kyle rittenhouse sueing in defemation suits

Some of the shitheads called Kyle a murderer AFTER he was acquitted of the murder charges.

He was called a "White Supremacists" even though there was not history of him being one and his self defense was against Whites that attacked him.

The Leftest lied about him taking an AR-15 "across state lines for terrorism".

That is blatant hate and was dishonest and he needs to be able get compensation for that.

Of course the assholes on the Left thinks that they can say anything they want, no matter how dishonest and hateful, and get away with it.
You have nothing but your feelings of white privilege to blame for that.

He was ill-served as a youth by the adults around him and will be further manipulated as a young adult. For reference see george zimmerman.

He got to beat up girlfriends with his fame.
You have nothing but your feelings of white privilege to blame for that.

He was ill-served as a youth by the adults around him and will be further manipulated as a young adult. For reference see george zimmerman.

He got to beat up girlfriends with his fame.
He sees dumb ass people rioting and looting, they were the cause..
You have nothing but your feelings of white privilege to blame for that.

He was ill-served as a youth by the adults around him and will be further manipulated as a young adult. For reference see george zimmerman.

He got to beat up girlfriends with his fame.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

He was a kid that was helping his community when attacked by filthy ass Left Wing BLM/ANTIFA assholes and they would have killed him for helping to put out a fire that they started if he had not had an AR-15 to defend himself.

He is innocent of any crime and you hate mongering Moon Bats can't stand that he was successful in fighting against the BLM/ANTIFA shitheads that you love so much.

Now he is going to be rich because of all the Left Wing hate publicly said about him. Cool Beans!
No Moon Bat you are confused.

He was a kid that was helping his community when attacked by filthy ass Left Wing BLM/ANTIFA assholes and they would have killed him for helping to put out a fire that they started if he had not had an AR-15 to defend himself.

He is innocent of any crime and you hate mongering Moon Bats can't stand that he was successful in fighting against the BLM/ANTIFA shitheads that you love so much.

Now he is going to be rich because of all the Left Wing hate publicly said about him. Cool Beans!
Dude, just stop with the bullshit.

I don't need you to spew more racism at me.
Dude, just stop with the bullshit.

I don't need you to spew more racism at me.

The bullshit is you stupid uneducated hateful Moon Bats being so damn upset that Kyle used an AR-15 to protect himself against a vicious attack by BLM/ANTIFA assholes that were in the process of destroying Kenosha.

You idiot Moon Bats were kissing the ass of the BLM/ANTIFA dipshits that were destroying America and can't stand the fact Kyle killed a couple of the assholes and wounded another one.
The bullshit is you stupid uneducated hateful Moon Bats being so damn upset that Kyle used an AR-15 to protect himself against a vicious attack by BLM/ANTIFA assholes that were in the process of destroying Kenosha.

You idiot Moon Bats were kissing the ass of the BLM/ANTIFA dipshits that were destroying America and can't stand the fact Kyle killed a couple of the assholes and wounded another one.
The dweeb needs to just go away. His 15 minutes are up and he's lucky to be on the outside of a prison cell.
You support Marxist terrororism against the businesses of innocent people, and do nothing but attack those trying to protect the businesses.

What else should he call you, dumb ass?
If you check earlier posts, I clearly said KR would be found innocent.
Fine, verdict came out, I had no problem.
Look it up.

What I'm saying about Kyle is that he is being a FREELOADER.
Someone said mean things.
Grow a pair of balls and move on.
But no, the pussy sues (or is going to sue) and you RWI's support this.

Aubrey's family should get no money
Floyd's family should get no money,
Rittenhouse should get no money.
Sandman, that fucker should get ZERO.

These people ^^^^^^^ all made decisions that brought about their situation.
Why are you ok with them collecting money from YOU, and all other tax payers.

You are so misguided.

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