Kristen Powers: Why Can't Obama Tell Us The Truth About Benghazi

Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

Actually wasn't the OP all about a liberal democrat claiming that Obama wasn't giving the truth? Truth is we know he didn't tell the truth, the question now is why. Of course her doing so could just be a false flag distracting from the real truth.

Keep up the good work Faux.

So, how the impeachment going??????

What's the point of posting the link? I skimmed it and I didn't see much of anything about the motive of the attack. If it wasn't over a video then what was the motive? That what I think is being hidden.

It is the Senate Report. I posted just in case anyone wants to go beyond the headlines and one liner gotchas.........
Kirsten has been transforming away from the Obama administration for some time.
She is very left, but at least she is an honest "lefty". She dropped her support for Obamacare almost immediately after it's inception.
As I have stated all along - ANYONE who still supports Obama is doing so out of ignorance or chooses to ignore the massive problems and consistently doing the opposite of what he says.

I just saw an ad for Obamacare and the woman said she saved a lot of money and her co-pay was less. She has to be lying. But that is what it was sold on so it is hardly surprising. And for those who don't believe go to the site and see for yourself, you don't need to sign up, not that you would want to.

If she was paying for coverage that Obocare requires all of us who don't need to pay for it's possible, but that's totally unfair.
Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

And which truth are you referring to?
You have to list which version, said by which person in order for us to know which 'truth" you are referring to.
Kirsten Powers: Why Can't The Obama Administration Tell The Truth About Benghazi? - Katie Pavlich

She's been pretty good about staying on target.

She's much better than Milquetoast Colmes.

BAIER: Kirsten, a lot of people push back and say to use a phrase, what difference does it make now? What about that thinking and the reporting on this?

KIRSTEN POWERS: Well, I think the reporting is important. And I don't understand why the administration can't just tell the truth about this, and that they keep saying things, as George just pointed out, we know aren't true. And we know aren't true from sort of unbiased sources. I mean the Senate intelligence report is not Fox News. He wants to blame Fox News for everything. It's not Fox News.

Every stone has been unturned, vetted, questioned and investigated, and you're still sniffing around the grassy knoll -- Trutherism.
Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

And which truth are you referring to?
You have to list which version, said by which person in order for us to know which 'truth" you are referring to.

As referenced in the first paragraph of the article. (opps, my bad, it was the 4th paragraph) Read it and you will be set free.
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If you like your insurance you can keep it period Benghazi was over a video I swear if this President walked up to some of you and kicked you square in the nuts when you were able stand up again you would thank him and ask for another.
What "truth" do they want now? What time it happened? If they were yelling or not? Who said terror and who didnt?
Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

So Kristen Powers is a birther ?

I was posting this because she's asking the question.

But, thanks for the rant.
Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

Actually wasn't the OP all about a liberal democrat claiming that Obama wasn't giving the truth? Truth is we know he didn't tell the truth, the question now is why. Of course her doing so could just be a false flag distracting from the real truth.

Putting "liberal democrat" in front of the wants of the GOP doesnt mean anything. What G5000 said still rings true
Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

Actually wasn't the OP all about a liberal democrat claiming that Obama wasn't giving the truth? Truth is we know he didn't tell the truth, the question now is why. Of course her doing so could just be a false flag distracting from the real truth.

Putting "liberal democrat" in front of the wants of the GOP doesnt mean anything. What G5000 said still rings true

[ame=]Howard Dean screaming loop. - YouTube[/ame]
Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

Actually wasn't the OP all about a liberal democrat claiming that Obama wasn't giving the truth? Truth is we know he didn't tell the truth, the question now is why. Of course her doing so could just be a false flag distracting from the real truth.

Putting "liberal democrat" in front of the wants of the GOP doesnt mean anything. What G5000 said still rings true

But that was the reason for the OP. it wasn't what some right winger said. So g5000 post was actually flaming and off topic so should be removed.

Keep up the good work Faux.

So, how the impeachment going??????

What's the point of posting the link? I skimmed it and I didn't see much of anything about the motive of the attack. If it wasn't over a video then what was the motive? That what I think is being hidden.

It is the Senate Report. I posted just in case anyone wants to go beyond the headlines and one liner gotchas.........

As I said, I read through it but not every word. Since you know where they spell out the motive for the attack would you please at least reference me to the page number? Thanks.
Actually wasn't the OP all about a liberal democrat claiming that Obama wasn't giving the truth? Truth is we know he didn't tell the truth, the question now is why. Of course her doing so could just be a false flag distracting from the real truth.

Putting "liberal democrat" in front of the wants of the GOP doesnt mean anything. What G5000 said still rings true

But that was the reason for the OP. it wasn't what some right winger said. So g5000 post was actually flaming and off topic so should be removed.

Haha! Report it, then. Whine hard.

Kirsten Powers is not a Liberal Democrat. The entire thread is a flame thread. The topic is off.
Putting "liberal democrat" in front of the wants of the GOP doesnt mean anything. What G5000 said still rings true

But that was the reason for the OP. it wasn't what some right winger said. So g5000 post was actually flaming and off topic so should be removed.

Haha! Report it, then. Whine hard.

Kirsten Powers is not a Liberal Democrat. The entire thread is a flame thread. The topic is off.

Changed my mind, I will report it as off topic and flaming, bet nothing happens.

Any way I am not sure how you can say she is not something she is, again that is something liberals seemingly like to do.

Kirsten A. Powers (born 1969) is an American political pundit and columnist. She began her career as a Democratic Party operative with the Clinton-Gore presidential transition team in 1992 followed by an appointment as Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Public Affairs in the Clinton administration from 1993-1998. She subsequently worked in various roles including press secretary, communications consultant, and Democratic Party consultant.[1][2] She currently serves as a contributor to USA Today, a columnist for Newsweek and The Daily Beast, and a political analyst for the Fox News cable channel.[1]

Powers formerly wrote a column for American Prospect Online.[3] Her articles have also appeared in USA Today, Elle, the New York Observer, Salon, and the Wall Street Journal. In 2005 journalist Ben Smith wrote that Powers was "emerging as one of the Democratic Party’s national voices."[2]

Now do you see the significance of what she said and the real meaning of the OP? Do you? Nah I suppose not.
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Benghazi nuts don't want the truth. They have been told the truth. What they really want is for their manufactured bullshit fantasy to be true. They will not be satisfied until Obama "admits" he was watching while they died, gave a stand down order, is happy his fellow Muslims killed some Americans, wants to see America destroyed, likes to suck dick, and secretly wears Nazi underwear when he goes out in public.

That's the "truth" they want.

And they will never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut the fuck up until they get it. They are just birthers in new masks.

Trolling and off topic, and flaming. Reported. The topic of the OP is not about Benghazi nuts but about a democrat operative asking the questions.
It's pathological. I'm serious. I'm not being sardonic, it's a disease.

These people lie like you and I breathe. It's almost an autonomic function to them.

Whenever they are confronted with an unpleasantry in which they may be culpable, their initial reaction is to lie. Every time.

Like a child does; except that, in a child, it's fairly normal and as good parents, we try to teach them not to do it.

But dimocraps never learned or were never taught or, more likely, never cared enough about those around them to pay us the common courtesy of honesty.

Which, ask any psychologist, shows a complete disregard for everyone but themselves and is symptomatic of narcissistic personality disorder. An ugly disease.

If you've ever known someone who is so afflicted, you'll understand what I mean.

Then there's always the bottom line... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

That about covers it :dunno:

Lying and or distortion--results from being a politician. There is no cure--it has no immunity between parties--they both do it.

The number ONE goal of any politician is to keep their own JOB. Everything else is put on the back burner--and if it means lying to keep their job they'll do it every single time.

Obama is no different. What you should look for is when has he told the truth?

Putting "liberal democrat" in front of the wants of the GOP doesnt mean anything. What G5000 said still rings true

But that was the reason for the OP. it wasn't what some right winger said. So g5000 post was actually flaming and off topic so should be removed.

Haha! Report it, then. Whine hard.

Kirsten Powers is not a Liberal Democrat. The entire thread is a flame thread. The topic is off.

Stupid bitch, she dated Anthony letmeshowyoumy Weiner and is a well-known liberal whose home is the Daily Beast, aka; Newsbleat.

The fact that she is honest.... Does that disqualify her from being a Liberal dimocrap scumbag?

I do believe that's what you're saying. 'Defend "The Cause" or you're not one of us.' Is that it, douchebag.

Kirsten Powers is, and always been a liberal democrat. She is the rarest form of liberal, however.

She is honest.
These repubs think their bullshit seaweed new attention just because of WHO they claim is asking. Silly repubs, the only person making it about about who is you. The subject is still bullshit. And claiming that someone is a liberal doesn't mean anything either.

Call her miss America and it's still bullshit. Report it and cry about it. Then build a bridge and get over it.
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