Time Magazine issues 'correction' for fake photo of Trump and child illegal

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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I guess the backlash was way too heavy for them to just slink away and ignore it.



June 24, 2018
Time Magazine issues 'correction' for fake photo of Trump and child illegal
By Rick Moran
Time Magazine has issued what they are calling a "correction" for using a "photo illustration" that showed Donald Trump looking down sternly at a small child that was supposed to represent children being separated from their families at the border after their parents had crossed into the US illegally.

The photo was dishonest not only because Trump's image was superimposed on the photo making it appear he was personally responsible for the little girl crying, but also because the child in question was never separated from her mother.

The sarcastic caption - "Welcome to America" - was also horribly misleading. Most Americans tolerate, if not welcome legal immigrants. The child and her parents were illegal and thus, in violation of the law. Illegal immigrants are not "welcome" and hundreds of thousands of them are deported every year under Democratic and Republican administrations.

And yet, the photo went viral and now millions of people have swallowed the fake meaning of the image, which is exactly what Time wanted.

Finally, after more than 2 days of hysteria over the photo, Time posted an explanation:

The June 12 image of 2-year-old Yanela Sanchez went viral and was selected for the cover of the July 2 issue of Time. But the magazine published a correction to an article about the photo clarifying that the girl was never actually separated from her mother, Sandra.

"The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she [was] taken from the scene," said the correction, which was added to the article shortly after it was published online on Tuesday. "The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together."

The photographer, John Moore of Getty Images, had noticed the mistake and contacted Time to make the correction, the magazine said.

Did Moore really "notice the mistake"? Or was he trying to be misleading all along?

Here's his original statement to Time about how the photo came about:

“This one was tough for me. As soon as it was over, they were put into a van. I had to stop and take deep breaths,” Moore told TIME Tuesday, describing his reaction to the scene of a two-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother was being detained in McAllen, Texas. “All I wanted to do was pick her up. But I couldn’t.”

Heart rending, isn't it? It would seem that Moore was forced to change his story once his fakery was discovered.

Moore told The Washington Post that he didn't know whether the mother and daughter would be separated after they were taken away, “but it was a very real possibility” given the current policy.

Quite a major change in tone from his tearful explanation after the photo appeared on the cover of the magazine.

As for the editors at Time, they gave the old "fake but accurate" explanation that the liberal media has been doing for decades:

Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal stood by the overall reporting behind the magazine's cover story and the larger issues represented by Moore's photo.

“The June 12 photograph of the 2-year-old Honduran girl became the most visible symbol of the ongoing immigration debate in America for a reason: Under the policy enforced by the administration, prior to its reversal this week, those who crossed the border illegally were criminally prosecuted, which in turn resulted in the separation of children and parents," Felsenthal said in a statement on Friday. "Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.”

Most people who saw the image will always believe the little girl was crying horribly because she had been ripped from her mothers arms - maybe even by Trump himself who towered over the child with a stern look on his face. Time made absolutely no effort to correct that impression and, indeed, stood by their extraordinarily biased, misleading, and fake photo.

They called it a "photo illustration." But the montage was not marked as such, leading anyone who saw the cover to think that Trump was there and the little girl was crying because her mother was taken away by heartless ICE agents. "Photo illustrations" are reminiscent of propaganda tactics used by Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi propaganda whiz would marry two images - a Jew and a rat, for example - to impart an unmistakable message.

That too, was fake but accurate according to Nazi doctrine.

I would say that Time should be ashamed of themselves, but the opposite is true; they are proud to have played such a large role in misleading the American people on a very complex, emotional issue.
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The demonrats always do that!

They do the damage and after, they issue a "correction".

Their stupid game is getting tired.
I guess the backlash was to heavy for them to just slink away and ignore it.



June 24, 2018
Time Magazine issues 'correction' for fake photo of Trump and child illegal
By Rick Moran
Time Magazine has issued what they are calling a "correction" for using a "photo illustration" that showed Donald Trump looking down sternly at a small child that was supposed to represent children being separated from their families at the border after their parents had crossed into the US illegally.

The photo was dishonest not only because Trump's image was superimposed on the photo making it appear he was personally responsible for the little girl crying, but also because the child in question was never separated from her mother.

The sarcastic caption - "Welcome to America" - was also horribly misleading. Most Americans tolerate, if not welcome legal immigrants. The child and her parents were illegal and thus, in violation of the law. Illegal immigrants are not "welcome" and hundreds of thousands of them are deported every year under Democratic and Republican administrations.

And yet, the photo went viral and now millions of people have swallowed the fake meaning of the image, which is exactly what Time wanted.

Finally, after more than 2 days of hysteria over the photo, Time posted an explanation:

The June 12 image of 2-year-old Yanela Sanchez went viral and was selected for the cover of the July 2 issue of Time. But the magazine published a correction to an article about the photo clarifying that the girl was never actually separated from her mother, Sandra.

"The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she [was] taken from the scene," said the correction, which was added to the article shortly after it was published online on Tuesday. "The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together."

The photographer, John Moore of Getty Images, had noticed the mistake and contacted Time to make the correction, the magazine said.

Did Moore really "notice the mistake"? Or was he trying to be misleading all along?

Here's his original statement to Time about how the photo came about:

“This one was tough for me. As soon as it was over, they were put into a van. I had to stop and take deep breaths,” Moore told TIME Tuesday, describing his reaction to the scene of a two-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother was being detained in McAllen, Texas. “All I wanted to do was pick her up. But I couldn’t.”

Heart rending, isn't it? It would seem that Moore was forced to change his story once his fakery was discovered.

Moore told The Washington Post that he didn't know whether the mother and daughter would be separated after they were taken away, “but it was a very real possibility” given the current policy.

Quite a major change in tone from his tearful explanation after the photo appeared on the cover of the magazine.

As for the editors at Time, they gave the old "fake but accurate" explanation that the liberal media has been doing for decades:

Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal stood by the overall reporting behind the magazine's cover story and the larger issues represented by Moore's photo.

“The June 12 photograph of the 2-year-old Honduran girl became the most visible symbol of the ongoing immigration debate in America for a reason: Under the policy enforced by the administration, prior to its reversal this week, those who crossed the border illegally were criminally prosecuted, which in turn resulted in the separation of children and parents," Felsenthal said in a statement on Friday. "Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.”

Most people who saw the image will always believe the little girl was crying horribly because she had been ripped from her mothers arms - maybe even by Trump himself who towered over the child with a stern look on his face. Time made absolutely no effort to correct that impression and, indeed, stood by their extraordinarily biased, misleading, and fake photo.

They called it a "photo illustration." But the montage was not marked as such, leading anyone who saw the cover to think that Trump was there and the little girl was crying because her mother was taken away by heartless ICE agents. "Photo illustrations" are reminiscent of propaganda tactics used by Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi propaganda whiz would marry two images - a Jew and a rat, for example - to impart an unmistakable message.

That too, was fake but accurate according to Nazi doctrine.

I would say that Time should be ashamed of themselves, but the opposite is true; they are proud to have played such a large role in misleading the American people on a very complex, emotional issue.
Why is "correction" in quotes?

That is what reputable news sources do when they realise an error has been made.

You will notice conservative sources never issue corrections or apologies.
The biggest problem is there are way to many corrections any more, some of them hidden on the back page in small print. So many news media are in such a rush to get out a story especially if it promotes Trump in a bad light that they seldom bother to check sources or look at the story to see if bias has played a part in it.
I guess the backlash was way too heavy for them to just slink away and ignore it.



June 24, 2018
Time Magazine issues 'correction' for fake photo of Trump and child illegal
By Rick Moran
Time Magazine has issued what they are calling a "correction" for using a "photo illustration" that showed Donald Trump looking down sternly at a small child that was supposed to represent children being separated from their families at the border after their parents had crossed into the US illegally.

The photo was dishonest not only because Trump's image was superimposed on the photo making it appear he was personally responsible for the little girl crying, but also because the child in question was never separated from her mother.

The sarcastic caption - "Welcome to America" - was also horribly misleading. Most Americans tolerate, if not welcome legal immigrants. The child and her parents were illegal and thus, in violation of the law. Illegal immigrants are not "welcome" and hundreds of thousands of them are deported every year under Democratic and Republican administrations.

And yet, the photo went viral and now millions of people have swallowed the fake meaning of the image, which is exactly what Time wanted.

Finally, after more than 2 days of hysteria over the photo, Time posted an explanation:

The June 12 image of 2-year-old Yanela Sanchez went viral and was selected for the cover of the July 2 issue of Time. But the magazine published a correction to an article about the photo clarifying that the girl was never actually separated from her mother, Sandra.

"The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she [was] taken from the scene," said the correction, which was added to the article shortly after it was published online on Tuesday. "The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together."

The photographer, John Moore of Getty Images, had noticed the mistake and contacted Time to make the correction, the magazine said.

Did Moore really "notice the mistake"? Or was he trying to be misleading all along?

Here's his original statement to Time about how the photo came about:

“This one was tough for me. As soon as it was over, they were put into a van. I had to stop and take deep breaths,” Moore told TIME Tuesday, describing his reaction to the scene of a two-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother was being detained in McAllen, Texas. “All I wanted to do was pick her up. But I couldn’t.”

Heart rending, isn't it? It would seem that Moore was forced to change his story once his fakery was discovered.

Moore told The Washington Post that he didn't know whether the mother and daughter would be separated after they were taken away, “but it was a very real possibility” given the current policy.

Quite a major change in tone from his tearful explanation after the photo appeared on the cover of the magazine.

As for the editors at Time, they gave the old "fake but accurate" explanation that the liberal media has been doing for decades:

Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal stood by the overall reporting behind the magazine's cover story and the larger issues represented by Moore's photo.

“The June 12 photograph of the 2-year-old Honduran girl became the most visible symbol of the ongoing immigration debate in America for a reason: Under the policy enforced by the administration, prior to its reversal this week, those who crossed the border illegally were criminally prosecuted, which in turn resulted in the separation of children and parents," Felsenthal said in a statement on Friday. "Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.”

Most people who saw the image will always believe the little girl was crying horribly because she had been ripped from her mothers arms - maybe even by Trump himself who towered over the child with a stern look on his face. Time made absolutely no effort to correct that impression and, indeed, stood by their extraordinarily biased, misleading, and fake photo.

They called it a "photo illustration." But the montage was not marked as such, leading anyone who saw the cover to think that Trump was there and the little girl was crying because her mother was taken away by heartless ICE agents. "Photo illustrations" are reminiscent of propaganda tactics used by Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi propaganda whiz would marry two images - a Jew and a rat, for example - to impart an unmistakable message.

That too, was fake but accurate according to Nazi doctrine.

I would say that Time should be ashamed of themselves, but the opposite is true; they are proud to have played such a large role in misleading the American people on a very complex, emotional issue.
Fake but accurate defense by Time, also known as the Dan Rather defense.
I guess the backlash was way too heavy for them to just slink away and ignore it.



June 24, 2018
Time Magazine issues 'correction' for fake photo of Trump and child illegal
By Rick Moran
Time Magazine has issued what they are calling a "correction" for using a "photo illustration" that showed Donald Trump looking down sternly at a small child that was supposed to represent children being separated from their families at the border after their parents had crossed into the US illegally.

The photo was dishonest not only because Trump's image was superimposed on the photo making it appear he was personally responsible for the little girl crying, but also because the child in question was never separated from her mother.

The sarcastic caption - "Welcome to America" - was also horribly misleading. Most Americans tolerate, if not welcome legal immigrants. The child and her parents were illegal and thus, in violation of the law. Illegal immigrants are not "welcome" and hundreds of thousands of them are deported every year under Democratic and Republican administrations.

And yet, the photo went viral and now millions of people have swallowed the fake meaning of the image, which is exactly what Time wanted.

Finally, after more than 2 days of hysteria over the photo, Time posted an explanation:

The June 12 image of 2-year-old Yanela Sanchez went viral and was selected for the cover of the July 2 issue of Time. But the magazine published a correction to an article about the photo clarifying that the girl was never actually separated from her mother, Sandra.

"The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she [was] taken from the scene," said the correction, which was added to the article shortly after it was published online on Tuesday. "The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together."

The photographer, John Moore of Getty Images, had noticed the mistake and contacted Time to make the correction, the magazine said.

Did Moore really "notice the mistake"? Or was he trying to be misleading all along?

Here's his original statement to Time about how the photo came about:

“This one was tough for me. As soon as it was over, they were put into a van. I had to stop and take deep breaths,” Moore told TIME Tuesday, describing his reaction to the scene of a two-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother was being detained in McAllen, Texas. “All I wanted to do was pick her up. But I couldn’t.”

Heart rending, isn't it? It would seem that Moore was forced to change his story once his fakery was discovered.

Moore told The Washington Post that he didn't know whether the mother and daughter would be separated after they were taken away, “but it was a very real possibility” given the current policy.

Quite a major change in tone from his tearful explanation after the photo appeared on the cover of the magazine.

As for the editors at Time, they gave the old "fake but accurate" explanation that the liberal media has been doing for decades:

Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal stood by the overall reporting behind the magazine's cover story and the larger issues represented by Moore's photo.

“The June 12 photograph of the 2-year-old Honduran girl became the most visible symbol of the ongoing immigration debate in America for a reason: Under the policy enforced by the administration, prior to its reversal this week, those who crossed the border illegally were criminally prosecuted, which in turn resulted in the separation of children and parents," Felsenthal said in a statement on Friday. "Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.”

Most people who saw the image will always believe the little girl was crying horribly because she had been ripped from her mothers arms - maybe even by Trump himself who towered over the child with a stern look on his face. Time made absolutely no effort to correct that impression and, indeed, stood by their extraordinarily biased, misleading, and fake photo.

They called it a "photo illustration." But the montage was not marked as such, leading anyone who saw the cover to think that Trump was there and the little girl was crying because her mother was taken away by heartless ICE agents. "Photo illustrations" are reminiscent of propaganda tactics used by Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi propaganda whiz would marry two images - a Jew and a rat, for example - to impart an unmistakable message.

That too, was fake but accurate according to Nazi doctrine.

I would say that Time should be ashamed of themselves, but the opposite is true; they are proud to have played such a large role in misleading the American people on a very complex, emotional issue.
Fake but accurate defense by Time, also known as the Dan Rather defense.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
It wasn't a mistake.
The demonrats always do that!

They do the damage and after, they issue a "correction".

Their stupid game is getting tired.
Would it be better if the child was one of the kids Trump separated from their mothers? That would make it better?
See the picture I used for my Avatar? That's a fake Time cover that Trump had made up so he could put it up at his golf resorts. Did you know that?


See the picture on the left? That's the real Time cover for that month.

Trump had a fake cover made up so he could hang it in his golf courses. I use it as my Avatar.

Remember that right wing dupes. Every time you look at my Avatar, it's a FAKE Time cover that Trump had made up for his golf courses.
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