Laura Bush calls Trump border policy "cruel & immoral"

As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing
The drug cartels are hiring toddlers to smuggle drugs. Got it. The borders are not open and they`ve never been open. Where do you people come up with stupid shit like this?

This is all Trump's fault. Got it. Where do you people come up with stupid shit like this?
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Link to "Liberals advertising open borders" please.

Really? You're joking right? It's a major part of the Liberal agenda. Where have you been? LOL

Uh, here's two links and there's plenty more. No doubt you'll spin away.

Why Democrats should support open borders | Reece Jones

Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts
She was talking about open borders for trade. Your link is to the Moonies publication, The Washington Times. What do the Branch Davidians have to say about it?
Catch up - MANY of these people are legally presenting themselves at the border requesting asylum. We are ILLEGALLY arresting them and taking their children.

I have several thousand more if needed

asylum seekers being arrested and children taken

Parents Are Facing a Nightmare at the U.S. Border
On the Border, a Discouraging New Message for Asylum Seekers: Wait
The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border, explained
Trump's blame game on separating families
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Link to "Liberals advertising open borders" please.

Really? You're joking right? It's a major part of the Liberal agenda. Where have you been? LOL

Uh, here's two links and there's plenty more. No doubt you'll spin away.

Why Democrats should support open borders | Reece Jones

Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts
She was talking about open borders for trade. Your link is to the Moonies publication, The Washington Times. What do the Branch Davidians have to say about it?

Spin, spin and more spin.
This is all Trump's fault. Got it. Where do you people come up with stupid shit like this?

It is Trump's policy - WAKE UP

Then how was I able to quote an article from 2015 about border agents separating kids from their families? smh

Suddenly you care because it's politically expedient to do so.
Really? You're joking right? It's a major part of the Liberal agenda. Where have you been? LOL

Uh, here's two links and there's plenty more. No doubt you'll spin away.

Why Democrats should support open borders | Reece Jones

Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Not interested in right wing blogs or opinion pieces - SERIOUS link please.

Clearly you didn't even read. HAHA Nice tactic, you lose the debate so just discount the source material. You've been owned.
When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail. And many times the children are taken from the offender's home and put in the custody of Child Services.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? ....

Catch up - MANY of these people are legally presenting themselves at the border requesting asylum. We are ILLEGALLY arresting them and taking their children.
And the LARGEST portion are showing up with NO documentation. How do we know that theses people are related? Children are kidnapped and/or held in deplorable conditions in the U.S.
Would you be happier if we allowed a child to possibly sold into sexual slavery for cigarettes or food? Would you be happier if a child was kidnapped and used as an excuse to get into the U.S. Then abandoned after those responsible are admitted? Myself I would rather er on the side of caution.
But then again I am not looking For any excuse to show the administration in a bad light even if I have to gloss over the fact this is not new.
I'd love to believe that congressional Republicans will give Captain Chaos an earful on this issue tomorrow. But my better senses tell me they won't, and shall remain spineless lapdogs.

*Note - I can't get into WaPo without paying - If someone has a link to the full column somewhere else, please post a link.

Former First Lady Laura Bush, a figure popular among conservatives, spoke out against the Trump administration’s policy of separating children and their parents at the border with a Washington Post Op-Ed published Sunday in which she called the policy “cruel and immoral” and compared it to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

In the column, Bush said she “appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries,” but did not shy away from blaming the Trump Administration for its zero-tolerance policy, which she described as cruel and unjust. “It is immoral,” she wrote. “And it breaks my heart.”

"Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history."

"Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation, on being the nation that sends humanitarian relief to places devastated by natural disasters or famine or war. We pride ourselves on believing that people should be seen for the content of their character, not the color of their skin. We pride ourselves on acceptance. If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents—and to stop separating parents and children in the first place."

Laura Bush Calls Trump Policy of Separating Families at Border “Cruel and Immoral”

Yeah and you don't see that hypocritical bitch putting any of them up in her home though now do you.
You won't see that bitch paying for their medical bills now will you..........
You won't see that bitch paying for their collegeg will you .......
You won't see that bitch paying for health coverage now will you.......
You won't see that bitch buying their food now will you........

NO INSTEAD STUPID FKRS LIKE YOU will cause EVERYONE to pay for it via taxes stupid fk.
When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail. And many times the children are taken from the offender's home and put in the custody of Child Services.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? ....

Catch up - MANY of these people are legally presenting themselves at the border requesting asylum. We are ILLEGALLY arresting them and taking their children.
They are fraudulently presenting themselves at the border. In many cases with children that aren't even their children but children that are bring trafficked.
Laura Bush. The same Laura Bush whose pro mexican brother in law had a failed run for president, that Laura Bush? The Laura Bush with the Mexican sister in law who speaks no English. That Laura Bush?

Who cares what she thinks.

Laura Bush, the woman who you defended and lied for, for eight long years.

Laura Bush the woman married to the bush boy who you defended and lied for, for 8 long years.

Laura Bush the woman who married the bush boy who you voted for twice.

Yes, that Laura Bush.
When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail. And many times the children are taken from the offender's home and put in the custody of Child Services.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? ....

Catch up - MANY of these people are legally presenting themselves at the border requesting asylum. We are ILLEGALLY arresting them and taking their children.
They are fraudulently presenting themselves at the border. In many cases with children that aren't even their children but children that are bring trafficked.

We have had children removed from our country by one spouse without the other spouses approval for decades. We appreciate, when discovered, when the foreign Government separates the two until they can find out legitimacy.

Sadly, most of these cases are not discovered until it's too late.
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.
Laura Bush. The same Laura Bush whose pro mexican brother in law had a failed run for president, that Laura Bush? The Laura Bush with the Mexican sister in law who speaks no English. That Laura Bush?

Who cares what she thinks.

Laura Bush, the woman who you defended and lied for, for eight long years.

Laura Bush the woman married to the bush boy who you defended and lied for, for 8 long years.

Laura Bush the woman who married the bush boy who you voted for twice.

Yes, that Laura Bush.
And she got hurt feelings after her husband left office and her pro hispanic brother in law was soundly rejected. That Laura Bush.
It’s sad that children are being separated from their parents, but it’s the fault of the parents, not President Trump.
Laura Bush. The same Laura Bush whose pro mexican brother in law had a failed run for president, that Laura Bush? The Laura Bush with the Mexican sister in law who speaks no English. That Laura Bush?

Who cares what she thinks.

Laura Bush, the woman who you defended and lied for, for eight long years.

Laura Bush the woman married to the bush boy who you defended and lied for, for 8 long years.

Laura Bush the woman who married the bush boy who you voted for twice.

Yes, that Laura Bush.
And she got hurt feelings after her husband left office and her pro hispanic brother in law was soundly rejected. That Laura Bush.

Since you spent 8 long years defending and lying for her and her husband who is the fool here?

Maybe you should have not spent so many years defending and lying for her and her husband.
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.

FACT: This was happening under Obama.
FACT: Liberals want open borders (see the links I provided)

It's not my fault your side can't get their shit together. Who's the fool now.

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