Krugman: GOP Austerity Causing Unemployment

I don't know how the fuck you can blame anyone that wants to fix the problem that caused this mess. We must stop spending and taxing the living hell out of everything. We can't compete against Mexico, China or anywhere else because our businesses are drove over sea's rather then hire Americans because we can't COMPETE!

For the past 30 years this crap has been going on and Obama just wents to make it worst. Tax the fuck out of Chinese goods, NOW!

Cut the corporation tax 15%.
Cut the tax on the poor and middle class. If they can keep it=they will make there own wealth, which will then be able to spend within the businesses. Cycling back to more hiring.

NO MORE SPENDING on stupid things just to burn money.
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Socialists/Progressives created this awful mess. So they're not gonna be the ones to fix it. Time to look to 2012 for change.
Right, because Obama, has cut so much from the fucking budget that he can be considered as enacting austerity policies... :cuckoo:
Republicans know what they are doing....slash spending at all costs and then blame Obama for the resulting job losses
the buck stops where?

You still can't handle it you elected a pussy, can you?
As usual Krugman is lying. It's impossible for the Republicans to enact any Austerity policies while the Socialists still control the Senate & White House. There have been no Austerity policies enacted. So Krugman declaring them a failure is pretty damn stupid. When or if the Socialists get the boot,we'll talk.
Krugman is 1000% correct.

Government employment has been falling every month for quite some time now. The statistics speak for themselves. But most of the government job cutting is at state and local level where austerity is a very real thing.

Like it or not, any austerity measures that cause job loss in government means higher unemployment unless those job losses can be off set by higher private sector job creation. As it stands now private sector job creation has been okay for the most part, but because of losses in government jobs, the over all creation has been sub-par and resulted in 0 growth last month.

So the GOP can bitch all it like Keynsian economic theory and claim the theory is dead, but Krugman is 1000% correct in his assertion.
We must stop spending and taxing the living hell out of everything.

Huh? Spending dropped from 2009 to 2010. We see spending dropping more now in 2011. All while taxes are at historic lows.

You're either a liar or willfully stupid.

The President's (non-existent) budget for 2009 totals $3.1 trillion.

2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The President's budget request for 2010 totals $3.55 trillion.

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conservatives don't want to believe this, but if the government fires people that means more people unemployed.

Hard to believe, I know.
Where the fuck do you think Big Daddy gets the money to pay those bureaucrats, numbnutz?

Out of the 50% of us who pay FEDERAL INCOME TAX? maybe? it sure as hell ain't from the other 50% who happen to be leeches.

The rich consume most of the country's resources - isn't it fair they pay more taxes?
This chart shows yearly changes in government spending for goods and services.


As you can see, the numbers crossed over to the negative at the beginning of the year, and have been declining ever since. According to Krugman, the numbers correspond to slower job growth.

If government spending is necessary to sustain the recovery, is it crazy to pursuing cuts in spending now, while unemployment is still about 9%?

A link to what he actually is saying would be nice.... because he is very correct in his assertion.
Where the fuck do you think Big Daddy gets the money to pay those bureaucrats, numbnutz?

Out of the 50% of us who pay FEDERAL INCOME TAX? maybe? it sure as hell ain't from the other 50% who happen to be leeches.

The rich consume most of the country's resources - isn't it fair they pay more taxes?


The rich (top 1 to 10% of the population) CANNOT consume most of the country's resources and they ALREADY DO pay more of - nay most of- state and federal taxes.
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Krugman is 1000% correct.

Government employment has been falling every month for quite some time now. The statistics speak for themselves. But most of the government job cutting is at state and local level where austerity is a very real thing.

Like it or not, any austerity measures that cause job loss in government means higher unemployment unless those job losses can be off set by higher private sector job creation. As it stands now private sector job creation has been okay for the most part, but because of losses in government jobs, the over all creation has been sub-par and resulted in 0 growth last month.

So the GOP can bitch all it like Keynsian economic theory and claim the theory is dead, but Krugman is 1000% correct in his assertion.
Austerity is a myth in a nation that is spending over $3 trillion and where states are spending scores-to-hundreds of billions.

Krugman and his Keynesian economic witch doctor ilk are little more than economic heroin addicts going cold turkey, whose withdrawal hallucinations have little, if anything, to do with reality.
I wish our Government would enact Austerity measures. But they haven't yet. So Krugman's rant on Austerity is bogus. At least wait for it to actually happen before whining about it being a failure. Does Krugman even follow the News? They just raised the Nation's Debt Limit again. We are now $16 Trillion in Debt. So where's all this 'Austerity' Krugman is whining about? I don't see it. Just seems like another phony rant to defend his guy's awful mess. Par for the course for Krugman i guess. Lets see that Austerity first before we criticize it.
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This chart shows yearly changes in government spending for goods and services.


As you can see, the numbers crossed over to the negative at the beginning of the year, and have been declining ever since. According to Krugman, the numbers correspond to slower job growth.

If government spending is necessary to sustain the recovery, is it crazy to pursuing cuts in spending now, while unemployment is still about 9%?

First, the source of your chart isn't clear. Government spending is exploding, so I fail to see how government spending on goods and services could be declining.

Second, the empirical evidence has destroyed the theory that government spending improves the economy several times. Keynesian economics is dead. Only idiots and demagogues continue to espouse it. Which brings us to the third point.

Third, Krugman is a proven moron.

The chart is from FRED. It's from the Federal Reserve - St. Louis.

The "empirical evidence"? What evidence?

Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner.
Krugman is 1000% correct.

Government employment has been falling every month for quite some time now. The statistics speak for themselves. But most of the government job cutting is at state and local level where austerity is a very real thing.

Like it or not, any austerity measures that cause job loss in government means higher unemployment unless those job losses can be off set by higher private sector job creation. As it stands now private sector job creation has been okay for the most part, but because of losses in government jobs, the over all creation has been sub-par and resulted in 0 growth last month.

So the GOP can bitch all it like Keynsian economic theory and claim the theory is dead, but Krugman is 1000% correct in his assertion.
Austerity is a myth in a nation that is spending over $3 trillion and where states are spending scores-to-hundreds of billions.

Krugman and his Keynesian economic witch doctor ilk are little more than economic heroin addicts going cold turkey, whose withdrawal hallucinations have little, if anything, to do with reality.

BINGO!! :clap2::clap2:
A government that is big enough to give you things is big enough to take it away. Violently. I went a small federal government that works for the states.

Government has killed hundreds of millions of people and is NOT our friend. Government is a evil that must be chained to the ground and watched at all times.
This chart shows yearly changes in government spending for goods and services.


As you can see, the numbers crossed over to the negative at the beginning of the year, and have been declining ever since. According to Krugman, the numbers correspond to slower job growth.

If government spending is necessary to sustain the recovery, is it crazy to pursuing cuts in spending now, while unemployment is still about 9%?

First, the source of your chart isn't clear. Government spending is exploding, so I fail to see how government spending on goods and services could be declining.

Second, the empirical evidence has destroyed the theory that government spending improves the economy several times. Keynesian economics is dead. Only idiots and demagogues continue to espouse it. Which brings us to the third point.

Third, Krugman is a proven moron.

The chart is from FRED. It's from the Federal Reserve - St. Louis.

The "empirical evidence"? What evidence?

Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner.

As you can see ALL OF THE SPENDING that began in 2009 did nothing except to make things worse!!
Krugman is 1000% correct.

Government employment has been falling every month for quite some time now. The statistics speak for themselves. But most of the government job cutting is at state and local level where austerity is a very real thing.

Like it or not, any austerity measures that cause job loss in government means higher unemployment unless those job losses can be off set by higher private sector job creation. As it stands now private sector job creation has been okay for the most part, but because of losses in government jobs, the over all creation has been sub-par and resulted in 0 growth last month.

So the GOP can bitch all it like Keynsian economic theory and claim the theory is dead, but Krugman is 1000% correct in his assertion.
Austerity is a myth in a nation that is spending over $3 trillion and where states are spending scores-to-hundreds of billions.

Krugman and his Keynesian economic witch doctor ilk are little more than economic heroin addicts going cold turkey, whose withdrawal hallucinations have little, if anything, to do with reality.

NOT A DAMN THING HAS BEEN CUT. Just the rate of increase on top of the deficit, so instead of 1.6 trillion it could be 1.35-1.4 trillion adding to the debt. We will go past 20 trillion dollars in debt in 2020 at the rate we're going, but the left don't care. As long as they can spend, spend, spend.

You seriously think that devaluing the dollar is a wise idea?
Conservatives don't want to believe this, but if the government fires people that means more people unemployed.

Hard to believe, I know.

No, that actually means in the long run that more people are employed in real jobs. Putting more parasites on the payroll does not help anyone who produces something of value make a living.

The people who defend the country, teach our children, build our roads, and administer the laws of our country are not parasites. People who consume without working are parasites. Parasites = the richest people in our country.

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