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Kraft will pay you 20 bucks to not make cheese cake

But I love cheesecake. What will they give me if I don't fix brussels sprouts?
Its just a marketing scheme by Kraft- get people thinking there is a shortage of Philadelphia Cream Cheese so they can get a run on the fine product.

There was plenty at Walmart earlier this week.
Okay I won't make cheesecake....I'll buy a cheesecake....
I never eat cheesecake, (can't stand the taste).

I could make a bundle off that decision.
You are a fool who fell for a marketing scheme & posted it for them for free on social media! :auiqs.jpg:

Idiots only get a slim chance in hell at $20 if they send in secret family recipe. What a joke!
It was on a major network you GD fucking idiot.

Supply chain hasn't any cream cheese you fucking fool

Only cream cheese you will get this yr is up your ass from your boyfriend
My only question about the Kraft company is do they still make the French onion chip dip? I haven't seen it in any of the stores here in my city and it was good.

God bless you always!!!


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