Koch Bros Are Blinking

Why are people who inherited their wealth such conservative jerks, and why do middle class conservatives admire them so much?

They've done nothing impressive to earn their wealth. They got squeezed out of wombs, then did nothing to get written out of the will. Big deal. They should not have some much influence, and if taxing away their money, which is unearned anyway, is what it takes, I'm fine with that.
Why is someone on the left criticizing people who may have been disinherited for sympathizing with blacks and their plight back in the early 60s? My mom sent me to Mississippi with the neighbors one year with the hopes I would get a marriage proposal. On the night of this "hot date," all the young men in the town went into black town to "discourage" voting. After that, I decided prejudice sucked, considering the happiness these punks had the next day after their mischief and torture of innocent black people to insure they would not vote in the election for REPUBLICANS.

I decided the Republicans, who were the only white people defending blacks, were the party for me, and I've been one since 1971.

I'm proud of being a Republican.
What the hell is the left's fascination with the Koch brothers?


What a bunch of deranged moonbats.
They hate the Koch brothers who believe in the Constitution, Free Enterprise, and are conservatives. So they go back 40 years and dredge up files based on things that were legal back then and present them as though they happened last week.

It's called liberal fuzzy math in a time warp. :rolleyes:
Why are people who inherited their wealth such conservative jerks, and why do middle class conservatives admire them so much?

They've done nothing impressive to earn their wealth. They got squeezed out of wombs, then did nothing to get written out of the will. Big deal. They should not have some much influence, and if taxing away their money, which is unearned anyway, is what it takes, I'm fine with that.
Why is someone on the left criticizing people who may have been disinherited for sympathizing with blacks and their plight back in the early 60s? My mom sent me to Mississippi with the neighbors one year with the hopes I would get a marriage proposal. On the night of this "hot date," all the young men in the town went into black town to "discourage" voting. After that, I decided prejudice sucked, considering the happiness these punks had the next day after their mischief and torture of innocent black people to insure they would not vote in the election for REPUBLICANS.

I decided the Republicans, who were the only white people defending blacks, were the party for me, and I've been one since 1971.

I'm proud of being a Republican.

Yes, they WERE Democrats. They left the party.

All those Dixiecrat jerks are now in the GOP. They're your boys now, and their reputation for racism is yours too.
they :up: own the Repub party is our "fascination w/ them" you rw drone.
That is not true. In the Republican Party each person has one vote.

You Democrats should try playing on a fair playing field sometime. Oh, wait. The Unions won't allow it. You have to crucify da man. :rolleyes:
Why are people who inherited their wealth such conservative jerks, and why do middle class conservatives admire them so much?

They've done nothing impressive to earn their wealth. They got squeezed out of wombs, then did nothing to get written out of the will. Big deal. They should not have some much influence, and if taxing away their money, which is unearned anyway, is what it takes, I'm fine with that.
Why is someone on the left criticizing people who may have been disinherited for sympathizing with blacks and their plight back in the early 60s? My mom sent me to Mississippi with the neighbors one year with the hopes I would get a marriage proposal. On the night of this "hot date," all the young men in the town went into black town to "discourage" voting. After that, I decided prejudice sucked, considering the happiness these punks had the next day after their mischief and torture of innocent black people to insure they would not vote in the election for REPUBLICANS.

I decided the Republicans, who were the only white people defending blacks, were the party for me, and I've been one since 1971.

I'm proud of being a Republican.

Yes, they WERE Democrats. They left the party.

All those Dixiecrat jerks are now in the GOP. They're your boys now, and their reputation for racism is yours too.
Statistics, please. In link form, if you don't mind. I believe you have people who register as Independents confused with Republicans, who are equality buffs and have always been.
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Why is someone on the left criticizing people who may have been disinherited for sympathizing with blacks and their plight back in the early 60s? My mom sent me to Mississippi with the neighbors one year with the hopes I would get a marriage proposal. On the night of this "hot date," all the young men in the town went into black town to "discourage" voting. After that, I decided prejudice sucked, considering the happiness these punks had the next day after their mischief and torture of innocent black people to insure they would not vote in the election for REPUBLICANS.

I decided the Republicans, who were the only white people defending blacks, were the party for me, and I've been one since 1971.

I'm proud of being a Republican.

Yes, they WERE Democrats. They left the party.

All those Dixiecrat jerks are now in the GOP. They're your boys now, and their reputation for racism is yours too.
Statistics, please. In link form, if you don't mind. I believe you have people who register as Independents confused with Republicans, who are equality buffs and have always been.

Anyone who can look at a electoral map from the 60s compared to today can figure that out. It's not rocket science.
Koch Brothers and the Tea Party have only been around a couple of years. If you think it's them running this country into the ground you better sit down, I have something to tell you.
Why is someone on the left criticizing people who may have been disinherited for sympathizing with blacks and their plight back in the early 60s? My mom sent me to Mississippi with the neighbors one year with the hopes I would get a marriage proposal. On the night of this "hot date," all the young men in the town went into black town to "discourage" voting. After that, I decided prejudice sucked, considering the happiness these punks had the next day after their mischief and torture of innocent black people to insure they would not vote in the election for REPUBLICANS.

I decided the Republicans, who were the only white people defending blacks, were the party for me, and I've been one since 1971.

I'm proud of being a Republican.

Yes, they WERE Democrats. They left the party.

All those Dixiecrat jerks are now in the GOP. They're your boys now, and their reputation for racism is yours too.
Statistics, please. In link form, if you don't mind. I believe you have people who register as Independents confused with Republicans, who are equality buffs and have always been.
Lyndon Johnson on the Civil Rights Act - snopes.com

Comment: Did Lyndon Johnson really say "We have lost the South for a
generation" after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is sometimes
prefaced "legend has it," sometime it is said to have been a comment made
to Bill Moyers, sometimes to Jack Valenti, sometimes to both. The
earliest mention that I can find for it on Google Books is 1999, which
seems like a prediction made after the fact. Presumably if Bill Moyers
was the source it would be citable from one of his books, but I can't find
a verified citation. This seems fishy to me. I assume any qualified
Johnson scholar could verify the quote, or consign it to legend.

Bill Moyers (himself) notes the following in his Moyers on America (2004; p. 167), viewable via Google Books.

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
Yes, they WERE Democrats. They left the party.

All those Dixiecrat jerks are now in the GOP. They're your boys now, and their reputation for racism is yours too.
Statistics, please. In link form, if you don't mind. I believe you have people who register as Independents confused with Republicans, who are equality buffs and have always been.
Lyndon Johnson on the Civil Rights Act - snopes.com

Comment: Did Lyndon Johnson really say "We have lost the South for a
generation" after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is sometimes
prefaced "legend has it," sometime it is said to have been a comment made
to Bill Moyers, sometimes to Jack Valenti, sometimes to both. The
earliest mention that I can find for it on Google Books is 1999, which
seems like a prediction made after the fact. Presumably if Bill Moyers
was the source it would be citable from one of his books, but I can't find
a verified citation. This seems fishy to me. I assume any qualified
Johnson scholar could verify the quote, or consign it to legend.

Bill Moyers (himself) notes the following in his Moyers on America (2004; p. 167), viewable via Google Books.

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.

And voting practices would back this up.
I guess Beckie doesn't pay too much attention during elections.
The Kochs have backed to Tea Party all along, but now they see that they could lose a whole bunch of money if the country goes bust.

I can see it now.

David: WTF?!

Charles: How much are we worth now??

David: I can't tell! The market is crashing!

Charles: But we're diversified!!

David: Not enough. We have to stop them!

Panicked rich white men. I feast on their tears.

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