Kim Davis Is Winning

Look folks, I don't like this woman Davis. She is a religious nut. But she still has the right in this country to practice her beliefs and to deal with the consequences of her actions. Thats the issue here.

Not within the walls of a Government Institution, in the official capacity of a Government employee.

you are missing the point. She has the right to practice her religious beliefs, BUT in so doing she has to expect to be punished if practicing her beliefs violates any law.

Now, why don't those same principles apply to sanctuary cities?

She has every right outside of her time on the clock as an elected official carrying out the duties on behalf of the Government.

Start a thread about sanctuary cities- but don't conflate the two unless you are saying because they exist...then her violating the law is ok?

I never said that her viiolation of law was ok. Never.

But you dems and libs consistently say that its ok for sanctuary cities to violate the law. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. If you want a thread on sanctuary cities and why you think they should exist, start one.
Who here argues for sanctuary cities?

Why don't we go after the source of the problem? Illegal employers.
Then she didn't break her oath because nowhere in the Constitution does it guarantee anyone the right to marry anyone they want. And since not anyone can marry anyone they want Constitutionally, the states by default are the only ones who can decide who can marry, outside the 14th guarantees.

Nowhere in the 14th are "just some deviant sex behaviors" covered or mentioned. So...yeah. Kim Davis defied no law at all, because none as we understand the making of laws exists.

Nowhere in the 14th amendment did it say interracial couples could marry either & at one time that was thought of as going against natural law. But guess what? When it became lawful... the world didn't come to an end now did it- except perhaps to those barely standing upright who still scrape their knuckles along the ground.

Mildred and Richard Loving


On July 11, 1958, newlyweds Richard and Mildred Loving were asleep in bed when three armed police officers burst into the room. The couple were hauled from their house and thrown into jail, where Mildred remained for several days, all for the crime of getting married. At that time, 24 states across the country had laws strictly prohibiting marriage between people of different races. Five weeks earlier, the longtime couple had learned Mildred was pregnant and decided to wed in defiance of the law. In order to evade Virginia’s Racial Integrity Act, the pair had traveled to Washington, D.C. for the ceremony. Upon their return to Virginia, they were arrested and found guilty, with the judge informing Mildred that “as long as you live you will be known as a felon.” The Lovings moved to the relative safety of Washington, but longed to return to their home state.

In 1963, they approached the American Civil Liberties Union to fight their case in court. After an extensive legal battle, the Supreme Court ruled that laws prohibiting interracial marriage were unconstitutional. Although such laws officially remained on the books in several states, the Lovings’ landmark victory rendered them effectively unenforceable, ensuring nobody else would have to endure the same treatment. The last law officially prohibiting interracial marriage was repealed in Alabama in 2000.

Interracial Relationships that Changed History | PBS
This black guy on NPR said, I was born a crime", because he was a bi racial baby born in a state with such laws. I wonder if it was their kid.
This black guy on NPR said, I was born a crime", because he was a bi racial baby born in a state with such laws. I wonder if it was their kid.

Question: what does race have to do with deviant sexual behaviors? I would be friggin' so pissed off if I was black and being compared to compulsive ass sex. And you wonder why blacks aren't big on gay agenda stuff. Wonder no more. Ever hear of an insult?

You are borrowing their true and harrowing suffering so you can surf right up on the beach and wave your little rainbow flags around and declare that you've conquered society. It's beyond despicable. It's an outrage.
This black guy on NPR said, I was born a crime", because he was a bi racial baby born in a state with such laws. I wonder if it was their kid.

Question: what does race have to do with deviant sexual behaviors? I would be friggin' so pissed off if I was black and being compared to compulsive ass sex. And you wonder why blacks aren't big on gay agenda stuff. Wonder no more. Ever hear of an insult?

You are borrowing their true and harrowing suffering so you can surf right up on the beach and wave your little rainbow flags around and declare that you've conquered society. It's beyond despicable. It's an outrage.
It's OK until it happens to you, right?

I stick up for gays because its the right thing to do.

Being gay is natural. It is not evil or a sin either.
Being gay is natural. It is not evil or a sin either.
Newsflash, having dirty sex with the lower part of the digestive tract, spreading HIV through that bloodstream superhighway is not in any way shape or form "natural". It's as "natural" I guess as eating cat shit. Just playing roulette with those pathogens and risking spreading it througout the populace.

You can reach out to individual homosexuals as they struggle with their compulsive behaviors that are factually not natural or sane. But promoting them as normal is unforgiveable. If one boy child contracts HIV from your lesson of "try it, it's normal and natural", then you will have that on your conscience.

Monkey see, monkey do:

Comparing 2008 to 2010, there was a 12 percent increase in the number of new infections among MSM. Among the youngest MSM — those aged 13 – 24 — new infections increased 22 percent, from 7,200 infections in 2008 to 8,800 in 2010.

Gay is vogue now. New boys who would've never "been gay" have habituated themselves by the "try it you'll like it/it's natural" talking points the well-meaning but ignorant sychophants of LGBT are putting out there. And it's killing them.

Way to go! Kumbaya. Sleep tight. Dont' toss and turn.
This black guy on NPR said, I was born a crime", because he was a bi racial baby born in a state with such laws. I wonder if it was their kid.

Question: what does race have to do with deviant sexual behaviors? I would be friggin' so pissed off if I was black and being compared to compulsive ass sex. And you wonder why blacks aren't big on gay agenda stuff. Wonder no more. Ever hear of an insult?

You are borrowing their true and harrowing suffering so you can surf right up on the beach and wave your little rainbow flags around and declare that you've conquered society. It's beyond despicable. It's an outrage.

Oh, cry me a river you big baby. LOL, do you feel the same lack of intelligence for women's suffrage, as if there's no comparison either? You are so focused on the sexual part, that you can't see beyond your own hangups. Are hetero marriages defined by sexual practices alone? SHOULD they be? because that's all that matters to you.

I live in a state that was one of the first to have same sex marriage legalized & it hasn't threatened my marriage one bit. In fact, I just celebrated my 30th year anniversary over the summer, so save your outrage for someone who cares that you have some obvious oppressed thoughts.
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Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
The issue has nothing to do with 'the left,' just as it has nothing to do with 'religious freedom.'
Yes it has EVERYTHING to do with religious freedom.

It has nothing to do with religious freedom because in this case religious freedom doesn't apply.
Yes it does. Her religious rights are being trampled on but I am not going to waste my breathe or time typing to explain it to someone who already has his mind made up.

The right to pick and choose which laws you obey is not a religious right in the Constitution.
Being gay is natural. It is not evil or a sin either.
Newsflash, having dirty sex with the lower part of the digestive tract, spreading HIV through that bloodstream superhighway is not in any way shape or form "natural". It's as "natural" I guess as eating cat shit. Just playing roulette with those pathogens and risking spreading it througout the populace.

You can reach out to individual homosexuals as they struggle with their compulsive behaviors that are factually not natural or sane. But promoting them as normal is unforgiveable. If one boy child contracts HIV from your lesson of "try it, it's normal and natural", then you will have that on your conscience.

Monkey see, monkey do:

Comparing 2008 to 2010, there was a 12 percent increase in the number of new infections among MSM. Among the youngest MSM — those aged 13 – 24 — new infections increased 22 percent, from 7,200 infections in 2008 to 8,800 in 2010.

Gay is vogue now. New boys who would've never "been gay" have habituated themselves by the "try it you'll like it/it's natural" talking points the well-meaning but ignorant sychophants of LGBT are putting out there. And it's killing them.

Way to go! Kumbaya. Sleep tight. Dont' toss and turn.

LOL, would YOU ever try it & see if you like it? Somewhere in your being, you would have to have some inclination to start with. & in case you didn't know it... heres a newsflash-

Homosexuality has been around forever... always has been & always will be. It is found across all socio/economic & ethnic lines & not only doesn't gender matter... but you will find that it occurs in nature as well without all the bias & ostracizing that comes with humans. There will always be STDs, among homogays & heteros alike- who are too stupid to use protection, so even that you can't exclusively blame on gays.
This black guy on NPR said, I was born a crime", because he was a bi racial baby born in a state with such laws. I wonder if it was their kid.

Question: what does race have to do with deviant sexual behaviors? I would be friggin' so pissed off if I was black and being compared to compulsive ass sex. And you wonder why blacks aren't big on gay agenda stuff. Wonder no more. Ever hear of an insult?

You are borrowing their true and harrowing suffering so you can surf right up on the beach and wave your little rainbow flags around and declare that you've conquered society. It's beyond despicable. It's an outrage.
I would be offended if I were black and straight white America treated me the way you treat them. Comparing your bad behavior towards them and how its similar towards your behavior towards gays shouldn't offend them

Unless they are like you. It's OK as long as its not you.
Wow, some SERIOUS hate of gays/blacks/interracials here!
It's so weird, because I'm now 72 and it's the same crap I had to deal with being gay back in the day.
I guess it's true. "A bigot is a bigot through and through, all the way to the their blackened souls. Intentionally going through life with blinders on, they are forever blind to the truth."

Kim is just another BIGOT hiding behind the Bible (like they ALL do). Nothing more.

The Bible speaks against interracial marriage in several books, so I guess it would've been within Davis' rights to stop issuing "them people" marriage licenses too?

Then there's Leviticus. One messed up dude.

As well as gay people being an "abomination" he also preached that eating shellfish is an abomination. Why doesn't Kim get together with all of her religious fanatic followers and get out there picketing every seafood restaurant to force them out of business? As well as all the ones serving PORK. They are sinning against the Lord!

He also preached that children who disobey their parents should be put to death. If we followed the teachings of Leviticus, their would be NO CHILDREN in the world! But if you don't kill them (like Leviticus says you must do) then you're sinning against the Lord!

Kim and all these other religious fanatics need to point all those self-righteous fingers back at themselves and take a good look at what they do. Obviously, their prejudice has absolutely NOTHING to do with some religion, else they wouldn't be focusing their hate on GAY PEOPLE with all the other readily-available "sins" being committed all around them, every day. This is because these fanatics pic n' choose the parts of the Bible that support their personal bigotry and ignore the "sins" listed in the Bible that aren't so disagreeable to them (usually the ones they're committing themselves). How typical.

Why isn't she picketing all those straight "titty bars" which are ALL AROUND HER in Kentucky?
(Can you say LUST? It's one of the Seven Deadly Sins!)

Why not work on our country's inbred problem in the south to stop all the associated birth defects those children must endure for life???
(You're having sex with your relatives. It's a sin. Stop doing it.)

Why isn't she doing something about all the STRAIGHT couples who are NOT married and are living together, sleeping together, having sex (can you say FORNICATION?) and creating BASTARD children. It's become a totally acceptable lifestyle for straight people. Just watch any TV sitcom. These fornicators REFUSE to get married and instead commit multiple sins against the Lord on a daily basis! All the while telling me I CAN'T get married because of their religious beliefs? When they really mean only their PERSONAL beliefs? (Can you say BIGOT?)

The body is God's Holy Temple. People drink liquor which rots your liver (among other horrible things) and smoke tobacco which causes heart disease, lung disease and so many forms of cancer. Wouldn't she and all the other religious fanatics looking for a cause be better off picketing every single liquor store? As well as every retail business that sells tobacco? Their are literally THOUSANDS of retail businesses, again, ALL AROUND HER in Kentucky. People are POLLUTING and KILLING God's vessel by the thousands EVERY SINGLE DAY with these vices. Sinners! Why aren't these folks who are calling themselves "Christians" doing anything about this???

All kidding aside, Kimmy was being paid BY ME. Why on earth would I PAY someone to break the law and discriminate against me?

If you can't uphold and perform the duties of your government job . . . then YOU HAVE TO GET ANOTHER JOB. We don't pay people in this country for being bigots and if religion was an acceptable excuse, EVERYONE would refuse to do ANYTHING they didn't like and blame it on violating their personal Christian relationship with God. Are you kidding? Not in my America!

Oh yeah. And as for all the straight morons in here posting about anal sex, IT'S IN EVERY SINGLE STRAIGHT PORN I'VE EVER SEEN. So don't even pretend like you straight people don't do it yourselves. My sister's husband has been BUGGING her about it for years lol! Same with blowjobs. You think God only wants you straight men "spilling your seed" in a mouth? I guess it's only wrong when gay people do it, right?
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Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.

She went to jail. Nothing has changed. How is she winning?

Quote: "This is not a total victory for Davis—the order comes with pretty specific requirements for the clerk and her employees. For one thing, people have to be able to get a marriage licenses from the Rowan County Clerk’s Office: “Davisshall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples,”"

So..... she's done NOTHING other than take her money for turning a blind eye to something she CLAIMS is against her religion. Wow, winnaaaahhhh.

"Lawyers representing the Clerk’s Office have to file a status report every two weeks for the foreseeable future, ensuring that five of the six deputy clerks of Rowan County are complying with the law."

So, not only that, but she has lawyers breathing down her neck.

"Davis’s lawyers, however, have said she’s not satisfied with this arrangement; she claims that any marriage license that carries either her name or the name of her office would be a burden on her religious exercise. So, unless marriage licenses start carrying the name of another office, like the county executive, Davis will still have objections."

So, marriage licenses are being issued, she's not happy, she went to jail. The only "win" she's got is that she's become a minor celebrity for ignorant, bigoted people. Wow......
If she can't comply and apply the laws as they are written, she should seek a new line of work.

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