Kucinich folds....as expected


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
How much does it take to change a vote?

Just ask Dennis Kucinich.

Did he cave or was he promised a bribe of some sort.

Or was it both.

If I was in his state I would never vote for that two-faced lunatic again.

In the past one of his endearing traits was his failure to compromise his principles.

Well that image has gone out the window.

I wonder what it was that changed his mind? He just spent several minutes talking about what he didn't like in the bill. So why did he really change it????
Probably since this is the closest thing we'll get to real reform considering the Republicans won't do shit when in office.
I wonder how much that cost us? More than a trip on Air Force ONe. YOu betcha!

I'm sure barry had a conversation with denny that went along the lines of, "the journey begins with the first step. I want what you want denny, but we have to ease into it. We're going to get there, but not right now."
Ya gotta love the power of a trip on Air Force One.
I wonder how much that cost us? More than a trip on Air Force ONe. YOu betcha!

Link that he made some secret deal and it's just not speculation that you're blowing smoke?

It doesn't matter if he really took a bribe or not.

It looks like he did.

The way this White House does business through bribes, threats, and intimidation...it's highly likely that he did.

One more reason to vote these lying weasels out of office.:cool:
I wonder how much that cost us? More than a trip on Air Force ONe. YOu betcha!

I'm sure barry had a conversation with denny that went along the lines of, "the journey begins with the first step. I want what you want denny, but we have to ease into it. We're going to get there, but not right now."
Ya gotta love the power of a trip on Air Force One.

Which is dishonest in itself.

Dirty politics at it's best.
He changed his vote so the healthcare bill would be able to pass

Looking good for finally getting healthcare after 60 years of trying

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