Laura Ingalls Wilder's name pulled from library award over stereotypical in her popular books


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name is set to be removed from a major children's book award after concerns were raised about the "Little House on the Prairie" author's depiction of certain races in the early-to-mid 20th century.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name pulled from library award over 'stereotypical attitudes' in her popular books

As you leftist Hitlers use to laugh at all the other pro Trump people getting their sites shut down, or gettng banned as you watch people getting kicked off sites because your cowardly asses reported them well all that time you thougght you were so specail cause your not a Trump supporter , welll it kinda looks like BLOW BACK IS GONNA be easting you hypocirtes alive bhaahah.
The left is dragging the world into a new Dark Age (Dark Age -- sure hope that term doesn't offend certain groups)
I hope that this PC a-moralistic / revolt against Judaeo Christian values and principles... BS is just one of those things that will come 'full circle' in another 80 - 100 years... lol, I expect it will! Every generation somehow has this ability to narcissistically think that their feeble attempts are somehow.... not what they are, ... feeble.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name is set to be removed from a major children's book award after concerns were raised about the "Little House on the Prairie" author's depiction of certain races in the early-to-mid 20th century.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name pulled from library award over 'stereotypical attitudes' in her popular books

As you leftist Hitlers use to laugh at all the other pro Trump people getting their sites shut down, or gettng banned as you watch people getting kicked off sites because your cowardly asses reported them well all that time you thougght you were so specail cause your not a Trump supporter , welll it kinda looks like BLOW BACK IS GONNA be easting you hypocirtes alive bhaahah.

Um, so what?

So guess what, views change over time, and a lot of things she wrote really do seem racist today.

Opinion | Don’t overlook the racist content in this book series

One of the most egregious examples of this racism occurs in “Little House on the Prairie,” when Wilder states that her mother believed that “the only good Indian was a dead Indian.” There are numerous other examples of Ma Ingalls’s racism — highlighted by the illustrations by Garth Williams of fierce-looking Indians — found in that same book. Less overt is the racism contained in the second paragraph of “Little House in the Big Woods,” when Wilder details her surroundings and neglects to mention the presence of American Indians who also lived there: “There were no houses. There were no roads. There were no people. There were only trees and the wild animals who had their homes among them.”
I hope that this PC a-moralistic / revolt against Judaeo Christian values and principles... BS is just one of those things that will come 'full circle' in another 80 - 100 years... lol, I expect it will! Every generation somehow has this ability to narcissistically think that their feeble attempts are somehow.... not what they are, ... feeble.

Genocidal attitudes towards the Native Americans is a "Judeo-Christian" value?

Maybe it's time to rethink your values.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name is set to be removed from a major children's book award after concerns were raised about the "Little House on the Prairie" author's depiction of certain races in the early-to-mid 20th century.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name pulled from library award over 'stereotypical attitudes' in her popular books

As you leftist Hitlers use to laugh at all the other pro Trump people getting their sites shut down, or gettng banned as you watch people getting kicked off sites because your cowardly asses reported them well all that time you thougght you were so specail cause your not a Trump supporter , welll it kinda looks like BLOW BACK IS GONNA be easting you hypocirtes alive bhaahah.

Um, so what?

So guess what, views change over time, and a lot of things she wrote really do seem racist today.

Opinion | Don’t overlook the racist content in this book series

One of the most egregious examples of this racism occurs in “Little House on the Prairie,” when Wilder states that her mother believed that “the only good Indian was a dead Indian.” There are numerous other examples of Ma Ingalls’s racism — highlighted by the illustrations by Garth Williams of fierce-looking Indians — found in that same book. Less overt is the racism contained in the second paragraph of “Little House in the Big Woods,” when Wilder details her surroundings and neglects to mention the presence of American Indians who also lived there: “There were no houses. There were no roads. There were no people. There were only trees and the wild animals who had their homes among them.”
Yep. Her books are sure to be removed.
I hope that this PC a-moralistic / revolt against Judaeo Christian values and principles... BS is just one of those things that will come 'full circle' in another 80 - 100 years... lol, I expect it will! Every generation somehow has this ability to narcissistically think that their feeble attempts are somehow.... not what they are, ... feeble.

Genocidal attitudes towards the Native Americans is a "Judeo-Christian" value?

Maybe it's time to rethink your values.
O my... I guess by that infallible logic I should also be castigated for every atrocity that has been perpetrated by this Nation since 1776... lol !!! (it's called expedient cherry picking) :)
O my... I guess by that infallible logic I should also be castigated for every atrocity that has been perpetrated by this Nation since 1776... lol !!! (it's called expedient cherry picking)

Um. No.

The thing is, her genocidal views kind of reflect what people thought in the 19th century. Today we all know what was done to Native Americans was a crime against humanity.

So we have a lot of tedious literature from the19th century that treats slave holding and the genocide of the Native Americans as something that was either good or benign, how do we handle that in teaching kids in the 21st century.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name is set to be removed from a major children's book award after concerns were raised about the "Little House on the Prairie" author's depiction of certain races in the early-to-mid 20th century.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name pulled from library award over 'stereotypical attitudes' in her popular books

As you leftist Hitlers use to laugh at all the other pro Trump people getting their sites shut down, or gettng banned as you watch people getting kicked off sites because your cowardly asses reported them well all that time you thougght you were so specail cause your not a Trump supporter , welll it kinda looks like BLOW BACK IS GONNA be easting you hypocirtes alive bhaahah.
Laura Ingalls Wilder was one of my favorite authors when I was a child and I was really said when I finished the final book of her Little House series.

On the other hand I am a huge Big Bang Theory fan and this reminds of the episode when Sheldon was intentionally ripping apart one of Amy's favorite TV shows (Little House on the Prairie) because of a comment that he took to be insulting about one of his favorite movies, I believe it was Indiana Jones.

As a TV sitcom episode it's pretty hilarious, however how can this much angst be summoned up for the words in a fictional novel yet so little compassion or even acknowledgement for the other things that were actually going on in our country back then which were indisputably and undeniably racist?
O my... I guess by that infallible logic I should also be castigated for every atrocity that has been perpetrated by this Nation since 1776... lol !!! (it's called expedient cherry picking)

Um. No.

The thing is, her genocidal views kind of reflect what people thought in the 19th century. Today we all know what was done to Native Americans was a crime against humanity.

So we have a lot of tedious literature from the19th century that treats slave holding and the genocide of the Native Americans as something that was either good or benign, how do we handle that in teaching kids in the 21st century.
Umm... I totally agree with you on that! Do we want to get sidetracked here? I certainly don't want to minimize this tangent... however, it is a tangent & you are hijacking the thread here.
O my... I guess by that infallible logic I should also be castigated for every atrocity that has been perpetrated by this Nation since 1776... lol !!! (it's called expedient cherry picking)

Um. No.

The thing is, her genocidal views kind of reflect what people thought in the 19th century. Today we all know what was done to Native Americans was a crime against humanity.

So we have a lot of tedious literature from the19th century that treats slave holding and the genocide of the Native Americans as something that was either good or benign, how do we handle that in teaching kids in the 21st century.

So how are future readers to know what the times were like back then if those books aren't available anymore?
So how are future readers to know what the times were like back then if those books aren't available anymore?

Nobody said to ban the book.

Here's the thing, most people don't read the book unless they are assigned excerpts from it (usually sanitized ones that are less genocide). Just like when I had to read parts of Huckleberry Finn in HS, they did not include the parts where the N-word was used with Fuhrman like abandon.
They really aren't very good. Kind of tedious to read through.
Yes. I've never read any of them. I'm reading the first in the series now. Very repetitive, so suitable for children. I'm not sure I'll read another.

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