Koroma and his failed government must be held to account


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
It is criminal that the Koroma-led government deliberately underplayed and covered up the initial spread of the Ebola outbreak last year, allowing the virus to spiral out of control, as has been alleged in yesterday’s report by Medecins Sans Frontiere (MSF).

A February, 2015, report by the Sierra Leone Auditor-General, uncovered massive fraud of almost US $14 million, through bogus procurement processes used by the ministry of health and the Ebola Response Centre, blatant theft, and misuse of funds donated to combat the Ebola outbreak.

The president of Sierra Leone who headed up the national task force established to combat ebola at the time the fraud was perpetrated, is yet to explain what has happened to the funds.

Koroma and his failed government must be held to account Sierra Leone Telegraph

We would want to remind all those directly linked to the massive looting of funds meant for the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease that they were given seven days, by the Auditor General to come up with supporting documents in respect of massive looting of the funds meant for the fight against the scourge.

We have just taken a look again at a small area of the report and came across this -


Review of the records for the above contract revealed that the contract was awarded to Kingdom Security Logistics. Analysis of the contract in line with the NPPA rules regarding Sole-Source Procurement for Emergency Needs revealed significant audit observations on the lapses in the procurement process. These lapses have been summarised below:

1. Records such as procurement and evaluation committees' minutes and matrices to disclose how Kingdom Security Logistics was selected for sole sourcing for this contract were not submitted for audit review.

2. Clause 16.1 of the General Conditions of Contract (GCC) required the payment of an advanced payment of 60% within thirty (30) days of the signing of the contract, to be followed by the final 40% payment within forty-five (45) days of acceptance of delivery. The final payment of 40% was however paid even before the ambulances were tested or examined on delivery.

3. Even though the contract was between the MoHS and Kingdom Security and Logistics Services Ltd., we realised that payments were made to a foreign bank account of Uniworld General Trading LLC who was not a party to the agreement/contract held in the United Arab Emirates.
Money laundering of Sierra Leone s Ebola Virus Disease funds.

It's not looking good for Koroma.

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