Latinos Waving Mexican Flags Invade New Mexico Trump Rally--Shots Fired--Vendor Booths Firebombed

The culture of the illegals at work. The wetbacks just extended Trump's lead and support for his wall.

Actually this incident is a perfect example of what Clinton repeatedly says about Trump's rhetoric, that it inflames, insults, and incites people. That it leads to violence. If he can get our local Hispanics outraged and angry enough to do this kind of thing, what kind of effect is he going to have not only on our own North American people but on people all over the world? He has already directly offended many of the leaders in our allied countries. How many wars is he going to get us into? How much terrorism is going to reign down upon American people and American interests because of his loud mouth, thoughless comments?

The mental gyrations necessary to come to the conclusion that this is Trump's fault, instead of the people actually doing it, are amazing.

Next tell us how it could be Bush's fault. I love to see the connect the dots abilities of apologists in action, those abilities being especially keen in Clinton supporters....
Explain to me when, at any time and or place, there has been this kind of violence at American election rallies. Trump incites anger and violence with his rhetoric, which is thoughless, offensive, and disparages certain countries, religions, ethnic groups, genders, etc. No other campaign for the US presidency has ever done this before. Why would you want a president who makes people so angry they act out in this way? A president should be diplomatic and unite people. Not cause this kind of thing. Yes indeed, I am saying this kind of demonstration is directly the fault of Trump.

We see lots of things in this election we're not used to seeing.

Was it trumps fault also when Bernie supporters went nuts in Nevada?

The people responsible for actions are the people that undertake them.
I blame Obama for facilitating the 'invasion', protecting them, refusing to enforce our laws, and helping to instill this arrogant sense of entitlement.

Once again, at the heart of intolerance, hatred, and violence against Americans we find liberals' / Obama's fingerprints.

I hope they catch all of them, drive straight to the border, and kick them all out...and I don't care if thery are legal or not. If they carried the Mexican flag, took part in he terrorism and violence, kick their ass out.
Obama is busy trying to bring 10,000 Syrians her before September. Why, September? He needs bus loads of people to drive from one poll after another to vote in key districts in November.
State Department sets single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals, renewing security fears

Not one woman among them.
They are young, fit, military-age males.
These are not 'refugees' Obama is bringing into the U.S.
This is an 'army'.

These are some of the same people who went rioted because they did not like the housing given to them by the countries that offered them safe haven, the same people who burned the food given to them because they wanted and felt they deserved 'better' food.

These are the same people who went on a 'binge' groping, fondling, sexually assaulting, and raping women in Europe.

These are the same people who come from a civil-war torn nation where the vast majority of the people HATE America and Americans. Bringing them here will NOT change that.
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Dems have shown up wearing sheets at Trump rallies...

Illegals have shown up and perpetrated violence...

Bernie supporters have committed acts of violence and rioting...

At least libs have been exposed this election for who they are....

And there's no violence on the right, right?
Were those conservatives shooting at buildings and throwing firebombs tonight? That's they weren't. Have a nice day.

So, if it wasn't right wingers doing it tonight, therefore it's NEVER right wingers?

Seriously? What kind of an argument is that? (Hint, the answer is, it isn't an argument)

Roll the footage of the right wing riots at hilray and bernie events....
Clinton and Sanders are not saying disparaging things about right wing people, they are not inciting violence the way Trump is.

Yeah we know they refuse to address the problem of illegal immigration.
It's what pandering politicians do.
I blame Obama for facilitating the 'invasion', protecting them, refusing to enforce our laws, and helping to instill this arrogant sense of entitlement.

Really??? You don't think that the willingness of employers to hire illegals for the cheap labor had anything to do with it? You don't think that Reagan's amnesty back in the 80's encouraged more Mexicans to come to America?

Obama did more to deport illegal immigrants than any other President. Over 3 million illegals were returned or removed from the US during the Obama administration, despite the rate of returns and removals dropping after 2015 as Obama waiting on the Republicans to take up his immigration reform program.

Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics

Once again, at the heart of intolerance, hatred, and violence against Americans we find liberals' / Obama's fingerprints.

You field a candidate who promotes hatred, zenophobia and violence, and then you're surprised when the people you hate on, hate back. And you blame them for responding to you in kind.

You're really not very bright.

1. Learn to use the quote function.

2. I assume you mean Trump; however, I am not 'fielding' anything. I am not the GOP and have no control over who runs and who does not.

...and you claim I am not bright.

3. Trump, unlike Obama, seeks to enforce the rule of law, control the people / have a say in who enters the United States, wants to stop the thousands of illegals flooding into the US, wants to protect American citizens, believes a President should keep his oath of office and obey / uphold / enforce the Constitution and the Rule of Law. 'Yours' doesn't.

Have a nice day.
Illegals are NOT immigrants so stop using the words immigrant and immigration. These are law breaking criminals who intentionally break out laws, on purpose. Illegals have no respect for our laws, our borders, or our country. They could apply to immigrate here legally, instead they say fuck you America I'll take what I want. An illegal on American soil waving a goddamn Mexico flag should receive a good beating and be booted out of our country never to return.
All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.
All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.

Yeah thank you for pointing out yet another liberal contradiction, they are for the poor yet they support these illegals coming here and working for shit wages wtf?
All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.

Yeah thank you for pointing out yet another liberal contradiction, they are for the poor yet they support these illegals coming here and working for shit wages wtf?

WTF you ask. The democrat party has not carried the white vote since 1964, or so it is reported. Thus, they must turn elsewhere for their support. Fairly clear and simple. If it takes law breaking and violence that is just part of the price.

After all, Columbus didn't have to go through immigration when he came to America why should anyone else?
Dems have shown up wearing sheets at Trump rallies...

Illegals have shown up and perpetrated violence...

Bernie supporters have committed acts of violence and rioting...

At least libs have been exposed this election for who they are....

And there's no violence on the right, right?
Were those conservatives shooting at buildings and throwing firebombs tonight? That's they weren't. Have a nice day.

So, if it wasn't right wingers doing it tonight, therefore it's NEVER right wingers?

Seriously? What kind of an argument is that? (Hint, the answer is, it isn't an argument)

Roll the footage of the right wing riots at hilray and bernie events....
Clinton and Sanders are not saying disparaging things about right wing people, they are not inciting violence.
No, it's their supporters doing it.
All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.

Yeah thank you for pointing out yet another liberal contradiction, they are for the poor yet they support these illegals coming here and working for shit wages wtf?

they have several reasons why they want the illegals here
The culture of the illegals at work. The wetbacks just extended Trump's lead and support for his wall.

Actually this incident is a perfect example of what Clinton repeatedly says about Trump's rhetoric, that it inflames, insults, and incites people. That it leads to violence. If he can get our local Hispanics outraged and angry enough to do this kind of thing, what kind of effect is he going to have not only on our own North American people but on people all over the world? He has already directly offended many of the leaders in our allied countries. How many wars is he going to get us into? How much terrorism is going to reign down upon American people and American interests because of his loud mouth, thoughless comments?

The mental gyrations necessary to come to the conclusion that this is Trump's fault, instead of the people actually doing it, are amazing.

Next tell us how it could be Bush's fault. I love to see the connect the dots abilities of apologists in action, those abilities being especially keen in Clinton supporters....
Explain to me when, at any time and or place, there has been this kind of violence at American election rallies.
Does Chicago 1968 count?
The culture of the illegals at work. The wetbacks just extended Trump's lead and support for his wall.

Actually this incident is a perfect example of what Clinton repeatedly says about Trump's rhetoric, that it inflames, insults, and incites people. That it leads to violence. If he can get our local Hispanics outraged and angry enough to do this kind of thing, what kind of effect is he going to have not only on our own North American people but on people all over the world? He has already directly offended many of the leaders in our allied countries. How many wars is he going to get us into? How much terrorism is going to reign down upon American people and American interests because of his loud mouth, thoughless comments?

The mental gyrations necessary to come to the conclusion that this is Trump's fault, instead of the people actually doing it, are amazing.

Next tell us how it could be Bush's fault. I love to see the connect the dots abilities of apologists in action, those abilities being especially keen in Clinton supporters....
Explain to me when, at any time and or place, there has been this kind of violence at American election rallies.
Does Chicago 1968 count?
Chicago got the convention violence. Los Angeles got the assassination.
All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.

Yeah thank you for pointing out yet another liberal contradiction, they are for the poor yet they support these illegals coming here and working for shit wages wtf?

WTF you ask. The democrat party has not carried the white vote since 1964, or so it is reported. Thus, they must turn elsewhere for their support. Fairly clear and simple. If it takes law breaking and violence that is just part of the price.

After all, Columbus didn't have to go through immigration when he came to America why should anyone else?
Do you support illegals crossing our borders while ignoring our immigration laws and guidelines? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Diogenes of Sinope was born blind but always carried a lantern looking for an honest man.
All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.

Yeah thank you for pointing out yet another liberal contradiction, they are for the poor yet they support these illegals coming here and working for shit wages wtf?

WTF you ask. The democrat party has not carried the white vote since 1964, or so it is reported. Thus, they must turn elsewhere for their support. Fairly clear and simple. If it takes law breaking and violence that is just part of the price.

After all, Columbus didn't have to go through immigration when he came to America why should anyone else?
Do you support illegals crossing our borders while ignoring our immigration laws and guidelines? A simple yes or no will suffice.

The Native Americans didn't have to go through immigration. Nor did the Vikings. This is the 15th century after all.
Chaotic Scene Erupts Outside Trump Rally in New Mexico

A protester was arrested after a chaotic scene erupted outside a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico overnight, which left several officers injured after being pelted by rocks.

Throngs of protesters gathered outside the rally in Albuquerque and several protesters were escorted out of the rally Tuesday evening.

Police told ABC News that they used pepper spray and smoke grenades to control the situation.

At one point, protesters broke through a barricade erected by police, rushing the convention center where Trump was speaking. While Albuquerque police prevented them from getting inside, police say, protesters started to throw rocks and bottles at their horses.

It was Trump's first campaign event after a brief hiatus from the trail. He last spoke at the NRA's annual convention after receiving the group's endorsement Friday.

The business mogul was met with familiar faces, but protesters were also on hand, angry about the presumptive nominee's presence.

Dozens broke through barricades, threw rocks at police and disrupted the event. Many linked themselves to barricades to prevent themselves from being removed.

Inside, Trump spoke to thousands of his supporters. But as he made his remarks, he was interrupted
several times by protesters. One woman trying to avoid removal tried to lock herself to a metal barricade. Police were forced to carry her out of the arena.

"This is so exciting, isn't it?" Trump said when another protester was escorted out by police. "Still wearing diapers, look at this guy! I'm telling you the kid looks like he's 10 years old," Trump added.

Even amid protests, Trump continued to tout his more controversial policies, declaring that he would "build that wall" and vowing to keep Syrian refugees out of New Mexico.

He also hit his likely general election rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, for being bad for the economy and jobs, joking that she still hasn't beaten "crazy" Bernie during the Democratic primary.

And he went on to address Clinton's recent attack -- a campaign web video that quoted a comment he made in 2006, saying "I sort of hope" that the real estate market would crash so that Trump he "make a lot of money."

Trump, in turn, called her a "low life."

"I'm a businessman -- that's what I'm supposed to do. That's what I'm supposed to do. I mean, I'm a businessman, so when the housing market goes down -- I like it if it goes down," he said.

All invasions usually result in violence. What is happening on our southern border is no difference.

But the left wing needs their pools cleaned and lettuce picked on the cheap so they vilify those who oppose the southern invasion.

Yeah thank you for pointing out yet another liberal contradiction, they are for the poor yet they support these illegals coming here and working for shit wages wtf?

WTF you ask. The democrat party has not carried the white vote since 1964, or so it is reported. Thus, they must turn elsewhere for their support. Fairly clear and simple. If it takes law breaking and violence that is just part of the price.

After all, Columbus didn't have to go through immigration when he came to America why should anyone else?
Do you support illegals crossing our borders while ignoring our immigration laws and guidelines? A simple yes or no will suffice.

The Native Americans didn't have to go through immigration. Nor did the Vikings. This is the 15th century after all.

Native American tribes protected their borders by killing invaders. The Vikings invaded other countries and killed anyone who opposed them. Hence your response is well retarded.

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