Krugman: GOP Austerity Causing Unemployment

Government school teachers most definitely are parasites.

Well great. Now it's official.

You're an ass hole.


Why, because I state a simple fact? I know imbeciles like you want to cast any criticism of teachers as beyond the pale. Sorry, but only hacks and toadies accept that characterization. Unionized government teachers are essentially thugs who hold our children for ransom to extort cash from us.

Government school teachers know with absolute certainty that if parents had the option of spending their money elsewhere, they would be out of a job.
That's why they lobby so hard to defeat any voucher initiative. That makes them parasites. Their services are not wanted. We pay for them at gunpoint.
Serious cuts in government spending will reduce demand and cost jobs. If spending cuts were going to be used to cut taxes, then there would an offset, however that is far form certain. I suppose one could argue that government becoming more fiscally responsible would encourage business expansion, however I think there are much stronger forces at work.
Government school teachers most definitely are parasites. They don't teach our children. They keep them ignorant and they indoctrinate them with leftist propaganda. People who provide a service you aren't willing to pay for are not productive. They are leaches.

The bureaucrats who rule us are also parasites. The department of Education does nothing I would pay for voluntarily.

Well it is obvious that in your case it did fail.

That's the typical cheap shot we all expect from boot licking liberal toadies.

I definitely didn't learn much in government schools.
Government school teachers most definitely are parasites. They don't teach our children. They keep them ignorant and they indoctrinate them with leftist propaganda. People who provide a service you aren't willing to pay for are not productive. They are leaches.

The bureaucrats who rule us are also parasites. The department of Education does nothing I would pay for voluntarily.

Well it is obvious that in your case it did fail.

That's the typical cheap shot we all expect from boot licking liberal toadies.

I definitely didn't learn much in government schools.

Just the truth as I see it.
Is this the same Krugman that thinks space aliens need to come save us? That Krugman?
Why not?

How many pounds of steak do you think the rich can eat?

You know it's funny. You're using now the exact same argument and reasoning I use for spreading tax cuts and not focusing them on the wealthy. Because honestly, how many steaks can one man eat?


The tax cuts were focused on people who pay taxes. I know that doesn't include losers like you, however.

You just made it plain that you believe government should tax everyone to the point where we are all allowed to keep only a certain maximum income. That idea is fundamentally a Marxist conception, but it is also the morality of a gang of thugs.
I am for a pure flat tax. Same percentage for everyone on all personal income and NO deductions at all.
No income tax at all and have instead a single flat national sales tax of about 16% except on food... That way all of the those working off the books would have to contribute as well. End any kind of need for tax filings and do away with capital gains tax; people should not be punished for what they can earn on their own money.
Conservatives don't want to believe this, but if the government fires people that means more people unemployed.

Hard to believe, I know.

no not actually, unless of course 7 trillion in 2.5 years isn't enough spending to you, so what do you suggest? we just continue to write checks on borrowed money to state public employee unions forever? or buy 600 dollar hammers?

Myth of the $600 hammer.
Interesting link. I've always wondered about that hammer. There have been other cases where a contract was cancelled as a cost reduction and all the research and development cost was allocated to the prototype. Then the media gets the information and uses it portray how wasteful government procurement is when in reality the government action saved the tax payer a lot of money.
Let's start with a simple formula-

GDP = C + I + G (+ or - Net Exports)
C= Consumption (normally the largest component of GDP)
I= Investment or Savings
G= Government spending

If we cut G (Government spending) we are going to have lower GDP, obviously. But is that going to cost jobs? Probably. But it doesn't matter. Obama's and Krugman's idea of "new jobs" is to create more Government jobs. The problem is Government jobs are non-productive. Government already consumes about 44 percent of GDP. This means the average American worker has to produce enough goods and services to support himself—and the overpaid, non-productive government worker.
No income tax at all and have instead a single flat national sales tax of about 16% except on food... That way all of the those working off the books would have to contribute as well. Close tax loopholes and do away with capital gains tax; people should not be punished for what they can earn on their own money.

all personal income.

Otherwise you give the haves an advantage in the tax code.
Why should wages be taxed and money made from "investments" not be taxed?

And if ALL income was considered the rate may be as low as 10%.
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I am for a pure flat tax. Same percentage for everyone on all personal income and NO deductions at all.
The income tax started out that way....Seems politicians like rewarding friends, punishing enemies and social engineering projects too much to just leave it at that.

Bet go back to funding the feds with the prescribed duties, imposts and excises, devolving services like road construction and maintenance (and tax collection for them) to the states, ending the federal welfare state and generally shutter up inane crap like the NEA, CPB/PBS/NPR etcetera.
No income tax at all and have instead a single flat national sales tax of about 16% except on food... That way all of the those working off the books would have to contribute as well. Close tax loopholes and do away with capital gains tax; people should not be punished for what they can earn on their own money.

all personal income.

Otherwise you give the haves an advantage in the tax code.

And if ALL income was condiered the rate may be as low as 10%.

Income tax is not nearly as profitable as a consumption tax would be to our GDP. Imagine being able to do away with the IRS and the myriad and expensive need for enforcement, if we did away with an income tax! As I said a flat national consumption tax would be just and fair as EVERYONE living and doing business in the US would have to pay. There would be no need to have tax shelters- money would stay in the US etc...oh and imagine the special interest lobbies that would disappear from our political landscape!
I am for a pure flat tax. Same percentage for everyone on all personal income and NO deductions at all.
The income tax started out that way....Seems politicians like rewarding friends, punishing enemies and social engineering projects too much to just leave it at that.

Bet go back to funding the feds with the prescribed duties, imposts and excises, devolving services like road construction and maintenance (and tax collection for them) to the states, ending the federal welfare state and generally shutter up inane crap like the NEA, CPB/PBS/NPR etcetera.

You mean like our father of America Washington did it with the Whiskey Tax?
I am for a pure flat tax. Same percentage for everyone on all personal income and NO deductions at all.
The income tax started out that way....Seems politicians like rewarding friends, punishing enemies and social engineering projects too much to just leave it at that.

Bet go back to funding the feds with the prescribed duties, imposts and excises, devolving services like road construction and maintenance (and tax collection for them) to the states, ending the federal welfare state and generally shutter up inane crap like the NEA, CPB/PBS/NPR etcetera.

Most, if not all, legislation targeted to solve economic problems actually goes after "symptoms" rather than the actual problems - which has the unfortunate side effect of making the original problem worse. The "symptom" is actually the correction mechanism for what went wrong in the first place. When the well meaning morons in Congress legislate away the symptom, they simultaneously legislate away the correction. Then the problem remains in the system or gets worse. That's why the simpletons in DC keep trotting out new Government programs to fix the last program, that fixed the last one, that fixed the last one, that fixed the one before it, etc etc etc.....
Conservatives don't want to believe this, but if the government fires people that means more people unemployed.

Hard to believe, I know.

no not actually, unless of course 7 trillion in 2.5 years isn't enough spending to you, so what do you suggest? we just continue to write checks on borrowed money to state public employee unions forever? or buy 600 dollar hammers?

Myth of the $600 hammer.

:lol::lol:thats the ticket bucko, pick the gnat out of the flyshit...very good:clap2:

how about the 400 dollar toilet seat, oops marked onw to 200 my bad...:lol:

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