Ladies; Would You Prefer Being Complimented By A Woman Or A Man?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I heard them discussing this on the radio today. They said women accept compliments from other women much more graciously than men.

Something to do with not thinking there are any ulterior motives for the compliment. I was just wondering if it was true.

Some say women are more open around other women and get a bit insecure around men. Thus hugging another women when you won't hug most men.


I just wanted to talk about something other than politics for once. I hate the negativity.


Women complimenting other women*|*Conducive Chronicle
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Oh, heavens no, Mud, they aren't thinking guys have ulterior motives they are "hoping" the guys are being truthful because girls undermine each other's confidence so much.
I am not a woman, but I don't try and figure this one out. Years ago someone wisely told me to not comment on a woman's looks or hair or dress for several reasons. I tried to make it a practice, and it made me look at co-workers and comment only on their work or integrity or something like that. It makes you look at women in the workplace as workers, not women first.

I am sure that a genuine compliment is in order at times, but I would only make one to a woman I know well, or have known for a ling time and she can be certain that I have no ulterior motives.

just my opinions.
I am not a woman, but I don't try and figure this one out. Years ago someone wisely told me to not comment on a woman's looks or hair or dress for several reasons. I tried to make it a practice, and it made me look at co-workers and comment only on their work or integrity or something like that. It makes you look at women in the workplace as workers, not women first.

I am sure that a genuine compliment is in order at times, but I would only make one to a woman I know well, or have known for a ling time and she can be certain that I have no ulterior motives.

just my opinions.

Seems familiarity makes it easier to give one.
Hmmm...I like to receive compliments from both sexes. It is possible that both have an ulterior motive for doing so, be it good or bad.
Some women are catty enough to give a compliment, and then turn their back in the same instant and tell another woman, or, even a man, that you really look like Robin Williams in drag.
Then, again...some women really do genuinely compliment other women simply because they like her. And, really do love her shoes, her hair, her outfit, handbag..etc.
Men are visual creatures by nature, so, when he tells you your hot, beautiful, pretty...have nice tits, he usually means it. Even if it's only to try to get into your pants. :lol:
I enjoy fashion, so if I give a compliment it is in that context and accepted as such. Further, a compliment regarding my manner of dress or a hat is more meaningful from a man than a woman.
Hmmm...I like to receive compliments by both sexes. It is possible that both have an ulterior motive for doing so, be it good or bad.
Some women are catty enough to give a compliment, and then turn their back in the same instant and tell another woman, or, even a man, that you really look like Robin Williams in drag.
Then, again...some women really do genuinely compliment other women simply because they like her. And, really do love her shoes, her hair, her outfit, handbag..etc.
Men are visual creatures by nature, so, when he tells you your hot, beautiful, pretty...have nice tits, he usually means it. Even if it's only to try to get into your pants. :lol:

You make a good point. Men generally do mean it, and sometimes all they want is to get in your pants. But other times, they jsut want you to know that they appreciate you and because we are visual creatures, we enjoy women who look good.
Hmmm...I like to receive compliments by both sexes. It is possible that both have an ulterior motive for doing so, be it good or bad.
Some women are catty enough to give a compliment, and then turn their back in the same instant and tell another woman, or, even a man, that you really look like Robin Williams in drag.
Then, again...some women really do genuinely compliment other women simply because they like her. And, really do love her shoes, her hair, her outfit, handbag..etc.
Men are visual creatures by nature, so, when he tells you your hot, beautiful, pretty...have nice tits, he usually means it. Even if it's only to try to get into your pants. :lol:

You make a good point. Men generally do mean it, and sometimes all they want is to get in your pants. But other times, they jsut want you to know that they appreciate you and because we are visual creatures, we enjoy women who look good.

I know guys that can't take a little jab in the ribs........and return it by trying to embarrass you whenever they can.

Those types are really insecure.
Sorry, I made a dupe by accident.

Muddy, it doesn't matter to me which gender pays me compliments. I take them all in goodwill, and it is the gesture that makes me feel good, more so than what they compliment me on.

In a business situation, I have remembered the compliments by men, much more so than women. These men were my managers, but I was their goal.

One woman co-worker hated me and gave me a rough time, because until I arrived, she had been the top salesperson, every month. For a year I tolerated her, without repercussion. When I left there, she bowed her redheaded head, and told me she "respected me." I thought I had not heard her correctly, as her head was looking down at her folded legs, where she was sitting. I asked, "pardon, Linda?" She looked straight up and me, with teary eyes, and repeated how she respected me.

I never forgot that. She was a strong headed woman, and unaccustomed to being humble. I am glad she did it, because I think it made her feel better about all the jealousy and grief she had tried to give me ( but never succeeded ) and I felt better about her, because it was a relief to know her truth. Win/win! :D We were each, cleansed.
Too deep for me, Aqua Athena, and have I told you today that you . . . ah, never mind.

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