Laura Bush calls Trump border policy "cruel & immoral"

Rich Lowry? :lol:

"I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.” And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can’t be learned; it’s either something you have or you don’t, and man, she’s got it."


Since you are such a fan of Lowry" is his article....

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review

The Trump administration isn’t changing the rules that pertain to separating an adult from the child. Those remain the same. Separation happens only if officials find that the adult is falsely claiming to be the child’s parent, or is a threat to the child, or is put into criminal proceedings.

It’s the last that is operative here. The past practice had been to give a free pass to an adult who is part of a family unit. The new Trump policy is to prosecute all adults. The idea is to send a signal that we are serious about our laws and to create a deterrent against re-entry. (Illegal entry is a misdemeanor, illegal re-entry a felony.)

When a migrant is prosecuted for illegal entry, he or she is taken into custody by the U.S. Marshals. In no circumstance anywhere in the U.S. do the marshals care for the children of people they take into custody. The child is taken into the custody of HHS, who cares for them at temporary shelters.

The criminal proceedings are exceptionally short, assuming there is no aggravating factor such as a prior illegal entity or another crime. The migrants generally plead guilty, and they are then sentenced to time served, typically all in the same day, although practices vary along the border. After this, they are returned to the custody of ICE.

If the adult then wants to go home, in keeping with the expedited order of removal that is issued as a matter of course, it’s relatively simple. The adult should be reunited quickly with his or her child, and the family returned home as a unit. In this scenario, there’s only a very brief separation.

Where it becomes much more of an issue is if the adult files an asylum claim. In that scenario, the adults are almost certainly going to be detained longer than the government is allowed to hold their children.

Why try to hold adults at all? First of all, if an asylum-seeker is detained, it means that the claim goes through the process much more quickly, a couple of months or less rather than years. Second, if an adult is released while the claim is pending, the chances of ever finding that person again once he or she is in the country are dicey, to say the least. It is tantamount to allowing the migrant to live here, no matter what the merits of the case.

A few points about all this:

1) Family units can go home quickly. The option that both honors our laws and keeps family units together is a swift return home after prosecution. But immigrant advocates hate it because they want the migrants to stay in the United States. How you view this question will depend a lot on how you view the motivation of the migrants (and how seriously you take our laws and our border).

2) There’s a better way to claim asylum. Every indication is that the migrant flow to the United States is discretionary. It nearly dried up at the beginning of the Trump administration when migrants believed that they had no chance of getting into the United States. Now, it is going in earnest again because the message got out that, despite the rhetoric, the policy at the border hasn’t changed. This strongly suggests that the flow overwhelmingly consists of economic migrants who would prefer to live in the United States, rather than victims of persecution in their home country who have no option but to get out.
The death penalty does not prevent crime and no one said it did. You made that up. What the death penalty does is prevent recidivism. That person will never commit another crime. Did you not understand what the word recidivism means?

In preventing recidivism, the death penalty is exceedingly effective 100% of the time.

Balderdash ^ States without the death penalty have had lower homicide rates

Deterrence: States Without the Death Penalty Have Had Consistently Lower Murder Rates | Death Penalty Information Center
Releasing the adults on a promise to appear and then they never show up is really more cruel then sending them back now.

The appearance date comes, the illegal doesn't show up and the court issues an order of deportation. Years may go by, the illegal makes a life based on criminality and thinks he or she has gamed the system and is home free. Then they get stopped, a broken tail light, a DUI. The deportation order shows up and the person is torn from their lives and deported. They don't get a hearing because they already had a hearing and was ordered deported.

Send them back now.
Sad, but you don't post as to who the biological father is, whether she had permission to leave without the Fathers knowlege, nor why and how she got all the way to the border and have pretty much lost any Asylum argument when you stated that she was entering illegally to join her lover.

still sad, but we are a country of laws, and the first that immigrants should realize, from the beginning is the law that creates Legal entrance. Maybe she can spread the word when she gets home. That would be wonderful.

There are no laws in Guatemala against spousal abuse and likely no requirement to get father's permission. Besides which, how do you know there even IS a father?

Fascinating really.

The most you can do is guess. Is it OK that the Country that they wish to inhabit verify that:

1. The child is hers?
2. The child does not have a different parent that the child is being ripped from?
3. That the Lover is not a runner from his country because of Criminal or Gang activity?
4. That She is nor a runner from her country because of Criminal or Gang activity?
Has the whole country gone brain dead? if who ever says what you want to hear there great people, if they say something you don't want to hear you trash them, can no one think for them self? is it not possible to have a difference of opinion on some issues? that go's for both sides of the isle.
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.

FACT: This was happening under Obama.
FACT: Liberals want open borders (see the links I provided)

It's not my fault your side can't get their shit together. Who's the fool now.

No that's not a fact. That's a blatant lie.

This is the result of trump and sessions new policy change they called zero tolerance. This has not been happening before trump became president.

Here's a video of sessions announcing that new policy last month.

Crossing the border is not a felony. It's no different from getting a traffic ticket. People aren't arrested and put in jail for misdemeanor. They never have taken children from anyone for a misdemeanor.

A large portion of those coming are looking for asylum yet they too are being arrested and losing their children. Coming here for asylum isn't illegal.

If liberals want an open border then that proves your statement that it happened under Obama too is a lie. If it did happen under Obama that makes your statement that democrats want open borders a lie.

So what lie are you going to pick and stick to?

Democrats don't want open borders and you know that. I understand opinion pieces written about how someone thinks are fine editorials. However they aren't honest fact.

Opinion pieces aren't factual and honest reporting. So when you have a direct quote from a democratic politician saying yes I want open borders and actively working to create an open border I'll listen to you. But what one person thinks isn't the same thing as what millions of other democrats want. We want legal immigration and we want it done with compassion and without our government breaking the law.

Here's reagan stating at a debate with bush the first in 1980 saying he wants open borders. Which is what he went on to do as president.

Do you know that yours and the republicans constant lies turn people away from you? I used to be open to the republican party and platform. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I vote for the person not the party. It makes Independents like me quickly turn our backs on you to vote for democratic politicians.

Keep it up. You've driven all my Independent friends from you running in horror. All your horrible actions and lies are destroying the republican party. It's not going to happen over night. You've been driving people from your party since the bush boy years. So now you people need to manipulate, conspire with russians, lie, slander and prevent people from voting to be able to win an election.You no longer can win in an honest and fair election. Which is very bad for our nation. I don't want the democrats as the only major party left in America. That destroys democracy. We need both parties to be able to be a free democracy with everyone's voice being heard.
Fascinating really.

The most you can do is guess. Is it OK that the Country that they wish to inhabit verify that:

1. The child is hers?
2. The child does not have a different parent that the child is being ripped from?
3. That the Lover is not a runner from his country because of Criminal or Gang activity?
4. That She is nor a runner from her country because of Criminal or Gang activity?

Yes, I have seen Tipsy demand a DNA test on all adults and children ..
Sheesh, they can't even process these people and give them a court date at present - system beyond overloaded - Add a DNA test? LoL
Also, there is a background check on all who request asylum.
There is also a process and currently we are in violation of international law for not following it.
Fascinating really.

The most you can do is guess. Is it OK that the Country that they wish to inhabit verify that:

1. The child is hers?
2. The child does not have a different parent that the child is being ripped from?
3. That the Lover is not a runner from his country because of Criminal or Gang activity?
4. That She is nor a runner from her country because of Criminal or Gang activity?

Yes, I have seen Tipsy demand a DNA test on all adults and children ..
Sheesh, they can't even process these people and give them a court date at present - system beyond overloaded - Add a DNA test? LoL
Also, there is a background check on all who request asylum.
There is also a process and currently we are in violation of international law for not following it.

1. Tough Titties. I have a right as a citizen to know who enters and if the load is to heavy? DON'T CREATE POLICY THAT CREATES AN EVEN HEAVIER LOAD.

2. You've already admitted that asylum isn't what she seeks. Wanting to be with you're lover is NOT AN APPLICATION OF ASYLUM!

As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.

FACT: This was happening under Obama.
FACT: Liberals want open borders (see the links I provided)

It's not my fault your side can't get their shit together. Who's the fool now.

No that's not a fact. That's a blatant lie.

This is the result of trump and sessions new policy change they called zero tolerance. This has not been happening before trump became president.

Here's a video of sessions announcing that new policy last month.

Crossing the border is not a felony. It's no different from getting a traffic ticket. People aren't arrested and put in jail for misdemeanor. They never have taken children from anyone for a misdemeanor.

A large portion of those coming are looking for asylum yet they too are being arrested and losing their children. Coming here for asylum isn't illegal.

If liberals want an open border then that proves your statement that it happened under Obama too is a lie. If it did happen under Obama that makes your statement that democrats want open borders a lie.

So what lie are you going to pick and stick to?

Democrats don't want open borders and you know that. I understand opinion pieces written about how someone thinks are fine editorials. However they aren't honest fact.

Opinion pieces aren't factual and honest reporting. So when you have a direct quote from a democratic politician saying yes I want open borders and actively working to create an open border I'll listen to you. But what one person thinks isn't the same thing as what millions of other democrats want. We want legal immigration and we want it done with compassion and without our government breaking the law.

Here's reagan stating at a debate with bush the first in 1980 saying he wants open borders. Which is what he went on to do as president.

Do you know that yours and the republicans constant lies turn people away from you? I used to be open to the republican party and platform. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I vote for the person not the party. It makes Independents like me quickly turn our backs on you to vote for democratic politicians.

Keep it up. You've driven all my Independent friends from you running in horror. All your horrible actions and lies are destroying the republican party. It's not going to happen over night. You've been driving people from your party since the bush boy years. So now you people need to manipulate, conspire with russians, lie, slander and prevent people from voting to be able to win an election.You no longer can win in an honest and fair election. Which is very bad for our nation. I don't want the democrats as the only major party left in America. That destroys democracy. We need both parties to be able to be a free democracy with everyone's voice being heard.

Dana - I too am a registered Independent - Socially liberal/ Fiscally conservative who voted for Reagan twice but can't believe what has happened to The Party of Lincoln.

Thank you for your informed postings today. These people who are buying whatever lie Trump is peddling for the day are being gas-lit and they don't even know it.

Hopefully, they wake up - and PRONTO. Our democracy is currently in grave danger with the orange dude at the helm, now holding children as ransom for his big, beautiful stupid wall.
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.

Be serious. All Demoncrats want is more voters even if it causes the destruction of the country.


So then you're saying that trump and the conservatives here are liars when they say that this is democratic policy and started with Obama.

Well that's some progress.

But wanting honest, fair and legal immigration isn't the same as wanting to bring a bunch of people from other nations just for a vote. That's ridiculous.

All democrats want is fair, honest and legal immigration.

What you posted was a lie.
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.

Be serious. All Demoncrats want is more voters even if it causes the destruction of the country.


So then you're saying that trump and the conservatives here are liars when they say that this is democratic policy and started with Obama.

Well that's some progress.

But wanting honest, fair and legal immigration isn't the same as wanting to bring a bunch of people from other nations just for a vote. That's ridiculous.

All democrats want is fair, honest and legal immigration.

What you posted was a lie.
The death penalty does not prevent crime and no one said it did. You made that up. What the death penalty does is prevent recidivism. That person will never commit another crime. Did you not understand what the word recidivism means?

In preventing recidivism, the death penalty is exceedingly effective 100% of the time.

Balderdash ^ States without the death penalty have had lower homicide rates

Deterrence: States Without the Death Penalty Have Had Consistently Lower Murder Rates | Death Penalty Information Center
Are you always this thickheaded or is it weed ?

Look up the meaning of the word recidivism. It means reoffend. The death penalty is 100% effective in preventing reoffense by the person whose death sentence is carried out. They don't even so much as lose a sock.
If I rob a bank and get thrown in prison, separated from my family by the force of the Government, was it I who mandated the separation, or the Government?

Robbing a bank is a violent act and a felony. Crossing the border is a misdemeanor at best.
Dragging children across a waterless desert being lead by criminals would certainly qualify as felony child endangerment.
The death penalty does not prevent crime and no one said it did. You made that up. What the death penalty does is prevent recidivism. That person will never commit another crime. Did you not understand what the word recidivism means?

In preventing recidivism, the death penalty is exceedingly effective 100% of the time.

Balderdash ^ States without the death penalty have had lower homicide rates

Deterrence: States Without the Death Penalty Have Had Consistently Lower Murder Rates | Death Penalty Information Center
Are you always this thickheaded or is it weed ?

Look up the meaning of the word recidivism. It means reoffend. The death penalty is 100% effective in preventing reoffense by the person whose death sentence is carried out. They don't even so much as lose a sock.

Yes Tips - We ALL know what recidivism means.
And you remain one the WORST kind of clueless, uneducated IDIOTS around USMB

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