Kurt Schlicter...conservatives need to fight, and take no political prisoners...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Now keep in mind, before the lefties on here wring their hands and complain about the tone or lie and distort what is being said here.............this is not meant in a physically violent way...that is what the left does, they fill mass graves with their violence...this is meant in the political arena...........to those who try to distort it...screw you.....you are the guys he is talking about....

Time For Conservatives To Get Medieval On The Liberal Establishment - Kurt Schlichter - Page 2

The base is done being the Establishment’s gimp; we’re looking for the GOP to get medieval. Conservatives must learn to take righteous pleasure in the destruction of our opponents. Progressives are bad people. Progressives should be beaten. Weshould celebrate their pain and their defeat. When these bloodstained collectivists lose, humanity wins.

But we have a GOP establishment that’s too wimpy to take its own side in a fight, much less humanity’s – or ours. No wonder a walking punchline like Donald Trump is walking all over them.

It's time to get serious. It's time to get ruthless. We either win or we are going to be enslaved to the metastasizing progressive monster forever. Instead of worrying that our enemies think we’re being mean, it’s time to let them know that we aremean.

Scott Walker knows how to deal. The public employee unions were his enemy, and he went for their collective collectivist throat. He defeated them. He didn't compromise with them. He didn’t come to some agreement that allows them to keep sucking the lifeblood out of working Americans to fund the liberal elite’s agenda. He crushed them under his heel and was rewarded with a symphony of pathetic whimpering from Madison’s libfascist wusses.

Their cries of anguish should delight our ears.

And we don’t need any more decorum cops like Mitt Romney sucking up to the libs and their MSM buddies by adopting their memes and chiding the likes of Ted Cruz for telling the truth. Hey, giving $150 billion to the Iranian mullahs means Obama is giving money to terrorists. That's called “the truth;” maybe you squishes ought to try it out instead of whining when GOP voters respond to it from others.

And, while we’re at it, giving the green light for an A-bomb to people who say they're going to blow up Israel is exactly like guiding the Jews to a new set of ovens even if hearing that makes fussy Jeb Bush uncomfortable. The only disturbing thing about Mike Huckabee's comment is that it caused me to agree with Mike Huckabee.

We need our new Grant and Sherman...that is what this primary should be about......we need to change the republican leadership and put fighters in all positions of leadership....just like the dems do...and then we march to the sea against this left wing jerks......

The far, far right reactionary weirdos will find out that we will go all America on their ass if they rise up. There will be no prisoners, indeed.
Now keep in mind, before the lefties on here wring their hands and complain about the tone or lie and distort what is being said here.............this is not meant in a physically violent way...that is what the left does, they fill mass graves with their violence...this is meant in the political arena...........to those who try to distort it...screw you.....you are the guys he is talking about....

Time For Conservatives To Get Medieval On The Liberal Establishment - Kurt Schlichter - Page 2

The base is done being the Establishment’s gimp; we’re looking for the GOP to get medieval. Conservatives must learn to take righteous pleasure in the destruction of our opponents. Progressives are bad people. Progressives should be beaten. Weshould celebrate their pain and their defeat. When these bloodstained collectivists lose, humanity wins.

But we have a GOP establishment that’s too wimpy to take its own side in a fight, much less humanity’s – or ours. No wonder a walking punchline like Donald Trump is walking all over them.

It's time to get serious. It's time to get ruthless. We either win or we are going to be enslaved to the metastasizing progressive monster forever. Instead of worrying that our enemies think we’re being mean, it’s time to let them know that we aremean.

Scott Walker knows how to deal. The public employee unions were his enemy, and he went for their collective collectivist throat. He defeated them. He didn't compromise with them. He didn’t come to some agreement that allows them to keep sucking the lifeblood out of working Americans to fund the liberal elite’s agenda. He crushed them under his heel and was rewarded with a symphony of pathetic whimpering from Madison’s libfascist wusses.

Their cries of anguish should delight our ears.

And we don’t need any more decorum cops like Mitt Romney sucking up to the libs and their MSM buddies by adopting their memes and chiding the likes of Ted Cruz for telling the truth. Hey, giving $150 billion to the Iranian mullahs means Obama is giving money to terrorists. That's called “the truth;” maybe you squishes ought to try it out instead of whining when GOP voters respond to it from others.

And, while we’re at it, giving the green light for an A-bomb to people who say they're going to blow up Israel is exactly like guiding the Jews to a new set of ovens even if hearing that makes fussy Jeb Bush uncomfortable. The only disturbing thing about Mike Huckabee's comment is that it caused me to agree with Mike Huckabee.

We need our new Grant and Sherman...that is what this primary should be about......we need to change the republican leadership and put fighters in all positions of leadership....just like the dems do...and then we march to the sea against this left wing jerks......
So...finally bring that gun to the fight. Ok....go for it.
This article is almost sad in its appeal to Republicans to get tough, which will never happen by the way, If anyone was sincerely interested in breaking heads it would have happened already and contrary to the OP the writer is advocating violence. How else do you interpret we need a new Grant and Sherman?
The GOP is gutless and the Tea Party is nothing more than talk. The screaming is coming from the 30 or so House members that subscribe to the memes of the far right and are toothless in every endeavor that they undertake. Nothing going on here folks please move along.
Funny thing is, a real Conservative can win here, easily, if they acknowledge that we are a Socially Liberal - Fiscally Conservative nation. That means no culture war and no wars that you don't need to fight. Gay Marriage is Equality and Let's get the fuck out of the Middle East? I'd vote for the guy.
The Democratic party are street fighters, they fight dirty and they play gutter politics. Nothing is off limits attacks on candidates kids, attacks on women, lies, its no rules. Meanwhile the GOP establishment just stands there while Democrats assault them, Dem's repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP does nada about it.
The Democratic party are street fighters, they fight dirty and they play gutter politics. Nothing is off limits attacks on candidates kids, attacks on women, lies, its no rules. Meanwhile the GOP establishment just stands there while Democrats assault them, Dem's repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP does nada about it.
So when are you going to learn to fight like men, or at least gay girls playing soccer?
If Conservatives are going to remain relevant, they are going to have to learn to compromise

Beginning with the Republican Party
The Democratic party are street fighters, they fight dirty and they play gutter politics. Nothing is off limits attacks on candidates kids, attacks on women, lies, its no rules. Meanwhile the GOP establishment just stands there while Democrats assault them, Dem's repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP does nada about it.
Actually the GOP cries a lot about it.
Conservatives talk the talk but can't even win in their own party....they are too extreme, even for Republicans

They need to tone down this "take no prisoners" rhetoric and learn to pick their battles. It has been a long time since conservatives actually won one
The Democratic party are street fighters, they fight dirty and they play gutter politics. Nothing is off limits attacks on candidates kids, attacks on women, lies, its no rules. Meanwhile the GOP establishment just stands there while Democrats assault them, Dem's repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP does nada about it.
So when are you going to learn to fight like men, or at least gay girls playing soccer?

Go ask the GOP establishment RINO's
The far right reactionaries are in fact the rinos that are called WHINOs.
Conservatives are not even respected within the Republican Party. They are unelectable outside small pockets in red states

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