Knowing The Subject Matter......Matters.

If she knows her shit so well, she should go teach a class, as during her tenure as sec state she failed to be able to keep an outpost safe, much less the nation.

Those who can't do, teach. She and Barry should go open a school somewhere.

As if some softball interview with that self admitted sycophant Stephanoplois is anything more than a scripted commercial, as opposed to a display of actual intellect or acumen. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd been rubbing her feet while giving her all the head he could pack in during the allotted time.

She's a maggot and her character should come into question also. She is a lying sack of crap that couldn't give two shits about anyone but herself. It is utterly amazing that this isn't crystal clear to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.

If the options are this crazy bitch and trump it is no wonder people think we're morons....

I might vote for Sanders if thought he could win, which I don't, or if I thought he could do what he'd like to in some respects, which I don't. I don't agree with a lot of what he thinks, but at least I could respect him. These other two are both utterly nauseating.

I'm off to have a couple cocktails, hang christmas lights and forget for a few hours that we are as far into the drain politically as we clearly are if this is the best we've got.


Well.....isn't that depressing. Tell ya what.......on Election Day......get shitfaced and write in "Johnny Walker". You do t seem capable of making an educated choice.

And yet more "substance". I've identified the substance as dietary fiber. Doesn't even rise to the level of actual crap.
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.




As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.

I know a butt load of people who've hung around a pool table long enough to talk a hell of a game, when it comes to chalking up a cue and playing, their game kind of falls apart. The hildabeast has proven she can't even adequately administer one cabinet level agency, much less all of them.

As for the republican candidates, every one of them have as much foreign policy experience than your dear leader did on day one, some have more, just by virtue of being in government longer. And after eight years of your dear leader, character will play a very large roll in this next election.
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.

I know a butt load of people who've hung around a pool table long enough to talk a hell of a game, when it comes to chalking up a cue and playing, their game kind of falls apart. The hildabeast has proven she can't even adequately administer one cabinet level agency, much less all of them.

As for the republican candidates, every one of them have as much foreign policy experience than your dear leader did on day one, some have more, just by virtue of being in government longer. And after eight years of your dear leader, character will play a very large roll in this next election.

Yes. Character matters. That's evident by the current GOP primary polls.
As the nation.....and especially our diligent right wing nutbags.....prepares to hear the POTUS speak on the subject of terrorism tonight....we are reminded that having leaders who know the facts and details regarding international politics is important.

I am a Sanders supporter because I think he's got the right ideas regarding the economy and domestic policy. I'm less impressed by his knowledge of foreign policy. I think he'd develop in that regard as he's a thoughtful, measured person. But....he's got much to learn.

I watched Hillary Clinton give George Stephanopols (sic) a quick lesson on foreign policy and our national security this morning. Simply put....the woman knows her shit. It's really no wonder that the right wants to make this election about her character......her competency is not in question. If the frightened GOP base figures out that she knows more about foreign policy than every one of their candidates combined, this effort to scare the electorate will end up working in her favor.

When the most knowledgeable GOP candidate is Lindsay Graham.....and he's on TV this morning warning of an imminent 9-11 style attack from nutbags have your work cut out for you.

You can't win on the economy. You have lost on the social issues. Your only hope is to scare people into voting for a chest-beating war hawk. Good luck with that.

I know a butt load of people who've hung around a pool table long enough to talk a hell of a game, when it comes to chalking up a cue and playing, their game kind of falls apart. The hildabeast has proven she can't even adequately administer one cabinet level agency, much less all of them.

As for the republican candidates, every one of them have as much foreign policy experience than your dear leader did on day one, some have more, just by virtue of being in government longer. And after eight years of your dear leader, character will play a very large roll in this next election.

Yes. Character matters. That's evident by the current GOP primary polls.

Ok, that's it, that's all you got, really?
Oh....and nutbags...the above is one of those posts with substance that you are always claiming to desire. Let's see if you can treat it accordingly.
You just said you want a socialist to be president and you want to be taken seriously?

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