did not honour the Olympic games’ spirit, aims or regulations and acted as if he is still living in the stone age or in a war zone.
For heaven’s sake why should he ferociously and stupidly refuse to let the Israeli Olympic delegation board a bus the Israeli and the Lebanese teams were officially supposed to share, and what did he actually achieve?
Quite frankly, He achieved nothing but a humiliating official reprimanding response by the International Olympic Committee.
As far as we are concerned, our Lebanese Olympic head delegation’s conduct is totally irresponsible, hostile, bizarre, and accordingly strongly condemned.
Simply it was stupid, uncalculated and shameful.
This conduct shows with no doubt that our beloved Lebanon is occupied and that the occupier is the oppressive Iranian Mullahs’ regime via its terrorist, denominational and criminal armed proxy, Hezbollah Iranian Militia.

This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

The Christian President that you refer to could be Fuad Chehab, he was a Maronite, Eastern Catholic, he was President from 1958-1973 or it could be Camille Chamoun, he also was a Maronite, he was President from 1952-1958.

This is Camille Chamoun, pictured during Easter Mass.


His Presidential photograph.


I think though it was Camille Chamoun, because there was a mega crisis about the 1957 Parliamentary election and several pro-Arab ministers were fired by Camille Chamoun, this started a violent Muslim revolt and then in mid-1958 it all was getting out of hand. To help put down the Muslim uprising he asked President Eisenhower for assistance and he sent US Marines to Beirut, so you were one of them of course.

Fuad Chehab, did play a key role because he was Commander of the Lebanon Armed Forces.

In late 1958 Camille Chamoun died of a heart attack and Fuad Chehab was appointed President.

This is Fuad Chehab.


Some members of my family spent a few years living in Beirut, this was between about 1954-1956, and they have moving films in wonderful 1950s colour of their time in Beirut and also around other regions of Lebanon and it all looks so elegant and glamorous, and so do they, my family are elegant and glamorous, um, where was I? Oh yes, how tragic Lebanon had to be ruined in such a way.

Here are some photographs of Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East in the 1950s.

Avenue des Français.


Place de L'Etoile.


Martyr's Square.


Martyr's Square.

President Chamoun was in office when I arrived. He came to the airport which my unit was guarding on an inspection visit. He was a big handsome man. And yes Beirut was a beautiful city.

The political party that Camille Chamoun founded, now lead by his son Dory.

National Liberal Party (Lebanon) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His other son Dany was assassinated in 1990, along with his wife Ingrid, who was German and their two young sons aged 7 years-old and 5 years-old, they were all machine-gunned, their 11 month-old daughter was unharmed. This is the danger that Christian's who are political leaders face in Lebanon.

Dany Chamoun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is what happens when Nationalism takes over. Make Lebanon great!

Lebanon SHOULD BE GREAT-----it was once great----just the word LEBANON in Hebrew poetry-------is kinda poetic.
I was in Lebanon for 3 months, Aug-Oct 1958 on Operation Blue Bat during the Civil War. They had a Christian President who was pro-Western. The Muslims were trying to Islamize the country and the President called on the US for help. I was only in Beirut but the people were great except for the Muslims who foul everything they touch. The athletes aren't representative of the Lebanese I have known over the years. And it's a shame that they don't observe the spirit of the Olympics which came about as a respite from war. Someone should teach them what the Olympics stand for.

The Christian President that you refer to could be Fuad Chehab, he was a Maronite, Eastern Catholic, he was President from 1958-1973 or it could be Camille Chamoun, he also was a Maronite, he was President from 1952-1958.

This is Camille Chamoun, pictured during Easter Mass.


His Presidential photograph.


I think though it was Camille Chamoun, because there was a mega crisis about the 1957 Parliamentary election and several pro-Arab ministers were fired by Camille Chamoun, this started a violent Muslim revolt and then in mid-1958 it all was getting out of hand. To help put down the Muslim uprising he asked President Eisenhower for assistance and he sent US Marines to Beirut, so you were one of them of course.

Fuad Chehab, did play a key role because he was Commander of the Lebanon Armed Forces.

In late 1958 Camille Chamoun died of a heart attack and Fuad Chehab was appointed President.

This is Fuad Chehab.


Some members of my family spent a few years living in Beirut, this was between about 1954-1956, and they have moving films in wonderful 1950s colour of their time in Beirut and also around other regions of Lebanon and it all looks so elegant and glamorous, and so do they, my family are elegant and glamorous, um, where was I? Oh yes, how tragic Lebanon had to be ruined in such a way.

Here are some photographs of Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East in the 1950s.

Avenue des Français.


Place de L'Etoile.


Martyr's Square.


Martyr's Square.

President Chamoun was in office when I arrived. He came to the airport which my unit was guarding on an inspection visit. He was a big handsome man. And yes Beirut was a beautiful city.

The political party that Camille Chamoun founded, now lead by his son Dory.

National Liberal Party (Lebanon) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His other son Dany was assassinated in 1990, along with his wife Ingrid, who was German and their two young sons aged 7 years-old and 5 years-old, they were all machine-gunned, their 11 month-old daughter was unharmed. This is the danger that Christian's who are political leaders face in Lebanon.

Dany Chamoun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same person that help raise Dany's child also helped raise Bashir's children. He was my neighbor and schoolmate.

Youmna and her husband have a beautiful baby daughter named after the older sister Maya who was killed in a car bomb meant for her father Bashir. Nadim is a very proud uncle and Solange a beaming grandmother.

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