Knowing The Subject Matter......Matters.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.
Oh....and nutbags...the above is one of those posts with substance that you are always claiming to desire. Let's see if you can treat it accordingly.
Oh....and nutbags...the above is one of those posts with substance that you are always claiming to desire. Let's see if you can treat it accordingly.

Yeah, I've seen you do that before. Generally you can't hold it together more than a page or two.

I can't be bothered to get in it with you at this point in time, I have less time to kill than normal when I interact with you.

Good luck, I hope you prove me wrong!

For you.

Oh....and nutbags...the above is one of those posts with substance that you are always claiming to desire. Let's see if you can treat it accordingly.

Yeah, I've seen you do that before. Generally you can't hold it together more than a page or two.

I can't be bothered to get in it with you at this point in time, I have less time to kill than normal when I interact with you.

Good luck, I hope you prove me wrong!

For you.


Sweet! I'll drink a beer with anyone.
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.
Disagree with regard to Sanders but otherwise, yes – most republicans and conservatives have decided to pursue the politics of fear: to contrive lies in an effort to generate unwarranted fear (see: 'Ebola,' 2014 Midterms), and lies concerning the Administration's position on the issues, issues concerning security and foreign policy in particular.
Amazing how loony Laughter gets the Bullshit he does while most others see it COMPLETELY different!

  • Unbelievable: Hillary says Jerry Falwell Jr. is committing TREASON for anti-Muslim speech!
    The Right Scoop ^ | 12/06/15
    On “This Morning” with George StephanupinhillarysPocketopoulos, Hillary Clinton actually used the phrase “providing aid and comfort to ISIS” in describing Jerry Falwell’s comments against Muslims, which is an accusation of treason. Watch below: She’s kinda saying the First Amendment freedom of speech doesn’t apply if you’re talking about Muslims badly. In a sane America, this would be absolutely disqualifying for the presidency. But we live in Obama’s America. Is there a stealth creeping campaign by Democrats to delegitimize speech against Muslims for the aim of criminalizing like they did in Canada?
  • Hillary: I Didn’t Lie to Benghazi Families — It Was ‘The Fog Of War’
    Breitbart ^ | 12/6/15 | Pam Key
    Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing the uncovered email showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that “we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” prior to telling them it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack, Clinton said she did not lie to them but instead was caught up in “the fog of war.” (What? The bitch didn't use her excuse with BOSNIA...I MISSPOKE!!) When confronted by video clips of family members of Benghazi victims, Clinton said, “I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans....
  • George Stephanopoulos asked Hillary Clinton to explain why Donald Trump is doing so well
    Business Insider ^ | December 6, 2015
    Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump's strong standing in the Republican primary race can likely be boiled down to his time in the national spotlight. When asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Sunday about Trump's status as the Republican front-runner, Clinton said Trump's appeal was rooted in his long stint as a reality-television star....But Hildebeast, YOU were FIRST LADY for 8 YEARS and the feckless SENATOR FROM NEW YORK......Your NOT a reality-television star....YOU ARE REALITY, and PEOPLE DISTRUST YOU AND 60% SAY YOU ARE DISHONEST!!!

  • SCANDAL! Hillary Says 'Nuclear Option' for Iran, News Media 'corrects' to 'Military Option'
    SHE IS THIS STUPID, EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE OBUMANATION!!! ^ | 12/6/2015 | Hillary Clinton
    In her Saban Forum speech today, Hillary Clinton announced that if Iran breaks Obama's deal that the USA must keep the Nuclear Option on the table. Justice Breyer interjects, "correcting" her to say that the "Military Option" must remain on the table. The news media runs only the Breyer version, scrubbing Hillary's "Nuclear Option" quote...editing her speech to say "Military Option" instead of what she actually uttered.
Obama is going to tell ISIS what America plans to do again
Obama is going to tell ISIS what America plans to do again
If she knows her shit so well, she should go teach a class, as during her tenure as sec state she failed to be able to keep an outpost safe, much less the nation.

Those who can't do, teach. She and Barry should go open a school somewhere.

As if some softball interview with that self admitted sycophant Stephanoplois is anything more than a scripted commercial, as opposed to a display of actual intellect or acumen. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd been rubbing her feet while giving her all the head he could pack in during the allotted time.

She's a maggot and her character should come into question also. She is a lying sack of crap that couldn't give two shits about anyone but herself. It is utterly amazing that this isn't crystal clear to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.

If the options are this crazy bitch and trump it is no wonder people think we're morons....

I might vote for Sanders if thought he could win, which I don't, or if I thought he could do what he'd like to in some respects, which I don't. I don't agree with a lot of what he thinks, but at least I could respect him. These other two are both utterly nauseating.

I'm off to have a couple cocktails, hang christmas lights and forget for a few hours that we are as far into the drain politically as we clearly are if this is the best we've got.

If she knows her shit so well, she should go teach a class, as during her tenure as sec state she failed to be able to keep an outpost safe, much less the nation.

Those who can't do, teach. She and Barry should go open a school somewhere.

As if some softball interview with that self admitted sycophant Stephanoplois is anything more than a scripted commercial, as opposed to a display of actual intellect or acumen. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd been rubbing her feet while giving her all the head he could pack in during the allotted time.

She's a maggot and her character should come into question also. She is a lying sack of crap that couldn't give two shits about anyone but herself. It is utterly amazing that this isn't crystal clear to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.

If the options are this crazy bitch and trump it is no wonder people think we're morons....

I might vote for Sanders if thought he could win, which I don't, or if I thought he could do what he'd like to in some respects, which I don't. I don't agree with a lot of what he thinks, but at least I could respect him. These other two are both utterly nauseating.

I'm off to have a couple cocktails, hang christmas lights and forget for a few hours that we are as far into the drain politically as we clearly are if this is the best we've got.


Well.....isn't that depressing. Tell ya what.......on Election Day......get shitfaced and write in "Johnny Walker". You do t seem capable of making an educated choice.
It is truly the first attempt at anything of substance by the O.P. He got that right.

It also ought to be true that the Officials, like Obama, would have more access to data about foreign affairs...they should know more about what is going on than the average citizen....that is obvious...the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, all of them can give Obama the information---but they cannot understand it for him. If he will not listen....he will call ISIS a JV team just before they take Mosul; if he is a fool; he will say the ISIS is contained just before they hit both France and America; if he is a nascissistic ass, he will say there is no threat to America just before Lunatic Muslims hit us in California; and just after he will whine yet again about gun control---even though California already has most of the gun control laws he whines for.

So, your first premise, which ordinarily would be a Truth...something you have not sniffed not true here...the Sane American people do in fact know more about what is going on because they do not have their head up their Ass like our foolish president.

Second, you opinion that Hillary Clinton knows her shit bacause she impressed you answering George Stephanopols's questions. This Ass-Clown has been on the Clinton TiT his whole career, and so Hillary knew in advance every question he was going to ask...and her handlers, mainly her husband, prepared her answers for her. Why do you think she let Stephanapolis interview her; and why do you think she is scared to go let Megyn Kelly have a run at her?

I'll bet Stephanoploulas didn't ask her about the ridiculous Red Reset button she had the Russians play with. Putin has been laughing about that for 7 years...while he humiliates every aspect of the Clinton/Obama Foreign Policy.

I'll give you a B for effort, but an F for content. The effort was good, but you might need to just stay with the "Nutter" quips---looks like you have 35,000 of those so far. Lots of wasted time. I'm guessing you are a Federal Employee who posts on this board out of boredom after you have run all your Porn Sites.
It is truly the first attempt at anything of substance by the O.P. He got that right.

It also ought to be true that the Officials, like Obama, would have more access to data about foreign affairs...they should know more about what is going on than the average citizen....that is obvious...the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, all of them can give Obama the information---but they cannot understand it for him. If he will not listen....he will call ISIS a JV team just before they take Mosul; if he is a fool; he will say the ISIS is contained just before they hit both France and America; if he is a nascissistic ass, he will say there is no threat to America just before Lunatic Muslims hit us in California; and just after he will whine yet again about gun control---even though California already has most of the gun control laws he whines for.

So, your first premise, which ordinarily would be a Truth...something you have not sniffed not true here...the Sane American people do in fact know more about what is going on because they do not have their head up their Ass like our foolish president.

Second, you opinion that Hillary Clinton knows her shit bacause she impressed you answering George Stephanopols's questions. This Ass-Clown has been on the Clinton TiT his whole career, and so Hillary knew in advance every question he was going to ask...and her handlers, mainly her husband, prepared her answers for her. Why do you think she let Stephanapolis interview her; and why do you think she is scared to go let Megyn Kelly have a run at her?

I'll bet Stephanoploulas didn't ask her about the ridiculous Red Reset button she had the Russians play with. Putin has been laughing about that for 7 years...while he humiliates every aspect of the Clinton/Obama Foreign Policy.

I'll give you a B for effort, but an F for content. The effort was good, but you might need to just stay with the "Nutter" quips---looks like you have 35,000 of those so far. Lots of wasted time. I'm guessing you are a Federal Employee who posts on this board out of boredom after you have run all your Porn Sites.

Look at you! Thinking I've asked for your opinion on my effort! So special.
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.
Great post to start the shit Avalanche that your magic neeeeeeegoro will endure when he reads his TelePrompTer, the words of Val, Ben and Susan. Look forward to it.
It will matter in the debates no question. trump cannot hold his own in a debate, his whole schtick is 7th grade attack the person crap. Plays well in sound byte speeches to slobbering goobers but not on a national stage where substance matters like the debates between the various parties.

I personally don't think experience is that important as no president will have expertise in really any field. That is what a cabinet and the ability to call any human on Earth and get advice is for. But the person has to be able to make reasoned, educated, deliberative, informed decisions based on the information they get from the experts. The candidates I see that can do this last part are Kasich, Clinton, Sanders, Rubio, Bush, Christie. The rest are bloviating gasbags. Carson is a mental patient who needs a brain surgeon.
It will matter in the debates no question. trump cannot hold his own in a debate, his whole schtick is 7th grade attack the person crap. Plays well in sound byte speeches to slobbering goobers but not on a national stage where substance matters like the debates between the various parties.

I personally don't think experience is that important as no president will have expertise in really any field. That is what a cabinet and the ability to call any human on Earth and get advice is for. But the person has to be able to make reasoned, educated, deliberative, informed decisions based on the information they get from the experts. The candidates I see that can do this last part are Kasich, Clinton, Sanders, Rubio, Bush, Christie. The rest are bloviating gasbags. Carson is a mental patient who needs a brain surgeon.
Who did Clinton call...Elmer Fudd?
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.

Yeah, her competency is not in question. The woman imagines people shooting at her when leaving airplanes. She has discussions with dead people. She didn't know you can use one phone for two e-mail accounts, and you say her competency isn't in question?

Once the candidates are chosen and the debates start, we'll see which candidate tries to scare people. With the Democrats harping about Republicans having a war on these people and a war on those people, my guess is that the debates will be like they've always been; the Democrat candidate telling people what the Republican candidate wants to take away from them.
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.

It doesn't matter how much she knows if her ideology drives her to make stupid decisions, and that much has already been demonstrated.
It is truly the first attempt at anything of substance by the O.P. He got that right.

It also ought to be true that the Officials, like Obama, would have more access to data about foreign affairs...they should know more about what is going on than the average citizen....that is obvious...the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, all of them can give Obama the information---but they cannot understand it for him. If he will not listen....he will call ISIS a JV team just before they take Mosul; if he is a fool; he will say the ISIS is contained just before they hit both France and America; if he is a nascissistic ass, he will say there is no threat to America just before Lunatic Muslims hit us in California; and just after he will whine yet again about gun control---even though California already has most of the gun control laws he whines for.

So, your first premise, which ordinarily would be a Truth...something you have not sniffed not true here...the Sane American people do in fact know more about what is going on because they do not have their head up their Ass like our foolish president.

Second, you opinion that Hillary Clinton knows her shit bacause she impressed you answering George Stephanopols's questions. This Ass-Clown has been on the Clinton TiT his whole career, and so Hillary knew in advance every question he was going to ask...and her handlers, mainly her husband, prepared her answers for her. Why do you think she let Stephanapolis interview her; and why do you think she is scared to go let Megyn Kelly have a run at her?

I'll bet Stephanoploulas didn't ask her about the ridiculous Red Reset button she had the Russians play with. Putin has been laughing about that for 7 years...while he humiliates every aspect of the Clinton/Obama Foreign Policy.

I'll give you a B for effort, but an F for content. The effort was good, but you might need to just stay with the "Nutter" quips---looks like you have 35,000 of those so far. Lots of wasted time. I'm guessing you are a Federal Employee who posts on this board out of boredom after you have run all your Porn Sites.

Look at you! Thinking I've asked for your opinion on my effort! So special.

The opening sentence seemed to beg for attention and I was just trying to be kind...yet fair.

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