“lazy” welfare moms with no “dignity”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Working moms have the same problems of as stay at home moms plus the problem of a secular jobs also. Until you have worked a 9-5 jobs with a boss up you’re a** and in fear of losing your job and how you will feed, clothe, house and provide medical care for your kids. You don’t have a clue.
Radical Right Wing Extremists (Romney)say welfare moms who want to stay at home and raise their kids are “lazy” and don’t have the “dignity” of working on a secular job. So Romney want them to go to work. Does that mean Ann is “lazy” and have no “dignity?”
Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

Hillary Rosen’s do not own Ann and apology because her remarks were taken out of context as usually by Radical Right Wing Extremists who are looking for anything to discredit Obama when this has nothing to do with Obama. It is obvious that she meant she have not work a day at a secular jobs in her life and she did not mean being a “stay at home mom” was not a job.
Welfare moms should be required to work. It's not too much to ask that they work for what they receive. Also, when they're not working, they're making more babies for us to support.

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