Largest peace group endorses Bernie Sanders

Hillary touts all of her experience yet Bernie is the one who made the right decision when it was really important.

Largest peace group endorses Bernie Sanders

For the first time in nearly 25 years, Peace Action PAC, the political action committee of Peace Action, the largest peace group in the U.S., has endorsed a candidate for president: Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for the Democratic primary. “Peace Action PAC is proud to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for the Democratic presidential primary. With Sanders’ opposition to both Iraq Wars, support for the significant reduction of nuclear weapons, endorsement of the Iran agreement, championing the reduction of Pentagon spending and general support of diplomacy over war, he best represents the values that Peace Action and its 200,000 supporters have espoused for nearly 60 years,” said Kevin Martin, Peace Action’s executive director.

Never heard of em....
One of those young patriots was my best friend, was, he had no regrets. I'll go with his comments it was worth it

We lost a little over 3,000 people on 9/11. In response to that we started two wars that have caused the deaths of far more U.S soldiers. Not to mention the many tens of thousands of innocent people that were killed as a direct result of our invasions. Do you really think all of this has been worth it? Do you really think we need to continue wasting more of our time, money and lives on a problem that will never end?
One of those young patriots was my best friend, was, he had no regrets. I'll go with his comments it was worth it

We lost a little over 3,000 people on 9/11. In response to that we started two wars that have resulted in the deaths of far more U.S soldiers. Not to mention the many tens of thousands of innocent people that were killed as a direct result of our invasions. Do you really think all of this has been worth it? Do you really think we need to continue wasting more of our time, money and lives on a problem that will never end?

You're a pacifist and do not understand war, or the fact the Iraqi people were ruled by a tyrant. They had a shot at freedom thanks to us but somewhere along the line the wheels came off....around 2008
ISIS only has the capability it does because of the military weapons and armor they got as a result of OUR interference in that region. If we had never invaded Iraq ISIS would not exist for two reasons.

1.) They never would have attained the firepower necessary to do what they are doing,

2.) Saddam Hussein never would have allowed a threat to his power like that.

ISIS would never be who they are if Obama was not so obsessed with Assad, Syria, and making up for his 'Red Line' F* UP! Obama has supplied, armed, trained, and even protected ISIS in a belief that they would somehow help him with overthrowing Assad.

ISIS F*ed Obama, and he let them, entering Iraq and taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost.

Obama was so delusional that he claimed the night before the Paris attacks that he had 'contained' them...then they proved how stupid he was by perpetrating the largest attacks on Paris since WWII! Contained? They had spread to Iraq, Afghanistan, Belgium, Paris, Africa, and even the US!

After those attacks, after it was exposed that Obama had been protecting ISIS' black market oil industry that funded 50% of its activities - like the Paris attacks, when France and Russia were launching attacks secretly planned against ISIS targets Obama had our military dropping leaflets to ISIS telling them the attacks were coming and where they were going to strike. DUDE, WHERE I COME FROM THAT'S 'TREASON' - AIDING AND ABETTING THE ENEMY!
You're a pacifist and do not understand war, or the fact the Iraqi people were ruled by a tyrant. They had a shot at freedom thanks to us but somewhere along the line the wheels came off....around 2008

Do you think Iraq and the rest of the Middle East are better off now than they were before our invasion?
You're a pacifist and do not understand war, or the fact the Iraqi people were ruled by a tyrant. They had a shot at freedom thanks to us but somewhere along the line the wheels came off....around 2008

Do you think Iraq and the Middle East are better off now than they were before our invasion?

Nope and you can thank Obama for that. You may as well save the "Bush lied, we should have never invaded, etc, BS" because you won't convince me otherwise
We lost a little over 3,000 people on 9/11. In response to that we started two wars that have resulted in the deaths of far more U.S soldiers. Not to mention the many tens of thousands of innocent people that were killed as a direct result of our invasions. Do you really think all of this has been worth it? Do you really think we need to continue wasting more of our time, money and lives on a problem that will never end?
Again, Hillary thought it was worth it - she voted for it...and so did a lot of other prominent Democrats.

Why didn't Congress get to vote on helping Al Qaeida in Libya? Obama b-passed Congress, refused to go to Congress, and there was no time-critical need that justified doing so.

The TRUTH is Obama KNEW there was no way in HELL he was going to justify using our military in Libya to help AL QAIEDA - the terrorist murderers / perpetrators of 9/11/01 - take over Libya!

AGAIN....where I come from, helping the terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on US soil take over their own country is TREASON!
Do you think Iraq and the Middle East are better off now than they were before our invasion?

It was until Obama became obsessed with Syria, supplied / armed / trained / protected ISIS, and helped Al Qaeida take over Libya!
Nope and you can thank Obama for that. You may as well save the "Bush lied, we should have never invaded, etc, BS" because you won't convince me otherwise

You can thank a myriad of things for the Middle East becoming as much of a quagmire as it is today, though I think you're a fool if you place no blame on us invading Iraq in the first place. It was a bad idea and it had bad consequences. Even Dick knew it was a bad idea.

Nope and you can thank Obama for that. You may as well save the "Bush lied, we should have never invaded, etc, BS" because you won't convince me otherwise

You can thank a myriad of things for the Middle East becoming as much of a quagmire as it is today, though I think you're a fool if you place no blame on us invading Iraq in the first place. It was a bad idea and it had bad consequences. Even Dick knew it was a bad idea.

Yeah yeah yeah it's all BBBUUUUTTTT BOOOOOOSH!!!!!! Tired of hearing it, whine to someone else
Hillary touts all of her experience yet Bernie is the one who made the right decision when it was really important.

Largest peace group endorses Bernie Sanders

For the first time in nearly 25 years, Peace Action PAC, the political action committee of Peace Action, the largest peace group in the U.S., has endorsed a candidate for president: Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for the Democratic primary. “Peace Action PAC is proud to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for the Democratic presidential primary. With Sanders’ opposition to both Iraq Wars, support for the significant reduction of nuclear weapons, endorsement of the Iran agreement, championing the reduction of Pentagon spending and general support of diplomacy over war, he best represents the values that Peace Action and its 200,000 supporters have espoused for nearly 60 years,” said Kevin Martin, Peace Action’s executive director.

This is the difference between Hillary and Bernie;

While Hillary is after the endorsement of more spineless politicians
Bernie is after the endorsement of civil activist groups

We shall see which will work better...
You think pulling out of Iraq was a good idea?

Yes, because I don't support permanently occupying Iraq.


U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Georgie is the one that laid the groundwork for our departure. In other words, he would have pulled out too.

Yes, because I don't support permanently occupying Iraq.

The choices were pull out when we did or occupy forever?
You'd think the smartest President ever could have done better, eh?
To remove Saddam from power.

Why did Saddam need to be removed from power?

Was it not an inopportune time to invade Iraq when we were in the middle of trying to get the Taliban in Afghanistan?

If your answer to the first question is "Because he was a bad guy." do you believe it is our responsibility to go around the world removing leaders we don't like? What about North Korea? Saudi Arabia? Don't even get me started on Africa. How can conservatives call themselves conservative when they support perpetual war for the benefit of the military-industrial complex?

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