Latest CBS Poll Has Bush In The Lead. Anyone Buying It? CBS Is Credible?

I am fine with math, of course I was joking with the 39/76 poll. what I was getting at was that CBS was trying to keep the McCain/Palin fans home on election night being the Media had already called it a landslide for Obama. But I do remember they had McCain at 39%. Now that was ridiculous! but we all knew it was going to be a 4 or 5 point difference. hey, didn't Clinton win twice with about 40%?

He got 43% in 1992 and 49% in 1996. In a three way race.

More interesting is your delusion that somehow, McCain could have won.

Mccain was a lost cause. Worst recession in 80 years and a war that had turned into a complete disaster, the man didn't have an argument to make.

Still, he got 59 million votes. Less than the 62 million votes Bush had gotten in 2004, but even if he HAD gotten them, Obama got 69 million votes. 3 million changed their minds and 7 million NEW voters. Obama still would have won by 3 million votes had those voters stuck with the GOP. he got that many more voters out.
i can still remember how a lot of us were worried that Obama was going to win (thanks to "The Stupid Vote) I, like many Americans just sat on the couch in total panic mode knowing that the nation was about to go down like the titanic. and again in 2012, half the country went into full panic mode knowing what was going to happen, and knowing it was going to be far worse in the next four years. And look at where we are now! who would ever think we would see the day when over Half of Americans voted for a Muslim Sympathizer?

^^^^ This is totally who Democrats want picking the GOP candidate ^^^
i can still remember how a lot of us were worried that Obama was going to win (thanks to "The Stupid Vote) I, like many Americans just sat on the couch in total panic mode knowing that the nation was about to go down like the titanic. and again in 2012, half the country went into full panic mode knowing what was going to happen, and knowing it was going to be far worse in the next four years. And look at where we are now! who would ever think we would see the day when over Half of Americans voted for a Muslim Sympathizer?

In 2008, i was one of you guys who was panicking.

Now i realize the guy who fucked everything up was Bush.

I don't worry that there's a Muslim under my bed like you do. I worry that someone at the corporate office might move my job to a Muslim country becuase those people will work for peanuts.
can we all agree thats its pretty much down to Cruz, Walker and Rubio?

No, not really.

I think it's down to Bush and Walker.
once Walker makes his announcement, yes, he will remain in the top 3. Assuming Cruz runs, easy top 4. the other top 2? I think Rubio is a safe bert, not sure if Allen West and Carson will run, but both would remain in the top 5 if either gets in. West/Carson may become another Bush/Romney dilemma. can you imagine those two having a private lunch? Yo Brotha, we can't both be in the race, we will cancel each otha out. lol (maybe they will flip a quarter).
can we all agree thats its pretty much down to Cruz, Walker and Rubio?

No, not really.

I think it's down to Bush and Walker.
once Walker makes his announcement, yes, he will remain in the top 3. Assuming Cruz runs, easy top 4. the other top 2? I think Rubio is a safe bert, not sure if Allen West and Carson will run, but both would remain in the top 5 if either gets in. West/Carson may become another Bush/Romney dilemma. can you imagine those two having a private lunch? Yo Brotha, we can't both be in the race, we will cancel each otha out. lol (maybe they will flip a quarter).
oops....bert....typo,,,,safe BET.
once Walker makes his announcement, yes, he will remain in the top 3. Assuming Cruz runs, easy top 4. the other top 2? I think Rubio is a safe bert, not sure if Allen West and Carson will run, but both would remain in the top 5 if either gets in. West/Carson may become another Bush/Romney dilemma. can you imagine those two having a private lunch? Yo Brotha, we can't both be in the race, we will cancel each otha out. lol (maybe they will flip a quarter).

West/Carson would be 'Hey, we don't need two Uncle Toms telling white people how shiftless we all are!"

Cruz is a joke. He really doesn't poll that well.

My guess is that the GOP oppossition to Bush will gel around Walker unless he makes a serious mistake.
once Walker makes his announcement, yes, he will remain in the top 3. Assuming Cruz runs, easy top 4. the other top 2? I think Rubio is a safe bert, not sure if Allen West and Carson will run, but both would remain in the top 5 if either gets in. West/Carson may become another Bush/Romney dilemma. can you imagine those two having a private lunch? Yo Brotha, we can't both be in the race, we will cancel each otha out. lol (maybe they will flip a quarter).

West/Carson would be 'Hey, we don't need two Uncle Toms telling white people how shiftless we all are!"

Cruz is a joke. He really doesn't poll that well.

My guess is that the GOP oppossition to Bush will gel around Walker unless he makes a serious mistake.
Hoping we see Walker pull ahead and gaining momentum, I hope that the day will come where they see Walker easily taking the entire rust belt. Now then the left will panic. will probably start "Making Stuff Up" about Walker. just like they did in 2011/2012. (just like they did with the "Non-White Candidate".
:slap: Again, we have another left leaning network keeping Bush ahead in the polls and the real contenders at the bottom of the list. Bush 49%, Huckabee 46%, Walker 30%, and Cruz did not register within the top 5.
But Jeb Bush is ahead? Or maybe CBS is already choosing our candidate for us again?
:wtf:Did they even take notice of the massive poll Glenn Beck took about a week or so ago? Bush was at the Bottom!! Cruz and Walker were the top two. Carson and Rubio were not far behind. So does anyone take the latest CBS poll seriously? Did they only poll people in Blue States?:tongue-44:

Sure I buy it. This early it's about name recognition
:slap: Again, we have another left leaning network keeping Bush ahead in the polls and the real contenders at the bottom of the list. Bush 49%, Huckabee 46%, Walker 30%, and Cruz did not register within the top 5.
But Jeb Bush is ahead? Or maybe CBS is already choosing our candidate for us again?
:wtf:Did they even take notice of the massive poll Glenn Beck took about a week or so ago? Bush was at the Bottom!! Cruz and Walker were the top two. Carson and Rubio were not far behind. So does anyone take the latest CBS poll seriously? Did they only poll people in Blue States?:tongue-44:

Sure I buy it. This early it's about name recognition

Yes...that's why Mittens was leading in all the polls until he dropped out. He was "safe". People who aren't mired in this stuff all day (and that's most people) have no idea who most of these people even are, let alone what they espouse.

Bush doesn't just have the name though. Like Romney, he has the donors...and that's what wins elections anymore.
Given how Full Retard the right went on polling during the 2012 elections, it might be a good idea for that part of the political spectrum to learn how polls work rather than bitch about polling results they don't like.
That was such a weird time. The GOP had talked itself into believing Romney was going to win with such intensity that I was beginning to believe it. I'd look at the polls - which showed no such thing - and wonder what the hell was going on.

The funniest part was Rove's bizarro Meltdown of Denial on Fox.

Well, there is simply no way to accurately factor in the widespread voter fraud. Not to mention the mass numbers of conservatives who did not show up to the voting booths.
Expects to serve two the Big House



Caught accepting bribes no doubt.
i can still remember how a lot of us were worried that Obama was going to win (thanks to "The Stupid Vote) I, like many Americans just sat on the couch in total panic mode knowing that the nation was about to go down like the titanic. and again in 2012, half the country went into full panic mode knowing what was going to happen, and knowing it was going to be far worse in the next four years. And look at where we are now! who would ever think we would see the day when over Half of Americans voted for a Muslim Sympathizer?

In 2008, i was one of you guys who was panicking.

Now i realize the guy who fucked everything up was Bush.

I don't worry that there's a Muslim under my bed like you do. I worry that someone at the corporate office might move my job to a Muslim country becuase those people will work for peanuts.
Your boy Obama wants Ali to have your job so Ali can restore his self esteem.

He has entitlements to take care of you and other Grubercrats.
:slap: Again, we have another left leaning network keeping Bush ahead in the polls and the real contenders at the bottom of the list. Bush 49%, Huckabee 46%, Walker 30%, and Cruz did not register within the top 5.
But Jeb Bush is ahead? Or maybe CBS is already choosing our candidate for us again?
:wtf:Did they even take notice of the massive poll Glenn Beck took about a week or so ago? Bush was at the Bottom!! Cruz and Walker were the top two. Carson and Rubio were not far behind. So does anyone take the latest CBS poll seriously? Did they only poll people in Blue States?:tongue-44:

Sure I buy it. This early it's about name recognition

Yes...that's why Mittens was leading in all the polls until he dropped out. He was "safe". People who aren't mired in this stuff all day (and that's most people) have no idea who most of these people even are, let alone what they espouse.

Bush doesn't just have the name though. Like Romney, he has the donors...and that's what wins elections anymore.

Money certainly has an influence, but you can't just buy elections, particularly national ones. The candidates get too much exposure
The fact is that Bush is at or near the top in most polls. I think what they reflect at this point is that there are only a couple of moderate republicans splitting that vote and many conservatives splitting that vote. that may help Bush for as long as the field is like that -- a pol of just Bush against, say Walker, might look very different.
Given how Full Retard the right went on polling during the 2012 elections, it might be a good idea for that part of the political spectrum to learn how polls work rather than bitch about polling results they don't like.
That was such a weird time. The GOP had talked itself into believing Romney was going to win with such intensity that I was beginning to believe it. I'd look at the polls - which showed no such thing - and wonder what the hell was going on.

The funniest part was Rove's bizarro Meltdown of Denial on Fox.


It was the biggest demonstration of Mass Confirmation Bias ever.

As I recall, you were the biggest Romney Cheerleader on here.

When I was the one saying pretty much from the beginning, "This is a really horrible idea guy. Weird Religion, fucked over a lot of working people, totally out of touch."

And three years later, you are still whining about what a meanyhead I am because I won't do business with Mormons.


My comment applies to you too, bigot.

You are so warped with hatred and bigotry, you claimed there was a conspiracy in the polls to keep Romney in the lead around NH, and Gingrich was pulling ahead.
Given how Full Retard the right went on polling during the 2012 elections, it might be a good idea for that part of the political spectrum to learn how polls work rather than bitch about polling results they don't like.
That was such a weird time. The GOP had talked itself into believing Romney was going to win with such intensity that I was beginning to believe it. I'd look at the polls - which showed no such thing - and wonder what the hell was going on.

The funniest part was Rove's bizarro Meltdown of Denial on Fox.


It was the biggest demonstration of Mass Confirmation Bias ever.

As I recall, you were the biggest Romney Cheerleader on here.

When I was the one saying pretty much from the beginning, "This is a really horrible idea guy. Weird Religion, fucked over a lot of working people, totally out of touch."

And three years later, you are still whining about what a meanyhead I am because I won't do business with Mormons.


My comment applies to you too, bigot.

You are so warped with hatred and bigotry, you claimed there was a conspiracy in the polls to keep Romney in the lead around NH, and Gingrich was pulling ahead.

He's not bigoted, he just hates Mormons and Jews...
can we all agree thats its pretty much down to Cruz, Walker and Rubio?
No, no sane person would agree to that.

The next President will have a college degree and an Anglo-Saxon surname.

Hopefully, a dick too.
at this time I have it down to Bert(of the muppets), Tickle Me Elmo. and Tara Reid.
Bert was the only muppet on that show with any sense. He'd get my vote.
Ok, then how about a Walker/Bert Ticket. and Ernie can be the Secretary Of Biden. (the white house gaff dude)

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